
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 17:54:01


Fan Jin come home, mother, wife Juge joy. Being burned cooking pot, we saw him Zhangrenhutuhu, holding a large intestine and a bottle of wine, come away. Jin Fan Zuoji to him and sit down. Hutuhu: "I have Daoyun, the daughter married you this - the world in recent years, I do not know how many tired. Plot now because I do not know what Germany, Daijia you in the months Xianggong, my band - He wine to you. "Fan Wei Wei Jin repeatedly called Gunjia the intestines cooked, hot from the wine, sitting in Maocaopeng under. Since the mother and daughter-in-law of cooking in the kitchen. Hutuhu son-in-law and asked: "Now you both in the Xiang Gong, and they should be erected to individual EC. Such as my acting, there are some decent people face, but also the long-you, you in our Zengan installed in front of buildings at the door if they do field, pull the soiled, but the people-first, if you lose Zuoji with him, on an equal footing, and this is a bad school rules, even my face is a disgrace. you are a rotten Zhonghou useless, so I have to teach them what you avoid joke. "Jin Fan:" Education is the father-in-law see. "Hutuhu again:" also married to the mother sitting here eating. elderly daily small Caifan , would also sad. girls, I also ate. since into your home, which for more than 10 years, I do not know lard can be back on February 3 had eaten! pathetic! pathetic! "Tuoba, two have to sit the Chilefan. Western eat after midnight, the Xunxun Hutuhu eat. Here mother of two, Qianenmoxie. Butchers Guangpi clothes, Tian went to the stomach.
The next day, Jin Fan worship Xianglin. Wei also about the good of a group of co-friends, and from each other. Because it is the Provincial Examination, the text will be done a few. June unknowingly to do, these people about co-Fan into Provincial Examination. Fan Jin was due to the lack of charges, walk with Zhangren deliberations, the Hutuhu an E in the face, and scolded a Gouxie nozzle, the Road: "Do not you lost time! Find yourself in a Xianggong, 'Fire shrimp widen to eat from Tianerou '! I heard people say, is that in the Xiang Gong, is not your article, or see Nilao master, Fu Guoyi, homes and you. now fond wanted to play a classic! in these overlords are heaven 'Wenquxing'! you do not see the city of your family who overlords have consistently furniture million, one Fangmiandaer? Jianzuihousai like you this, the spread parabolic look in their own urine! not three not four, Swan Pi wanted to eat! the earliest possible resumption of this heart, we must not act in the next year, you find a museum for a year searching for the two money, feed you that Laobusi of his aging mother and your wife is serious! you asked me to take Panchan, I kill a pig day also earn money to spend may not be regarded with you to throw in the water, the youngest He asked me to a northwest wind! "
Gaqigaba meal, scolded Fan Not into touch door. Resigned Zhangren back to the heart: "Master Huohou have to say that I am, without outside the ancient Juren, if he does not get a test examination, how willingly?" Due to several co-deliberations telling your Zhangren, to the city Provincial Examination. From the field, even home. The family is hungry 23 days. Was Hutuhu know, Youma a meal.
Chu Bang to the day, breakfast at home no meters, the mother told Jin Fan: "I am one of the hens lay eggs, you fast-forward with selling, buying or rice porridge to eat cooked meals, I was hungry The two are the invisible. "Fan hold the chicken into hurried out the door to. To less than two times before, only heard a sound Luoxiang, 3 MA Chuang future. The three individuals Xialema the Maquan in Maocaopeng, a voice yelled: "Kuaiqing Fan lords out of the high school Congratulations!" Mother is not even matter, scared hiding in the house; heard of, the dare Shenchutou, said: "you Qingzuo, children off." those reported in the humanitarian: "it was the old lady." Hi to everyone greeted the money. Being rowdy, but also Jiya horses, two reported that three of the report, a crowded housing estates, Maocaopeng underground filled. To the neighbours, Jizhao see. Meinaihe old woman, only Yangji a neighbor Quxin his son.
The neighbors set to crash, in a manner not found; straight sets to find Tung Tau, see Fan Jin holding chickens, inserted the hands of a grass superscript, a step, Dongzhangxiwang, where the search to buy . Neighbour: "Fan Xiang Gong, quickly go back! Congratulate you in the Juren, good news people crowded a house." Fan Road is to coax him into only pretend not to hear, Dizhaotou move forward. He ignored neighbors see the path, we must seize the chicken in his hands. Jin Fan: "I seize your chicken Zende? You do not buy." Neighbors: "in the quote you, is your son play transmitters miles." Jin Fan: "High neighbors, and you know I Today, there is no rice, chicken to help sell this, why this, to mix with me? I also different you stubborn, you go back to the stop, I miss Mo Maiji. "neighbors he did not see the letter, the chicken deprived of Pishou , been thrown in the ground, a pull back. People were reportedly met with: "Well, people upstart back." Going decorated with his remarks, Jin Fan three two steps into the house to see the hoisting of the middle has been reported with quote, wrote: "Good news Fan House lords your high school into Guangdong Provincial Examination seventh Asian dollar. Beijing reportedly even received a yellow. "
Fan Jin to see it stop, read it again, read it again, the two-handed shot himself about, laughed sound: "Good! Me in!" Then, a reference to the next fall, Yawan bite tight, unconscious. The old woman thrown into a panic by Panic, water could be opened up to a few. He will climb up, Bozhaoshou big laughs: " Me in!" Laughs infuriation, on Wangmenwai dash, recorded and reported neighbors are shocked. Road not walk out the door, in the Tang Li Yijiachuai, earn, or casual hair, a two-handed Wong Nai, a Linlinlili water. He can not pull everybody, stroking with a smile, has been the go-forward. Everybody look up to the small eyes, together: "the original upstart people happy crazy." Old lady cried: "Kuming how such things! In a what Juren, they must be tied in the face of this disease! This crazy, when will it well? "wife Hu:" good morning out Zende have to this disease! but what to do? "Yinlinji advised:" The old lady not flustered. today and we sent two people to be Fan of the classic. everyone here at home put some eggs rice, and the question was the son of a father who Shangzhuo again. "
Current Yinlinji have to take the eggs, to take the liquor, but also the struggle back to the meter, but also to capture the Liangzhiji. Kukutiti wife in the kitchen under-pack, with Cao Peng in the next. Neighbors also moved some Zhuodeng, reportedly recorded sitting Chijiu discuss his crazy, what to do. Recorded in the report, there is a humanitarian: "The next inverted have an idea, I wonder if a trip can Hangbude?" Everyone asked: "How minds?" That humanity: "Fan lords normally have fear most? Happy because he relentless, and sputum was coming in, a fan obsessed. now only dissolve his fear of this person to fight him a mouth, and said: 'This is what was recorded coax you, you do not have the.' He threatened to eat this, the sputum spitting, it will understand. "people are clapping and neighbors:" Dejin good idea, Miao Dejin! Fan lords fear, is the meat case, Hu father. good! fast-father to find. He would like to know is not in the Set meat miles. "is a humane:" Set meat, he Daohao know; from his first five Genggu Set on the east Ying-pigs, had not yet returned. fast He braving Quxin more. "
Towards the crash to a person, go halfway, Ouzhaohutuhu, following on the heels of a two-Shaotang, add meat to the July 8, Siwuqian money is to Xi. Met with the old lady inside, a woman told a lot of crying. Hutuhu surprised: "Is this not such good?" People outside a claim Hu father said. Hutuhu meat and the money, together with her daughter, and take out. Everyone in this regard with his deliberations. Is Hutuhu for: "Although my son-in-law, but now it done overlords is the sky the stars. Sky of the stars is not playing! I heard the vegetarian said: Striking at the stars in the sky, will be taken to fight a Hades 100 bar, in the 18-storey hell, forever may not be emancipated. me it is not done such a thing! "within a Jiansuan neighbors who said:" stop! Hu Daddy, you daily earn our living, white knife into the red knife out, I do not know Yama called on the judge in the Buzi mind you thousands of bar; 100 is added this stick, but also what a bear? Zhikong-kick down the bar, which also is less than T account of. save you or a good son-in-law of the disease, Hades Syria Gong, from the hell you put on the 17th floor, also unknown. "recorded at the humane:" Do not just tell jokes. Hu father, things have to be so, you Meinaihe, Contingency a contingency. "butchers by the public, however, only even Chenhsun Liangwanjiuhe, boost the courage of thethese carefully away, the usual way out of the ferocious, Vol volume The oil Huanghuang the sleeves, set to embark on. Yinlinji 56 all follow us. Drive out the old lady yelled: "married, you can only threatened one threatened him, he should not injured!" Yinlinji: "This natural, Dr Xiao told." Then, to have a.
Set to see Fan Jin is standing in front of a temple, these available hair, face sludge, shoes have fled one, uphold stroking fortune, his mouth yelled: "! In!" Hutuhuxiongshen like go in front, said: "damned animals! you in what?" will be a fight to mouth. Everyone and neighbours see this appearance could not help but smile. While the majority do not want a bolder Hutuhu played to, or fear of the heart in the end, it hands flutter up early, not hitting the second. Fan into a mouth because of this, but it also Dayun, and the collapsed. Yinlinji together approached for him clearing the chest, Chuibei heart, a half-day dance, gradually break up, eyes bright, not crazy. Lifting everyone, by the temple entrance of a surgical doctor sat on the bench. Hutuhu side, unknowingly hand seems to be hurt; own view, a slap in the face to Yang Zhao, but to no longer bend. The chagrin of their hearts: "Sure enough the sky 'Wenquxing' is not the fight, and now with the Buddha mind." Think, a lot of pain, and quickly asked the doctor seek a plaster words.
Fan Jin saw everyone, said: "I sit here and how?" And: "I am half-day, intoxication, such as general dreams." Yinlinji: "overlords Congratulations to the high school. Just-happy some motivate the sputum neighbourhood out several Koutan, well. Kuaiqing home to play transmitters were recorded. "Fan Jin said:" Yes. I also remember that it was in the seventh. "Fan into the side of the hair encouraged , a doctor asked by a pot of water-washed face. A neighbor has long found that the Yizhiwa, for him to wear. Zhangren see in the front, I am afraid, but also Laima. Hutuhu approached: "Xianxu classic neighbourhood I am not bold, the idea is your old lady, I persuade you of Central." In a humane neighbours: "Hu father the mouth of a cordial, Shaoqing Fan classic face, but also washing under Banpen lard! "another:" Daddy, you hand it may not be tomorrow kill a pig. "Hutuhu:" I also there! I have this Xianxu , Not too after Banshi also Zende on, I always say that every, I Xianxu this, CAI Xue and high, Pinmao yet, the city is the first House, Zhou House these lords, I have not such a decent son-in-law looks. you do not know, to offend you, I double this small old eyes, it is recognized person. think first, I long to my daughter in the home more than 30 years old, how much money to the well-off and I Jiqing, I feel fortunate, as some of her daughter, after all, with a classic Yaojia today really good! "Tuoba, laughs. Everyone laughed together. Seeing Fan Jin Xianlelian, herbalist and eat with tea, and go home together. Fan Juren ahead, with the butchers and neighbours behind. Butchers see son-in-law Clothes Houjin roller wrinkle a lot, for the way he pulled Dizhaotou dozens back.
To the house, butchers loudly yelled: "lords to the House!" Braving the old lady out, see his son not crazy, Chicongtianjiang. Everyone asked was recorded, and is already home to thousands of butchers brought them to send the money. Fan into Baidoa mothers, but also Zhang Ren. Hutuhu repeatedly disturbed: "to be more money, not you reward people." Fan Jin also thank the neighbors. Hutuhu busy shutting her room, not out. Powder each of the neighbors.
Jin Fan Ying-off, we saw squires come under the sedan chair, wearing Shamao, wearing a T-Malva sylvestris, the band Zaoxue. He is Juren origin, done last county magistrate, not static, fasting, with the coming Fan Jin, Ke-Ping Tangwu in the first, the two sides sit down. Zhang squires to chat: "with the WHO, in their homeland, always being close." Jin Fan: "Wansheng Jiuyang old man, just out, have not been met." Zhang squires: "just-see that the roster, the division of your high Shanggong to the county, is ancestor student, I was cordial and your brothers and the world. "Jin Fan:" Wansheng luck, it is not worthy. subglottic but Thanks to the old man, can be pleased. "Zhang four squires Wang will be the eyes of the eye, said: "Mr. Fruit World is poor." with the family in the hands of past years with a silver, said: "No brother but also that the King, I have the honour of HE-52, the World President at the time being. Habitat, in fact this may not be living, the future thanks to the parties, are not they. brother is a check availability on the streets in the East Gate, three-three, although not Xianzheng, are clean, and Learn WHO Mr. moved there to live, sooner or later, or ask more. "repeatedly Fan Jin, Zhang squires become urgent, said:" Friends in the world you and I well, as next of kin osteosarcoma general; if so, is a ceremonious. "Fan-accept the money, thank the Zuoji. Also Shuileyihui, Dagong deviate. Hutuhu straight, and so he went to the palanquin, Tangwu to get out into practice.
Fan into this money will be submitted to Gunjia open, a one white wire spindles, even if the two packets, called Hutuhu in, and his delivery: "fees father's heart, took 5,000 money to. this over 62 money, Daddy took to. "butchers of the money in their hands tightly clenched, fist SHU up:" This, you and the resumption. you - I used to, and how good also took back? "Jin Fan:" I see here in these two have money, if spent, and then seek to use father asked. "butchers of the fist quickly shrink back, to Yaoli Chuai, said his mouth : "all right, you now-classic phase and this at one Without money? his home the money, that is also home to the emperor than the more! his family's meat is my customer, a year is nothing to happen, and meat also used Siwuqian jin, why make such surprising silver! "Looking at her head and back, said:" I am Nalejian, you damned to plague the brothers also refused, I said: 'Regardless this non-classic Celecoxib ratio,the money was presented to him by a kind of bureaucratic Regardless not cherish. 'today Indeed! took money home to now, scolded died beheaded short-lived slave! "Shuileyihui, 1000 TU Xie million, Dizhaotou, to the laughter of Mimi.

When Fan Qing had washed and drunk the tea brought him by the hunchback,they all started back,Fan Qin in front,Butcher Huand theenighbours behind.The butcher ,noticing that the seat of his s...


When Fan Qing had washed and drunk the tea brought him by the hunchback,they all started back,Fan Qin in front,Butcher Huand theenighbours behind.The butcher ,noticing that the seat of his son-in-law's gown was crumpled ,kept bendoingforward all the way home to tug out the creases for him.
When they reached FanQin's house,Butcher Hu shouted:"The master is back!" The old lady came out to greet them,and was overjoyedto find her son no longer mad.The heralds,she told them,had already been sent off with the money that Butcher Hu had brought,Fan Qin bowed to his mother and thanked his father-in-law,making Butcher Hu so embarrassed that he mutteredd,"That bit of money was nothing."
After thanking the neighbours too,Fan Qin was just going to sit down when a smart-lookingretainer hurried in,holding a big red card,and announced,"Mr,Qhang has come to pay his respects to the newly successful Mr.Fan."
By thistime the sedan-chair wasalready at the door. Butcher Hu dived into his daughter's room and dared not come out,while the neighbours scattered inh all directions. Fan Qin went out to welcome the visitor,who was one of the local gentry,and Mr.Zhang alighted from the chair and came in .He was wearing an officeal's gauze cap ,sunflower coloured gown ,gilded belt and black shoes.He was provincial graduate,who had served as a magistrate.His full name was Zhang Jingzhai.He and FanQin made way for each other ceremoniously,and once inside the house bowed to each other as equals and sat down in the places of guest and host.Mr.Zhang began the conversation.
"sir," he said ,"althouth we live in the same province ,Ihave never been able to call on you."
"I have long respected you,"replied Fan Qin, "but have never had the chance to pay you a visit."
