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Smart,Clean,and Lean
Do you sweat like a pig?Chances are you don't,especially if you can wring out your shirt at the end of a hot day.Contrary to popular belief,pigs are unable to sweat; instead,they wallow in mud to cool down.Their mucky appearance gives pigs an undeserved reputation for slovenliness.In fact,pigs are some of the cleanest animals around,refusing to excrete anywhere near their living or eating areas when given a choice.
Piglet,"host" of THE JOY OF PIGS.
Pigs are misunderstood in many ways.Many people think of them as portly and stupid,but the NATURE program THE JOY OF PIGS shows us how intelligent pigs really are.(They are naturally lean,too,unless they are overfed by humans.) Pigs are smarter than any other domestic animal.Their ability to solve problems,like the pig I.Q.test on THE JOY OF PIGS,is well-documented,and they are considered by animal experts to be more trainable than dogs or cats.
Pigs are difficult to classify.In popular culture,they appear as everything from sweet simpletons (CHARLOTTE'S WEB) to wicked tyrants (ANIMAL FARM) to brave heroes (BABE).To pig farmers,the animal is a commodity.To truffle harvesters,pigs are reliable hunters whose keen sense of smell locates these pricey fungi.To scientists,pigs are unique as one of the only large mammals that exists,in one form or another,in every part of the world.
Every continent bears the imprint of the pig's feet -- preferably in a nice mud puddle.Red river hogs in West Africa,bearded pigs in Borneo,pig-like peccaries in Bolivia,and outlandishly tusked Indonesian babirusa all enjoy similar lifestyles of food,water,and a good roll in the dirt.These pigs' European ancestors became some of the first domesticated animals thousands of years ago.Wherever humans have ventured,they have brought pigs along with them.Colonists carried pigs with them to distant lands,proliferating pig farming throughout the world.
In the United States,raising hogs is big business.In 1997 alone,United States hog farmers raised more than 58 million head to support growing demands for pork.But the popularity of pigs as pets is growing,and many Americans now keep pigs in their homes.So when dinner's served in those homes,it's made for a pig,not from one!

用英语来说明:猪是一种很聪明的动物如题,举例说明猪是一种很聪明的动物,100-200词 课文用哪些事例来说明象是一种聪明而有灵气的动物 猪是一种聪明的动物吗? 《与象共舞》这篇课文用哪些事例来说明“象是一种聪明而有灵气的动物”谢谢了, 老猎人用哪些事例来说明仅次于人聪明的动物是狼仅次于人的动物 中的 猪是一种很聪明的动物,为什么人们常说别人和猪一样笨呢? .猪是一种聪明的动物吗小学老师说猪一种聪明的动物,为什么都说笨笨得人:笨猪,笨猪 用动物名称来形容人聪明用哪种动物好啊?用三个字来说明,如立场不稳,见风使舵的人--变色龙,德才兼备,大有作为的人——千里马 猪是聪明的动物吗? 猪是第几聪明的动物 把“狗是聪明的动物”番译成英语 【与象共舞】第四自然段,从哪个三个方面说明象是一种聪明而有灵气的动物的动物 【与象共舞】第四自然段,从哪个三个方面说明象是一种聪明而有灵气的动物的动物 聪明能干用英语怎么说?如题 狐狸,明明是一种很聪明的动物,但为啥很多故事或者很多人看来就是狡猾呢?如题,我就很不懂为啥会这样,例如狐狸与乌鸦,明明是那只乌鸦笨,却反映出狐狸狡猾,而不是聪明!狐假虎威,那老虎自 世界上第三大聪明的动物是什么?如题. 地球上最聪明的动物是什么?如题. 最聪明的动物是?