初三英语练习题,语法好的进A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(unity/sentence)II选词填空a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb1 A _____ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the pr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 16:37:32

初三英语练习题,语法好的进A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(unity/sentence)II选词填空a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb1 A _____ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the pr
A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(unity/sentence)
a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb
1 A _____ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the predicate.
2 A _____ names.
3 A _____ takes of the place of a noun.
4 A _____ modifies a noun or pronoun.
a) adverb b) pronoun c) conjunction d) interjection
1 _____ shows strong feeling
2 _____ relates a noun or group op words
3 _____ modifies a verb,an adjective,or ANOTHER _____
III Identify the part of speech of each underlined word 我用括号了
a) noun b) preposition c) interjection d) verb e) adverb f) conjunction g) pronoun
1 There was not a cloud (in) the sky
2 Matthew Henson (reached) the North Pole in 1909
3 (Oh!)What a lovely surprise
4 The students (carefully) prepared for the test
5 The (report) is due tomorrow
6 I submitted a (cartoon) to the school paper
7 We sat (under) a shade tree
8 Will Tina (or) Ann lead the band?
9 Jennifer asked (me) for your address
IV Identify the word that is NOT the same part of speech as the others
1 a.writer b.ouch c.baseball d.sympathy
2 a.wow b.these c.huge d.green
3.a.she b.themselves c.across d.who
4.a.slowly b.outside c.later d.because
5.a.run b.work c.several d.think
6.a.on b.in c.is d.over
2 more~
I _____(can/ may) answer that question easily
Both armies _____(laid/ lay) down their arms willingly

初三英语练习题,语法好的进A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(unity/sentence)II选词填空a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb1 A _____ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the pr
a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb
1 A __verb___ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the predicate.
2 A __pronoun___ names.
3 A ___noun__ takes of the place of a noun.
4 A __adjective___ modifies a noun or pronoun.
a) adverb b) pronoun c) conjunction d) interjection
1 __interjection___ shows strong feeling
2 ___conjunction__ relates a noun or group op words
3 ___adverb__ modifies a verb,an adjective,or ANOTHER ___adverb__
III Identify the part of speech of each underlined word 我用括号了
a) noun b) preposition c) interjection d) verb e) adverb f) conjunction g) pronoun
1 There was not a cloud (in) [preposition] the sky
2 Matthew Henson (reached) [verb]the North Pole in 1909
3 (Oh!)What a lovely surprise [ interjection ]
4 The students (carefully) [adverb]prepared for the test
5 The (report) is due tomorrow [noun]
6 I submitted a (cartoon) [noun]to the school paper
7 We sat (under) [preposition]a shade tree
8 Will Tina (or) [conjunction]Ann lead the band?
9 Jennifer asked (me) [pronoun]for your address
IV Identify the word that is NOT the same part of speech as the others
1 a.writer b.ouch c.baseball d.sympathy B 非名词
2 a.wow b.these c.huge d.green B 非 形容词
3.a.she b.themselves c.across d.who C 非 pronoun
4.a.slowly b.outside c.later d.because because 非副词
5.a.run b.work c.several d.think C 非动词
6.a.on b.in c.is d.over C 不是介词
noun 名词
verb 动词
adjective 形容词
adverb 副词
proposition 介词 on,in,over,under,at,

sentence 用词汇组合表达一个完整思想的是句子
a, adverb

A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(sentence)
a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb
1 A __verb动词___ shows action or helps to make a statement b...


A group of words that expresses a complete thought is a ___(sentence)
a)noun b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb
1 A __verb动词___ shows action or helps to make a statement by linking the subject to the predicate.
2 A __noun名词___ names.
3 A ___pronoun代词__ takes the place of a noun.
4 A ___adjective形容词__ modifies a noun or pronoun.
a) adverb b) pronoun c) conjunction d) interjection
1 ___interjection感叹词__ shows strong feeling
2 ____conjunction连词_ relates a noun or group op words
3 ___adverb副词__ modifies a verb, an adjective, or ANOTHER ___adverb副词__
III Identify the part of speech of each underlined word 我用括号了
a) noun b) preposition c) interjection d) verb e) adverb f) conjunction g) pronoun
1 There was not a cloud (in) the sky -- prepositon 介词
2 Matthew Henson (reached) the North Pole in 1909 -- verb 动词
3 (Oh!)What a lovely surprise -- interjection 感叹词
4 The students (carefully) prepared for the test --adverb 副词
5 The (report) is due tomorrow -- noun 名词
6 I submitted a (cartoon) to the school paper -- noun 名词
7 We sat (under) a shade tree -- preposition 介词
8 Will Tina (or) Ann lead the band? -- conjunction连词
9 Jennifer asked (me) for your address -- pronoun 代词
IV Identify the word that is NOT the same part of speech as the others
1 a. writer b. ouch c. baseball d. sympathy -(b)
2 a. wow b. these c. huge d. green -- (a)
3. a. she b. themselves c. across d. who -- (c)
4. a. slowly b. outside c. later d. because -- (d)
5. a. run b. work c. several d. think -- (c)
6. a. on b. in c. is d. over -- (is)
