
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 07:53:49


1,it is the 20th of January.
2,It is on the 29th of January
3,yes,they usually have a nig dinner ...
4,He visited his relatives Last Spring Festival and got some presents from them
5, 4 kinds of present,a calculator from ...
6,It is a skateboard

1、Toady is January 20th.
2、January 29th is Spring Festival.
3、Yes , they do.
4、Gao Shan got some presents from his relatives.
6、The skateboard.

1、January 20th.
2、January 29th.
3、Yes,they do.
4、Gao Shan visited his relatives and got some presents from his family.
5、He got four presents
6、The skateboard from his guandpa.

  1. January 20th

  2. January 29th

  3. Yes,peolple usually spend  time with their family to have a big dinner and visit ralatives.

  4. He visited his relati...


    1. January 20th

    2. January 29th

    3. Yes,peolple usually spend  time with their family to have a big dinner and visit ralatives.

    4. He visited his relatives and got some poresents from them.

    5. He's got 4 presents from his relavtives.

    6. His favorite present was the skateboard from his grandpa.


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