
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 16:34:00


13 years of blood 158 times,doing AIDS volunteer for eight years.Yesterday,the small group of children Hao Lun Beijing You An Hospital received the Unfortunately,discount tory burch,the blood donation champion,who again and again to the train station for the AIDS patients discharged off the young man has been unemployed for seven years.
recognition:the prize is the backpack
12 1st is the first 21 AIDS Day yesterday,You'an Hospital convene a meeting,a grand volunteer organization in recognition of AIDS - in the outstanding volunteers.In the more than 3,000 volunteers,21 were given this title,Hao Lun is one of them.
prize but a backpack,holding it face Hao Lun guilt:.14 years old uncle had cancer,the last for some time by blood transfusion to sustain life - Hao Lun halo of blood,the blood can be life-saving,the scene left a deep impression.In 1997,a blood donation vehicle Gongzhufen appear first,every Wednesday & Saturday work.Hao Lun attached halo of blood to blood under the car six times,one to be two hours is not on the train.7th,19-year-old Hao Lun difficult to board the car donation,gave up his life in the first 200CC,since he made up his mind:8,tory burch shoes women,Xidan streets of the first car a blood donation,blood donation from the last 19 days Hao Lun just hug live,and once again blood.In 2002,suffering from erysipelas Hao Lun left leg,limped to donate blood.Blood Center of the crowd pulling his doctors twice said:/ p>
Today,Hao Lun offered once every 28 days blood components - almost offering the minimum time between blood components.In the past 13 years,most of the year he offered 24 times the blood,cheap tory burch,and this year has reached 15 times.13 years he presented a total of 70 pounds of blood.
dilemma:find a job is always the game is
2002,when London learned that Hao irregular blood donation,blood transfusion will be infected with HIV,he became You'an Hospital home The volunteers here have HIV,Medical students have also Hao Lun such staff.He then works in a bank,a month could get a lot of money.In addition to doing volunteer to guide patient treatment,the patients in the ward is accompanied chat.Hao Lun served in AIDS patients in the youngest only 3 years old,She.a; holding chef nutritionist wants the certificate,people have experienced.He just wanted a unit,one asked his greatest love in life is to the blood center and You'an Hospital,too,has gone.
He admits it can not share everything with his family,There can not be shared with the family 34 blood donation card,eye of a needle.
Morning News reporter Xu Jingjing Cui Hong,chief correspondent

Old man holding his son and daughter photos very sad.

Shangluo newspaper (Reporter Li Jie) Danfeng seeing a man with his common-law and gave birth to a woman , its 11-year-old brother fled...


Old man holding his son and daughter photos very sad.

Shangluo newspaper (Reporter Li Jie) Danfeng seeing a man with his common-law and gave birth to a woman , its 11-year-old brother fled after the killing. Recently, the anonymity he finally fled eight years in Hunan captured.
wedding day to find her sister but not his brother

, sitting in front of their own pair of couplets, the eyes filled with tears. Reserve Changxi three women and a child education. Day in 2000, like his wife's aunt long storage cousin - the county valley iron 27-year-old Dipu Town North Village villagers have come his way home stopping by text, long crush on the reserve like 17-year-old daughter a small reservoir will, after reservoir will have a small set of pro. Long after,tory burch on sale, a small reservoir will have to go with Cheng Wen Xian, a year later had a daughter. After the result of not making money, reserve small to be his father back home. Soon, Cheng Chu Changxi some brother home to propose marriage. Because the other stingy,cheap tory burch, storage Changxi did not agree.
2002 年 2 19, a small reservoir in the parents under the auspices of the previous engagement of people in a wedding ceremony. But the wedding day, the ceremony has been held over, has been seen to find a small storage reservoir will be 11-year-old brother Xiaoping.
next day, Danfeng County Public Security Bureau police station received a range of iron valley shop brother have reported the text, that way the text will be stored there in a ridge disappeared after the killing Xiaoping.
anonymity eight years of married himself away

Cheng Wen have fled after the murder, police immediately start the online Danfeng wanted. However, eight years later, has been unsuccessful.
November 7, Danfeng police suddenly received a phone Taojiang County Public Security Bureau, said the way the text has been captured. Rushed to the police immediately sent Danfeng Taojiang. According to reports, the arrest of the way the text has been living in Taojiang eight years, and has a wife and children.
the original text of killing process after storage Xiaoping, to take a ride on State Road 312 to Changsha. Soon, he Taojiang a food factory to find a job, and falsely claimed dry County in Shaanxi, the party called Yan Lin, 2003 and the same plant a woman Taojiang Wu cohabitation; now have a 4 year old girls. Meanwhile, Wu has been urged to process the text and some identification marriage license, finding a way to all kinds of excuses. November 7 this year, Wu told a friend the doubt. The text of friends that way there is certainly a problem to the Police, Cheng has caught.
According to the text and accountable way, the original home to propose marriage was against the reserves,tory burch shoes women, he would hold a grudge. Seeing a small reservoir with others will be married, he would await the revenge. Small reservoir will be the wedding day, Cheng was a trick play Chu Xiaoping relatives went to the wedding, Chu Xiaoping believed, would follow the ridge to one. See no one around, Cheng Chu Xiaoping has to start strangled, dead bodies, fled after the wild.
present, Cheng suspicion of manslaughter have been Danfeng County Public Security Bureau arrested.








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