【英文文学】这篇文章作者是什么态度,Humor as a solid quality and a lucrative trade is of modern invention.The great men who dared to laugh in an earlier age than ours laughed in moderation and with a wise purpose.Aristophanes,Shakespe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 07:03:38

【英文文学】这篇文章作者是什么态度,Humor as a solid quality and a lucrative trade is of modern invention.The great men who dared to laugh in an earlier age than ours laughed in moderation and with a wise purpose.Aristophanes,Shakespe
Humor as a solid quality and a lucrative trade is of modern invention.The great men who dared to laugh in an earlier age than ours laughed in moderation and with a wise purpose.Aristophanes,Shakespeare,and Chaucer are the true humorists of our world.They did not jest out of season.Their humor is precious on accountof its parsimony.They do not at every turn slap their readers on theback and assure them that there is nothing congruous inthe visible world.Of the irreverence that turns whateveris beautiful or noble into astupid jest they knew nothing.They kept their humor in its proper place; they used it for a wise purpose; they did not degrade it to catchan easy round of applause; and,fortunatelyfor them,they are today refusedthe august title of humorist,which sits soaptlyupon the shoulders of Mark Twain.
The essence of humor is that it should be unexpected.The modern humorist is never unexpected.Hebeats the drum from the moment at which he appears upon the stage.Mark Twain brings whatever time has honored down to the level of a Yankee drummer.He finds every custom ridiculous that does not conform with thestandard of the United States.He holds his sides when hethinks of the old masters.Nor does he understand that there are certain manifestations of genius which should be sacred even for the jester.In other words,Mark Twain the humorist is a bull in the china shop of ideas.When,as in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,he gave full rein to his fancy,he achieved such a masterpiece of vulgarity as the world has never seen.His book gives you the same sort of impression which you might receive from a beautiful picture over which a poisonous slug had crawled.The hint of magnificence is there,pitilessly deformed and defaced.And it is the more pitiful because he has a talent which stands in need of no folly for its embellishment.Had he never cut a joke,had he refrained always from grinning at grave and beautiful things,how brilliant a fame would have been his!

【英文文学】这篇文章作者是什么态度,Humor as a solid quality and a lucrative trade is of modern invention.The great men who dared to laugh in an earlier age than ours laughed in moderation and with a wise purpose.Aristophanes,Shakespe

作者一开始便指出:“幽默作为一种实在的素质和一门赚钱的行业,是现代的发明. (Humor as a solid quality and a lucrative trade is of modern invention)” 他认为古时的知名文学家(如阿里斯托芬、莎士比亚和乔叟等)都不会滥用幽默(Their humor is precious on account of its parsimony),而只会在适当地方,明智地运用(They kept their humor in its proper place; they used it for a wise purpose).他们不会把幽默降格为博取掌声的廉价手段(they did not degrade it to catch an easy round of applause),也因此有幸地不被现代人冠以“幽默作家”之名(fortunately for them, they are today refused the august title of humorist),而这个称号马克吐温却当之无愧(which sits so aptly upon the shoulders of Mark Twain).

显然,作者认为以幽默来博取掌声是把幽默降格了(degrade).古人没有这样做,因此有幸地(fortunately for them)不被现代人称为“幽默作家”.换言之,在作者心目中,“幽默作家”是个贬词,而只有马克吐温这个现代人才配得上这个称号.可见作者是在贬损马克吐温.


首先,作者指出:“幽默的精要所在,是出其不意”(The essence of humor is that it should be unexpected),但马克吐温却并不如此.作者认为马克吐温是“把历来受尊崇的东西都贬降成有如军中鼓手那样的地位”(Mark Twain brings whatever time has honored down to the level of a Yankee drummer).也就是说,作者认为马克吐温的作品从一开始便高调地运用幽默,所以完全失去了幽默手法所必须具备的“出其不意”这种特质.

然后,作者又以马克吐温的一本着作为例来阐述观点.该本作品名为 "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court".译林出版社的中译本把它译作《康州美国佬在亚瑟王朝》(2002年1月版,译者:何文安、张煤).作者认为马克吐温在这部作品中“肆意幻想,并成就了一部全世界都前所未见的庸俗杰作”(he gave full rein to his fancy, he achieved such a masterpiece of vulgarity as the world has never seen).

作者虽然对马克吐温作了严厉,甚至有点刻薄的批评,却仍然认为马克吐温是具有实力的.他指出:“他的书给你的印象,就跟你看到一幅漂亮的画作,却发现上面有毒虫爬过的痕迹时的感觉一样.”(His book gives you the same sort of impression which you might receive from a beautiful picture over which a poisonous slug had crawled.) 换言之,作品本身是有潜质的佳作,只是有令人不快的瑕疵而已.

这还不止,作者在最后数句中,更直接地说出马克吐温的潜质所在:“宏伟的气魄已经有了,却被无情地扭曲和丑化;而更为可叹的,是他所具有的才华,根本无需采用那种愚蠢的修饰手法.倘若他不在作品中说笑话,也不总是不管碰到白事还是红事都咧嘴而笑,那么,他的名声会好得多.”(The hint of magnificence is there, pitilessly deformed and defaced. And it is the more pitiful because he has a talent which stands in need of no folly for its embellishment. Had he never cut a joke, had he refrained always from grinning at grave and beautiful things, how brilliant a fame would have been his)







