
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:05:30


*良言一句三冬暖 ,恶语伤人六月寒*
"I am reluctant to leave my present position.But I feel very frustrated,because I couldn't perform at my best.
You see:The company was formed 13 years ago.Everybody is complacent.So there is no room for further innovations,and development.
I feel handicapped.I wish I could do my very best,for the benefit of the company.But there is no chance to do so.For example,so&so and so&so.
I am confident that your company can give me more space to perform.I hope you would consider my application for the position of XX[职位
名称] .Thank you.
complacent = 自满
handicapped = 残疾(人)

The reason I want to quit is as follows:
firstly,considering the company has been established for 13 years ,there is no room for my development currently , besides ,the post is saturated;


The reason I want to quit is as follows:
firstly,considering the company has been established for 13 years ,there is no room for my development currently , besides ,the post is saturated;
secondly, Lack of opportunity to show individual capacity , such as XX and XX.
Taking into account of the two reasons, I would like to quit now


The reason I want to change my job is: Firstly, the company I work for now has been set up for 13 years and no more vacancy of improvement can be provided; Secondly, my presonnal skill cannot be fully-awared such as XX and XX. Refering to the two reasons, I want to quit.

There are two reasons for me to quit my last job: one is that, because the company has developed for 13 years, there are no more high positions for new staff like me, I could not develop a better care...


There are two reasons for me to quit my last job: one is that, because the company has developed for 13 years, there are no more high positions for new staff like me, I could not develop a better career there. And the second reason is that, I can not show my skills in XX and XXX. I could not perform as well as I am capable of doing.
Based on these reasons, I want to leave my current job.



英语翻译我想跳槽的原因是:现在的公司没什么发展空间,因为它已经建立13年,职务饱和;2。个人能力得不到发挥,比如说XX和XX。基于这两点原因,我想离开现在的公司 卷扬机钢丝绳跳槽的原因? 英语翻译翻译的内容是“他们选择跳槽的原因总结起来就是以下几种” 英语翻译:如今人们总是由于各种各样的原因跳槽 跳槽的意思在一些动漫中(支公司职员间的对话)出现跳槽...还有跳槽原意什么怎么产生的现在一般被怎样应用...等等..那所谓的别的公司工资比原来的高咯? 英语翻译ups快递公司招聘英语翻译,具体是从事什么工作,我想应聘,想准备的充分一点,现在又没工作经验,大家知道的话请详细描述 2014年能不能跳槽,事业遇到瓶颈,年后能不能跳槽?我是一名.net程序员,已经有五年的工作经验,现在的公司在张江,一个月收入大概在6000元左右,公司是国企很稳定,有一家外企愿意出我8000元的薪 跳槽的英语怎么说? 英语翻译job-hopping 跳槽这个,如果说不要跳槽动词,用个make 或是do 是不是都可以.job-hopping 这个是名词的说。呵呵 你决定留在一家公司的主要因素是什么,觉得满意现在的工作吗?现在跳槽的很多,特别是刚毕业的大学生. 我想跳槽可是又在待职 过二天去面试 假如那边的老板问我为什麼要离职?对我们公司有什麼其望 还有什麼要问 论文题目是:企业中跳槽现象的原因及对策分析,选题的依据和意义怎么写 英语翻译我想作为公司的名称, 芯片设计和电子封装有关系吗我想从事芯片设计方面的工作,但是现在有一份关于电子封装类的offer,待遇各方面都不错,还是外企.如果我将来想跳槽到芯片设计类的公司,这段工作经历对我来说 现在做水处理的公司很多 我想购买水处理 谁能推荐家 服务 售后 都有保障的公司没 请不要盲目的回答 英语翻译对不起,我知道***公司是一家伟大的企业,但出于个人原因,我暂时还不想离开现在的公司.不论怎样都非常感谢你的信息. 英语翻译现在的小翻译公司实在是太多了,我之前没接触过什么正规的翻译公司,有谁知道哪家正规一点?都帮我推荐推荐看看哪家比较可靠的? 安装化工管道前途我现在个工作是负责管道工程的,主要是化干方面.我现在在一家化建企业工作,我想问问做我这行的跳槽出来可以从事哪方面的?我主要是想自己创业出来的话,看可以接一些