来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 18:07:46
当每一天母亲把热腾腾的早餐,准时送到我们面前的时候,也许我们不曾为此感动过…… When every day mother put the hot breakfast,arrive on time when us,we may not have touched.当每一次父亲把学费交到学校,让我们能够无忧无虑的在学校学习,也许我们觉得那是应该的…… When every time my father to pay tuition fees to the school,so that we can be light of heart from care in school,we may think that should be.每一天,我们都享受着来自父母的无微不至的关爱.起床时准备好的早点,放学后精心搭配的晚餐,睡觉前温暖的被窝.父母竭尽所能,为我们提供最舒适的生活,最优越的学习环境!我们每一天都心安理得的享受着这一切,我们不但没有对父母表示感谢,还嫌他们管的太紧,太罗嗦,甚至有摆脱父母管束的想法.Every day,we all enjoy parental care.To get up early when ready,after school care with dinner,bed warm bed.Parents can,to provide the most comfortable life for us,the most superior learning environment!Every day we feel at ease and justified enjoying it,we not only to the parents said,too they too tight,too wordy,or even get rid of the idea of parental control.当我们与同伴们嬉戏欢笑的时候,我们的父母也许正在心急地赶回家、淘米、洗菜、煮饭……当我们甜美的进入梦乡的时候,也许我们的父母还在洗衣、扫地、洗碗……然而,这些看似平常的家务,平凡的事,我们有谁真正体会过这种平凡背后的辛劳呢?When we laugh and play with peers,our parents may be rushing home,wash dishes,to cook rice.When our sweet sleep,maybe my parents still washing,sweeping,washing the dishes we.However,these seemingly mundane chores,ordinary things,we truly experience this ordinary behind the toil?人们常说“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,而父母对我们的涌泉之恩,我们又何以回报呢?People often say "dripping grace,when Yongquan of",while the parents of our spring well,how do we return?小时候,母亲千辛万苦生下我们的时候,我们却以整夜的哭闹来报答她;母亲教我们咿呀学语的时候,我们却以置之不理来报答她;父亲将调羹放到我们手里的时候,我们却以把饭都掉到桌子上来报答他;父亲冒着风雨来学校接我们的时候,我们却以抱怨他来晚了来报答他……这些都是小时侯不懂事的我们对父母的“报答”.那么今天已经明白是非的我们是否应该在父亲节和母亲节上为父母献上一束鲜花或是制作一张卡片;在母亲做完家务后,帮母亲捶捶背;在父亲工作完后,帮父亲倒杯水,说一声“您辛苦了”.When I was a child,when our mother gave birth to go through untold hardships,we thanked her by crying all night; when his mother taught us babbling,we thanked her by ignore; father will spoon placed in our hands,we have to put the meal down onto the table to repay him; his father at the rain came to the school to pick us,we have to complain that he came late to repay him.These are small when ignorant of our parents."".So today already know is not whether we should in the mother's day and father's day for parents with a bunch of flowers or make a card; in the mother the housework done,to help her mother back; the father after work,helping his father,a cup of water,say "you have worked hard".父母为我们付出的实在是太多了,我们根本无法回报.但是,我们可以在一些琐碎、简单的事情上,给父母一个小小的回报,比如早晨或是晚上睡觉时对父母说一声“早上好”、“晚安”;在父母做家务时,帮忙做一些简单的家务:扫地、洗菜、煮饭……最重要的是我们应该好好学习,掌握知识,长大后成为国家的栋梁、父母的荣耀.The parents pay for us too much,we can not return.However,we can in some small,simple thing,give parents a little in return,such as the morning or at night when the parents say "good morning","good night"; parents do household chores,do some simple housework:sweeping the floor,washing dishes,cooking.The most important thing is that we should Study hard,master knowledge,grow up to become the backbone of the country,parents of glory.