谁能帮我写一篇英文信件 急用!内容是写日常生活的!不要写的太深100字左右就行了!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 15:36:12

谁能帮我写一篇英文信件 急用!内容是写日常生活的!不要写的太深100字左右就行了!
谁能帮我写一篇英文信件 急用!

谁能帮我写一篇英文信件 急用!内容是写日常生活的!不要写的太深100字左右就行了!
Dear Allen,
[1] I just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion of your plans for the future. I hope you won't take offense, but will accept what I say here as some fatherly advice.
[2] I was quite surprised when I read in your letter that you had decided not to finish your studies at the university. I realize that Peter wants you to marry him this summer. But with only one more year to go, you would be well advised to finish. A year is really a short time, and later you will be glad you postponed getting married.
[3] As you know, my reaction to Peter was extremely favorable when I met him. He's an exceptionally fine young man and should be a good husband. But I suggest you complete your education first.
[4] You are twenty-one, a grown-up young lady old enough to make up your own mind. This is something you'll have to work out yourself. As your uncle, I have always tried not to interfere in your affairs and I don't intend to begin now. But, my dear niece, please do consider my words very carefully before you decide. Whatever you do, though, Allen, you know I only want one thing for you, and that is your happiness.
Affectionately, Uncle John

谁能帮我写一篇英文信件 急用!内容是写日常生活的!不要写的太深100字左右就行了! 请帮我写一篇英文信件100字左右,内容为Write a letter to my friend in England, 英文信件的格式我的信件内容已经几本写出来了,我想问问的是格式怎么写,是不是要空几格什么的! 谁能帮我写一个英文版的自我介绍谁能帮我写一篇英文版的自我介绍,最好写的好一点,还有内容丰富点,什么内容都可以,我急用! 给朋友写一篇关于房子介绍的一篇英文信件 谁能帮我写一篇勒布朗詹姆斯的介绍,要英文的.急用! 谁能帮我写一篇匹诺曹故事的简介,英文,三到五分钟.急用, 英文商务信件应该怎么写 英文信件结尾要写时间吗 求教怎么写英文信件地址 请问怎么写一篇给朋友的英文信件?最好有几篇范文~ 谁能帮我写一篇英文通知内容如下;主题;中国风俗习惯时间周五报告人王教授 帮我写一篇英文感谢信内容是:你的叔叔/阿姨给你买了一辆自行车送给你,你要写一篇感谢信! 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,急用谢谢了,假如你是某英文报社的编辑.下面是李华同学就自己的困惑给你报社编辑部所写信的部分内容,请你根据信的内容给他写封回信.词数在150词左右!Dear Editor,A 谁能帮我写一篇英语小作文?题目是《长大后我要当工人》 急用! 不便透露姓名时,英文信件怎样结尾?英文信件怎样结尾更好?不写姓名 英语~关于信件地址的写法!地址内容不会写,我的地址是中国江苏省南京市江宁区龙眠大道639号,C2-414 有没有人帮我写一篇关于讨论英语听力的作文要英文的哦以书信的形式,内容可以是介绍怎么提高听力水平,也可以是询问怎么提高听力水平,最好是两个内容都写一下,不要夹在一起两篇 急用,