
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:20:44


-Dear leaders teachers and schoolmates:
Hello! Today, I am very honored to have the opportunity to stand here, "I see reform and opening speech, the 30th anniversary" with all of you to go to enjoy the great achievements reform and opening-up.
Nowadays, China has turned upside down, and the world media is most international political focus of this year is the rise of China, the independent says China's 2008 will become a superpower, but the current periodicals newsweek in December 22 reports is reviewed the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, summarizes the achievements during the proud!
Say, poverty and hunger to China, and so are the fruits of reform and opening-up, power since the reform and opening in 1978 chief designer of comrade deng xiaoping held in December in the third plenary session of the reform and opening up, China has with route of more than 10% in economic growth, and obtained the high-speed development of now achievements!
After 30 years of reform and opening-up, China from behind the development of modern agriculture society become commercial society, and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, 1978, China road early per capita GDP 379 yuan, only to February 2006 reached $2,000, increased approximately 40 times! Foreign trade volume and 206.4 billion by up to $1.4 trillion. Economies of scale after America and Japan in the third world, three years of reform and opening-up, China comprehensive national strength increasing international status, continuously improve, participate in international cooperation in the international society, the role and effect, and gradually changed completely "combined the passive state without diplomacy". Especially on July 1, 1997, HongKong and 1999, Macao's return on October 22nd, the Chinese nation hundred XiXue disgrace, make this year, and Chinese elated in Taiwan referendum failed (all authors, more people! China's reform and opening up in the maintenance of the nation's territorial integrity and made of solid step! The reform and opening up are created by the strong economic foundation, China's military strength and rapid scientific research in 2003 and 2005 China successfully launched twice, 2007 manned spacecraft launched on first satellite around this year, and plans, the Chinese nation is space walk towards the rejuvenation of the road with pride and stride trip!
演讲稿二改革开放不仅使淮安迅猛发展,祖国的每一块土地都发展迅速,祖国的天,“萧瑟秋风今又是,换了人间”;祖国的地,“红雨随心翻作浪,青山着意化为桥”;祖国的儿女啊,“喜看稻椒千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟”.30年的励精图治,30年的上下求索,我们的祖国挺立在世界的东方,自立在世界民族之林!社会主义的航船正乘风破浪,昂首向前!祖国母亲啊,是改革开放使您换了新衣,告别了贫穷,是改革开放使您变得美丽、富强、不可侵犯!“我欲因之梦寥廓,芙蓉国里尽朝晖.”我们要向全世界宣告:“中华伟大!我——爱——中——华!”Huai'an reform and opening up not only the rapid development of the motherland every piece of land are developing rapidly, the days of the motherland, "and this bleak autumn wind is changing the world"; to the motherland, "Hong-Yu Lang Fanzuo heart, deliberately into the Castle Peak Bridge "; Sons and daughters of the motherland, ah," Rice Law hi see a thousand waves, over and over, under Xiyan hero. " 30 years of good governance, 30 years down the search, our motherland stand in the east of the world, self-reliance among the nations of the world! The ship of the wind and the waves are a socialist, former head!Mother of the motherland ah, yes reform and opening up new clothes for you to make, bid farewell to poverty, reform and opening up so that you become beautiful, rich and powerful, the inviolability of! "I therefore wish to Liao Kuo Meng, Fu country Zhaohui do." We declare to the world: "China's great! I - love - - China!"

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