高分求要求的单词短语写一篇小文章old-fashioned appeal identityexpel permanent radical mature rebel make one's blood boil get rid ofgo too far talk over

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 13:21:56

高分求要求的单词短语写一篇小文章old-fashioned appeal identityexpel permanent radical mature rebel make one's blood boil get rid ofgo too far talk over
old-fashioned appeal identity
expel permanent radical
mature rebel make one's blood boil
get rid of
go too far
talk over

高分求要求的单词短语写一篇小文章old-fashioned appeal identityexpel permanent radical mature rebel make one's blood boil get rid ofgo too far talk over
it is not easy to look back,especailly when those unbearable past might have long been forgotten.but sometimes,if you want to move on,you have to learn how to face your mistakes with courage,even though the consequences might have cost you more than you could afford.however,my experience tells me that,whatever hurts you bad will not be PERMANENT...
my teenage life was not an ordinary one,to be more frank,i should say it was not a successful one.unlike many other kids of my time,i was much more REBELLIOUS than any of them did.i was quite infamous in going against rules.for one,i refused to wear proper school uniform simply because i thought it was OLD-FASHIONED,for another,when the school life no longer APPEALLED to me,i started to play truant even though teachers had TALKED OVER to my parents for many times,i just did not buy it and result could jolly well be imagined,i was EXPELLED from school.all these RADICAL acts MADE my parents' BLOOD BOIL.however,other than scolding,nothing much they could do.when i grew older,i started to see things and think in a MATURE way.only then,i realised i had GONE TOO FAR beyond people's tolerance level and my shameful past really hurted my parents very bad.from then on,i was determined to GET RID OF all my untolerable old habits and turn over a new leaf to be a better person.
Warren Buffett once said every saint has his past and every sinner has his future.if i can not be a saint with unbearable past,i still wish i could be a sinner with a hopeful future,because just like everyone else,i made mistakes.

高分求要求的单词短语写一篇小文章old-fashioned appeal identityexpel permanent radical mature rebel make one's blood boil get rid ofgo too far talk over 高分求一篇以“感恩自强,快乐成长”为主题700字左右的文章要求自己写哦,不要抄袭 高分求一篇作文、急!低要求 初中英语作文:假想你是一名歌手或运动员,写一篇你的假期计划的文章(50词左右) 高分求一篇关于邓小平理论与构造和谐社会的文章, 急求一篇生活小事引发生活哲理的小文章从生活小事中发现的人生哲理,要求写一小段文章.明天就要. 高分求一篇写傲慢与偏见中的一个人物的英语作文最好写主人公的,字数要求200字以上, 冰心写的文章有?求一篇冰心写的文章 除了一 只 小 鸟 写一篇春节的英语小作文不少于40个单词,要求:要自己想的. 写一篇英语的小文章(随便) 高分求一篇2000字左右的文章要求:庆祝建党90周年.党在我心中.体现出爱岗敬业的内容.体裁不限 求一篇关于春节的文章(要求:自己写的,字数300左右) 求一篇写竹子的作文(1000)不要单纯的写景,要求借竹子表达竹子的品质,然后感悟一些什么什么东西,最好是有点立志的,要符合中考作文的要求,我快中考了,想通过改写一篇高分文章.什么环 我需要写一篇描述图表和数据的英语作文,求一些常用的单词短语和句型 高分求一篇关于蛋白质结构或者核酸结构的论文写一篇关于蛋白质结构或者核酸结构的论文.要求:按照论文格式书写;1500字左右. 求一篇写亲情的文章,要求细节描写,800以上! 求《朝花夕拾》读书笔记.要求:按文章的每一篇来写读书笔记,字数100-200,可再多. 跪求一篇以”我国民主政治建设感言“为题写一篇小论文…!要求字数500以上…!我没写过论文不知道怎么写!如果写得好我还会追加高分! 以我的奋斗写一篇初三的文章,速度哦~高分~~`