
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:24:00


playing basketball is my favourite sport,and i have played for many years.i remember that basketball has brought me lots of joys and funs when i was a child.now,i am a player in our school basketball team and i am proud of that.everytime when our school have match with other schools,i will very happy that i can be one of the representive of my school,and the time when i heard the students who watched the match cheer for us,i would try my best to shoot.my favourite basketball player is Yaoming,i hope i can represent my country one day.打篮球是我最喜爱的运动,我打篮球已经有好多年了.我还记得,在我还是小孩子的时候,篮球给我带来了很多的欢乐.现在,我是我们学校篮球队里的一员,我觉得很自豪.每当我们学校与其他学校有比赛,我都很高兴,因为我能代表我的学校参加.当我听到看比赛的同学在为我们欢呼的时候,我会很努力地进球.我的偶像是姚明,我希望终有一天我也能够代表我们的国家去比赛.i think we are lucky that we live in China,because we can try different kinds of climates in one year.spring.the whole year's work depends on a good start in Spring.and in this season,the famers is busy in sowing.but for me,i am not much like this season because it rains a lot.summer.summer is my most favourite season in the year,because i can go swimming with my sister and enjoy the sunshine.autumn.autumn is a beautiful season and you can see the fallen leaves on the streets.autumn is a harviest season that you can have lots of fruits to enjoy.winter.winter is quite cold here,but for our children,we can make snowman with the snow.it is another funny things we can enjoy.我想,生活在中国是一件很幸运的事,因为我们可以在一年之内尝试到各种气候.春天,一年之计在于春.在这个季节里,农民们都忙于播种.对于我来时,我不大喜欢这个季节,因为春天经常都会下雨 夏天,夏天是我一年中最喜爱的季节,因为我可以跟我妹妹一起游泳和享受阳光 秋天,秋天是一个美丽的季节,在大街上你可以看到满地的落叶.秋天也是一个丰收的季节,在这个季节里你可以品尝到很多水果.冬天,这里的冬天有点冷,但是对于我们小孩子来说,我们可以用雪来堆雪人,这也是一件很快乐的事.