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The key to happiness is both simple and complex.It is the sum total of more than 2,000 years of philosophy,psychology,speculation,and discussion about the meanings and sources of happiness.From Aristotle in 340 B.C.through to the modern thinkers,speakers,and writers of today,this key to happiness has hardly changed.It is the same for virtually all men and women in every country and all walks of life.The key to happiness is this:Dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do,and doing it better and better in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.
This is a big statement and a big commitment.Being happy requires that you define your life in your own terms and then throw your whole heart into living your life to the fullest.In a way,happiness requires that you be perfectly selfish in order to develop yourself to a point where you can be unselfish for the rest of your life.
Your happiness must come first
In Edmond Rostand's Play Cyrano de Bergerac,Cyrano is asked why he is so intensely individualistic and unconcerned with the opinions and judgments of others.He replies with these wonderful words:"I am what I am because early in life I decided that I would please at least myself in all things."
Your happiness likewise depends upon your ability to please at least yourself in all things.However,most people are reluctant to use their own happiness as the standard by which to judge the events in their lives.This is primarily because we let others define or affect what brings us happiness.And we often believe it is more important to make other people happy than it is to make ourselves happy.This is nonsense.
The key to happiness is to dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do,and doing it better and better in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.Human beings are happiness-driven organisms.Everything we do in life is oriented toward maintaining and increasing our level of happiness.We are psychologically constructed so that it is impossible for us to be any other way without making ourselves mentally and emotionally ill.The fact is that you can't give away to anyone else what you don't have for yourself.Just as you can't give money to the poor if you don't have any,you can't make someone else happy if you yourself are miserable.
The very best way to assure the happiness of others is to be happy yourself and then to share your happiness with them.Suffering and self-sacrifice merely depress and discourage other people.If you want to make others happy,start by living the kind of life and doing the kinds of things that make you happy.
Let happiness be your guide
Make happiness the organizing principle of your life.That is,compare every possible action and decision against your standard of happiness to see whether it would make you happier or unhappier.Soon,you will discover that almost all the problems in your life come from choices that you have made - or are currently making - that do not contribute to your happiness.
There will of course be countless times when you will have to do little things that don't make you happy in pursuit of your larger happiness.However,as Earl Nightingale said,"Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." You feel really happy only when you are moving,step-by-step,toward the accomplishment of clearly defined goals that you feel will enhance the quality of your happiness.
Since you can't be truly happy until you are clear about your inherent possibilities,it's important that you take some time on a regular basis to analyze yourself and identify your strengths and weaknesses.There is an old saying,"Success leaves tracks." You can look back on your life and identify who you really are and what you should be doing with your life.One of the best ways to do this is to constantly ask yourself this powerful question:
What one great thing would I dare to dream if I knew I could not fail?
Imagine that you are absolutely guaranteed success in the pursuit of a particular goal,big or small,short-term or long-term.Imagine that you have all the money,all the time,all the education,all the contacts,all the resources,and everything else that you could possibly need to achieve any one big goal in life.What would it be?This is a very important question because when you remove the limitation from your thinking,you often get a very clear idea of exactly what you should be doing with your life.Your greatest dream is an indication of your natural abilities and of what is really important to you.
All successful men and women are big dreamers.They imagine what their fortune could be,ideal in every respect,and then they work every day toward their distant vision,goal or purpose.Step-by-step realization of their ideal makes them genuinely happy.
How to Gain Happiness in Life
Happiness is different for every person,and each different type of person has a different habit to gain happiness.Man is a social animal.To live in this society we had to face many challenges of life.Life is not always bed of roses.Thorns are always attached to it.But we had overcome all these sorrows and had to gain happiness in life.To gain happiness in life it鈥檚 not as hard as breaking stones.Some changes in life is expected,while rest unexpected.Enrichment in human life is an essential element.Enrichment in life is secret to lead a happy and successful life.Without enrichment life would be dull.It will have no hope.
The ways to gain happiness in life are:
1.Keep life simple and love true
2.Give people a second chance
3.Never hate
4.Be a blessing to others
5.Be earth friendly
6.Live a life of serenity,not regrets
7.Don鈥檛 take things too seriously
8.be fair
9.Live within your means and within your seams
10.Set your heart in the things of heaven
11.be too notable for anger
12.Always smile
13.Give a lot
14.Look at the sunny side of life
15.Cherish each happy moment
16.Treat everyone with respect
17.Don鈥檛 let your possessions posses you.
18.Delight in simple things
19.Have allot for learning
20.Enough is abundance to the wise
21.Do random acts of kindness
22.best of all,be with GOD
To gain happiness man should posses "happy thoughts鈥?Then,by doing that "happy things:" More happy things people do they will feel happier.It is always better to avoid negative habits as depression,despair,worry,fear,or apathy,as they create dissatisfaction.Unhappiness comes from thinking about yourself,your problems,or your situation,in a negative or hopeless way.To reverse this,you simply need to reverse this; either A.) Start thinking about,serving,and helping others; or,B.) Teach,train,or condition yourself to start thinking more positively - more "happy thoughts." Happy thoughts lead to a habit of happiness; and people who are habitually happy are happier people than those who are not.If you want to be happy,be happy.Find something good,positive,uplifting,or fun to think about or do; and repeat this process as often as possible until it "sticks" with you.The way to happiness is to be happy; and that's no Secret.
Man should always possess positive attitude .Whatever may be circumstanced hope should never shatter.As behind every dark cloud there is silver lining.Man should be always being focused.People may say wrong about them he should avoid all the talks of others.But rather emerged as winners.Try to meet good people have faith in god and upon themselves.When god has given life then live the life at your zenith.Sorrows and joys are part of life,but man should find happiness that also,by doing things which gives him utmost pleasure.Positive and constructive thoughts will achieve anything you put your mind to do.
As it is rightly said Happiness is not a hereditary trait we are born with.It is implanted in us by our parents and those we love.It is up to us,then,to observe it,partake in it,and construct our lives around it.Think happy and you will be happy.

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