
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:13:08


WHO's latest announcement on its website the public to prevent A (H1N1) influenza (Influenza A H1N1 influenza our country known),notes.1:How to protect yourself from influenza A H1N1 influenza?1,for those who show discomfort,fever and cough symptoms,should avoid close contact with; 2,wash hands,use soap to wash hands thoroughly; 3,to maintain good health habits,including adequate sleep,eat nutritious food,more exercise.2:When someone in the symptoms of influenza should be how to take care?1,the patients and their family were isolated from at least maintain a 1 meter distance; 2,taking care of patients,application of masks and other shelter cover shut and nose; 3,whether to buy from the store or home-made shelter should be discarded after each use or the use of appropriate ways to completely clean; 4,each contact with patients,they should wash hands thoroughly with soap; patients living space ventilation,and open the doors and windows to maintain ventilation; 5,if your country has emerged influenza A H1N1 influenza cases should be in accordance with state or local health departments required to deal with family members showed symptoms of influenza.3:If the feel of influenza infection should be how do?1,if you feel discomfort,high fever,cough or sore throat should stay home,do not go to work,to school or to other personnel-intensive areas; 2,plenty of rest,drink plenty of water; 3,cough or sneeze,cover with a disposable paper towel to shut up and nose,after which the tissue should be processed; 4,wash hands thoroughly each time hands are washed with soap,especially after coughing or sneezing should be so; 5,will tell their friends and family symptoms,and to avoid contact with others and so on.世卫组织在其网站上最新公布了公众防范A(H1N1)型流感(我国称甲型H1N1流感),注意事项.一:如何保护自己远离甲型H1N1流感?1、对于那些表现出身体不适、出现发烧和咳嗽症状的人,要避免与其密切接触; 2、勤洗手,要使用香皂彻底洗净双手; 3、保持良好的健康习惯,包括睡眠充足、吃有营养的食物、多锻炼身体.二:家中有人出现流感症状,应如何照料?1、将病人与家中其他人隔离开来,至少保持1米距离; 2、照料病人时应用口罩等遮盖物遮掩住嘴和鼻子; 3、不管是从商店购买还是家中自制的遮盖物,都应在每次使用后丢弃或用适当方法彻底清洁; 4、每次与病人接触后,都应该用肥皂彻底洗净双手;病人所居住的空间应保持空气流通,经常打开门窗保持通风; 5、如果你所在的国家已经出现甲型H1N1流感病例,应按照国家或地方卫生部门的要求处理表现出流感症状的家人.三:如果感觉自己感染了流感,应该怎么办?1、如果感觉不适,出现高烧、咳嗽或喉咙痛,应该呆在家中,不要去上班、上学或者去其他人员密集的地方; 2、多休息,喝大量的水; 3、咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用一次性纸巾遮掩住嘴和鼻子,用完后的纸巾应处理妥当; 4、勤洗手,每次洗手都应用肥皂彻底清洗,尤其咳嗽或打喷嚏后更应如此; 5、将自己的症状告诉家人和朋友,并尽量避免与他人接触等.