
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 17:57:20

要求用词:abandon balance character personnel above all pass away turn away hunt for

when Nancy's father was dead,She still didnt want to abandon the house which she was growing up with.Her mom worked really hard and also had unique character.her mom's week wage was not really enough even thou she balanced income and outcome very well.so Nancy decided to find a better job to help her mom.many personnels had given her some favours but some bigger corporations still kept her turning away.finally,there was a company decided to hunt her.she was really happy for her new job.but above all,she was happy that she could help her mom at last

After his father died, Nancy do not want to give up the house where she grew up and lives.Her mother worked hard, very character, amount to revenues, but she's a weekly or too little.Nancy then decide...


After his father died, Nancy do not want to give up the house where she grew up and lives.Her mother worked hard, very character, amount to revenues, but she's a weekly or too little.Nancy then decided to find a better job to help the mother.Personnel departments have provided a lot of help for her, but she was still shut out of some big companies.End up with a company decision to hire her.To her new job happy, but the most important thing is that she can help their mothers happy.



after his father died, Nancy woulnd't like to abandon the house which she had lived and grown up.after his father died.
her mother worked hard but paid too little. she had strong personalities and...


after his father died, Nancy woulnd't like to abandon the house which she had lived and grown up.after his father died.
her mother worked hard but paid too little. she had strong personalities and tried everything she could do.
and then Nancy deicided to look for a better job to help her mother.
Personnel departments provided her with a lot of help , but she was still refused by most of the big companies.
in the end ,a company decided to hire her.
she was happy for her new job. but the most important thing was that she could be able to make her mother happy.


烦帮我中译英这段文章父亲过世后,Nancy不想放弃她在那儿生活并长大的房子.她的母亲工作勤奋,很有性格,能够量入而出,但是她的周薪还是太少.于是Nancy决定找一份更好的工作帮助母亲.很多 童年节选父亲过世后. 《当父母老了的时候》阅读答案自从母亲7年前过世后,父亲独自生活到现在,其中孤苦寂寞的滋味可想而知.一天,我和弟弟专门腾出时间,帮父亲彻底做了一次清洁卫生.临走,父亲从书柜里取出 当父母老了的时候 阅读自从母亲7年前过世后,父亲独自生活到现在,其中孤苦寂寞的滋味可想而知.一天,我和弟弟专门腾出时间,帮父亲彻底做了一次清洁卫生.临走,父亲从书柜里取出一沓剪报, 我母亲的房子过世后给了父亲,现在找了继母,请问她有继承权吗?我外公过世后把一套私房留给了我妈妈,妈妈于2000年过世了,我父亲就把房产过到了他的名下,现在2010年4月在我和我哥哥不知情 母亲过世前买的商品房未办证,现在父亲想把房子给我,怎么办?基本情况:母亲过世前与父亲一起全款买了一套商品房,当时合同什么的都是写的母亲的名字,母亲过世后,未留遗嘱,父亲曾打算通 安徒生的故事的阅读答案 安徒生很小的时候当鞋匠的父亲过世了.不用了,俺老爸帮我解决了. 梦到过世的人淋到大雨 是过世的父亲 父亲过世了,孝字的黑袖章,作为女儿的我需要戴多久? 房产是继母的名字 父亲过世后 我有继承权么?1、房子是继母在与我父亲结婚前通过按揭购买的2、我父亲与继母同居了两年半后办理的结婚手续3、我父亲生前工资很低,只够自己生活费的,其 同学父亲过世,怎么发条慰问短信 英语翻译以下 请帮我翻英文 要通顺precious 和 baby ,他们两者之间都有类似的家庭背景precious 的父亲 让她怀孕 导致母亲不爱他 baby 的父亲和母亲十五岁时 就生下她 母亲过世 ,父亲在意毒品比 梦到过世的父亲来看你怎么解释?梦到过世的父亲来看你, NANC神经末梢是什么? 我非常感激你使我想起我的父亲.他已经过世了,我一定会记住你的忠告,我永远是鞋匠的儿子.同志们帮帮忙 父亲过世了,产权证明怎么办?父亲过世了,留下一套房产,是父亲的名字,我和妈妈哥哥都有继承权,现在我要和老公买经济适用房,但是需要公证处开一个证明,证明父亲留下的房子我能占有多少 我怎样才能帮到我的父亲? 人过世后尿床寓意什么?