
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:07:29


1) pork cut into 2 cm size pieces, onion into small pieces, ginger slice. The cinnamon, star anise, geraniol into the stew in the package.
2) do not put the oil pan, low heat, slowly fry 2 minutes into the pork until the fat part of the start up oil, slightly yellowish, you can turn to low heat fry noodles
3) fried pork on both sides to turn yellow, add dark soya sauce stir evenly.
4) The pork has become black and red color, add onion, ginger, rock sugar, pour boiling water over the material surface can not.
5) Add the stew package, with the fire to boil the broth, and then stamp, into a small simmer for 40 minutes, and finally into the salt, and water can dry fire the soup income.

1) pork cut into 2 cm sized pieces, onion into small pieces, ginger slice. 将桂皮、八角、香叶放入炖煮包中。 The cinnamon, star anise, geraniol into the stew in the package.


1) pork cut into 2 cm sized pieces, onion into small pieces, ginger slice. 将桂皮、八角、香叶放入炖煮包中。 The cinnamon, star anise, geraniol into the stew in the package.
2)平底锅不用放油,小火加热,倒入五花肉慢慢煎2分钟,直到肥肉部分开始出油,微微发黄,即可翻面继续用小火煎3)煎到五花肉两面变黄时,加入老抽翻炒均匀。 2) do not put the oil pan, low heat, fry 2 minutes into the pork Man Man, the beginning until the fat part of the oil, slightly yellowish, you can turn to low heat fried noodles 3), fried pork on both sides to turn yellow , add dark soya sauce stir evenly.
4)五花肉颜色变得黑红时,加入葱、姜,冰糖,倒入开水,没过材料的表面即可。 4) The pork has become black and red color, add onion, ginger, rock sugar, pour boiling water over the material surface can not.
5)加入炖煮包,用中火将汤汁烧开,然后加盖,改成小火炖40分钟,最后放入盐,调成大火将汤汁收干即可。 5) Add the stew package, with the fire to boil the broth, and then stamp, into a small


1 pork skins 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce 2 tablespoons rice wine 2 tablespoons white sugar 2 slices ginger, green onions 2 star anise 2 dried tangerine peel 1 cinnamon 1 Geranyl 2 water for a little ...


1 pork skins 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce 2 tablespoons rice wine 2 tablespoons white sugar 2 slices ginger, green onions 2 star anise 2 dried tangerine peel 1 cinnamon 1 Geranyl 2 water for a little bit of salt
1 Wash the meat into the pot, pour in the water you have not seen meat for 15 minutes after the opening heat it put out after a Xuemo cool, cool place after the pork cut into small pieces
2 Stir into olive oil and hot, add pork and stir 5 minutes, came out to Fry Sheng out
3, the pot cleaned into the 2 tablespoons of water, after water is poured into the sugar, when sugar into gas bubbles into the pork stir fried twice, and then into the dark soya sauce, cooking wine, stir together 2 minutes
4, the meat into the casserole (can also use Pork wok), add onion, ginger, star anise, tangerine peel, cinnamon, and geraniol and then pour half a glass of clean water so the meat is a small dip in the soup, the redeployment of a pinch of salt, cover and stew one hour of small fires can be


英语翻译1)五花肉切成2厘米大小的块儿,葱切成小片,姜去皮切片.将桂皮、八角、香叶放入炖煮包中.2)平底锅不用放油,小火加热,倒入五花肉慢慢煎2分钟,直到肥肉部分开始出油,微微发黄,即 英语翻译请高手帮忙按照中文菜谱翻译一下红烧肉的做法,中文菜谱如下:1、把买回的五花肉(就是那种瘦肉和肥肉曾层叠状的)切成1厘米见方(厚度不管,只管长宽);2、锅里放油(多放 一块长方体木料的长是3厘米,宽是3厘米,高是2厘米.如果把它切成大小为1立方厘米的小方块,那么可以切成( )块.如题,今晚家庭作业,很急 把一个底面半径是1厘米的圆柱切成两个同样大小的圆柱,表面积增加()厘米 有一个长方体木料长3厘米、宽3厘米、高2厘米.把它切成1立方厘米的小方块可以切成( )块 把一个底面半径是2厘米,高是4厘米的圆柱,沿着与底面平行的方向切成两个同样大小的圆柱,表面积增加() 平方米0.25立方米 = 立方厘米 小时25X598≈( )将棱长为2厘米的正方体切成棱长为1厘米的小正方体,可以切成( )块. 把棱长2厘米的正方体切成棱长为1厘米的小正方体,可切()块 如何做烧肉烩菜里的,用五花肉做的...就要过年了,妈妈着急要做烧肉,同志们,我说的是那种切成片的,再砂锅里煮的(大概是吧)烧肉,不是红烧肉哦 将一个长10厘米,宽6厘米,高5厘米的长方形切成两个大小相等,形状相同的长方体,切成的两个小长方体的表面积之和最大是( )平方厘米,最小是( )平方厘米 把一个长12厘米,宽9厘米,高4厘米的长方体切成4个大小相同的长方体,切成的4个长方体表面积之和比原来最少增加( )平方厘米?最多增加( )平方厘米 肉粽选五花肉还是精肉?五花肉的肥肉怎么办? 有一块长方体木料,长4厘米、宽4厘米、高2厘米,把它切成1立方厘米的小方块,可以切成多少块? 1:一个长方体地面是一个边长为20厘米的正方形,高为40厘米,如果把它的高增加5厘米,它的表面积会增加多少?2:一个长方体正好可以切成五个同样大小的正方体,切成的5个正方体的表面积比原 把一个长12厘米,宽9厘米,高10厘米的长方体,切成两个大小相等、形状相同的长方体.切成的两个小长方体的 一个长方体,长70厘米,宽50厘米,高65厘米.如果要切成大小一样的正方体,共可切成多少个这样的小正方体? 一个长方体的长6厘米,宽和高都是2厘米.现在把它切成3个同样大小的正方体,这三个正方体的表面积和是多少? 当水成冰时,它的体积增加了1/11,现在有水1.1立方米,结成冰的体积是()?用棱2厘米的正方形切成棱长1厘米的小正方体,可以切成()块?