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拉萨作为西藏自治区首府,是一座具有1300年历史的古城.位于雅鲁藏布江支流拉萨河北岸,海拔3650多米,是世界上海拔最高的城市之一.拉萨在藏文中为圣地或佛地之意,长期以来就是西藏政治、经济、文化、宗教的中心,金碧辉煌、雄伟壮丽的布达拉宫,是至高无上政教合一政权的象征.高原古城拉萨以其湛蓝的天空、清澈的河水、新鲜的空气和令人 赏心悦目的环境给八方来客留下了美好的印象.拉萨的水质和大气非常干净,是中国污染最少、环境最好的城市.

As the capital of Lhasa Tibet autonomous region,is an ancient city with a history of 1300 years.Located in the yarlung zangbo river tributaries north shore of Lhasa,at an altitude of more than 3650 meters,the highest elevation in the world is one of the city.In the Tibetan language for the holy land in Lhasa or to the meaning of the Buddha,have long been Tibetan political,economic,cultural,and religious center,splendid and magnificent potala palace,is the symbol of the theocracy supreme power.In the ancient city of Lhasa plateau the blue of the sky,clear water,fresh air and delightful environment to the guests left a good impression.The Lhasa water quality and atmosphere very clean,is China's pollution at least,the best city environment.

Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is a 1300 history of the ancient city. Located in the Brahmaputra tributary of the Lhasa River North, altitude 3650 meters, is the world's highest cities...


Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is a 1300 history of the ancient city. Located in the Brahmaputra tributary of the Lhasa River North, altitude 3650 meters, is the world's highest cities in the world.The Potala Palace in Lhasa in the Tibetan language is the meaning of the Holy Land or the Buddha, has long been the political, economic, cultural, and religious center in Tibet, magnificent, magnificent, is the supreme symbol of the theocratic regime. Plateau ancient city of Lhasa, with its blue sky, clear water, fresh air and very enjoyable environment to the guests from leaving a good impression. Lhasa, water quality and the atmosphere is very clean, is the least polluting the environment of the best cities.Undo edits


英语翻译拉萨作为西藏自治区首府,是一座具有1300年历史的古城.位于雅鲁藏布江支流拉萨河北岸,海拔3650多米,是世界上海拔最高的城市之一.拉萨在藏文中为圣地或佛地之意,长期以来就是西 首府汉语名称内蒙古自治区的首府呼和浩特的汉语意思是什么?西藏自治区的首府拉萨的汉语意思是什么?新疆维吾尔自治区的首府乌鲁木齐的汉语意思是什么? 西藏自治区的首府是? 西藏自治区新疆维吾尔族的首府是? 西藏自治区的首府是哪? 西藏自治区的首府是在拉萨有一座建筑,是为文成公主修建的____.牧民在草原上放牧时的房子叫____,高原之舟是____.藏族人迎接客人时通常要献上____. 西藏自治区的省会拉萨被称为什么 西藏自治区的省会拉萨被称为什么 西藏自治区的首府在哪里?最著名的宫在哪里? 英语翻译夏威夷的首府 我国5个少数民族自治区的首府名称.说说内蒙古自治区、西藏自治区、新疆维吾尔族自治区首府名称的汉语意思 西藏自治区青藏公路分局公司 在拉萨吗? 急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 假定地球大气是等温的,在0℃时大气压强p按p=p0e -0.127h次方分布,其中p0为海平面上的大气压,h为海拔高度(以km为单位),e为自然对数底,西藏自治区首府拉萨海拔约为3600 m,按0℃考虑.当海平 内蒙古自治区,西藏自治区,新疆维吾尔自治区这三个少数民族自治区的首府名称及它们的汉语意思? 西藏自治区 西藏自治区的首府是什么.这座曰光是逝接文成公主进藏而修建的什么.藏族喜欢吃什么 西藏自治区的首府是?,在日光城有一座建筑,它是为文成公主进藏而修建的什么? 下列行政单位属于民族自治地方的是A 广西壮族自治区 B 贵州白族自治州C辖有三个自治县的甘肃省 D西藏自治区首府拉萨市