look the same ,take after ,be simaliar to 有什么区别用法及意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 12:24:00

look the same ,take after ,be simaliar to 有什么区别用法及意思
look the same ,take after ,be simaliar to 有什么区别

look the same ,take after ,be simaliar to 有什么区别用法及意思
look the same看起来一样
look the same:看起来一样;看起来很像;看上去一样;看上去很像看起来一样
新目标八年级上册词汇短语大汇总 ...在某些方面 in some ways看起来一样 look the same看起来不同 look different ...
[词] 初中英语常用短语886 ...look over (医生)检查look the same 看起来很像look up 查看,查寻,仰望 ...
初一至初三词组总结--玛丽的博客 ...in some ways在某些方面 look the same看上去一样 look different看上去不一样 ...
六年级总复习 (6B短语) ...yours or mine 你的还是我的look the same 看上去很像 twenty minutes 二十分钟 ...
-The look remains the same:爱情的模样依然爱情的模样依然
bible_50_Ch_9_zechariah.h......上主必要在他们上面出现,像闪电一般射出他的箭;吾主上主必要吹起号角,乘著南方的旋风前来.14And the Lord God shall be seen over them,and his dart shall go forth as lightning:and the Lord God will sound the trumpet,and go in the whirlwind of the south.万军的上主必保卫他们,使他们前进,践踏投石的人;他们必要喝他们的血,有如喝酒;饱享鲜血,有如祭坛的四角.15The Lord of hosts will protect them:and they shall devour,and subdue with the stones of the sling:and drinking they shall be inebriated as it were with wine,and they shall be filled as bowls,and as the horns of the altar.到那一天,上主他们的天主,必要拯救他们,要牧放他的百姓,有如牧放羊群;他们将如王冠上的宝石,在他的地上闪烁.16And the Lord their God will save them in that day,as the dock of his people:for holy stones shall be lifted up over his land....
-They look the same:他们看上去一样
take after与……相像
21世纪大英汉词典英英释义-take after:(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父、母等)相像;与…相像;与…相象;仿效(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父、母等)相像
国家英语四级考试词组(二)动词类 ...stick to 坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父、母等)相像take away 减去 ...
考研词组 ...take…as 把…作为 take after 与…相像 take apart 拆卸 ...
【大学词组 五】 ...wait at table 伺候进餐 .take after 与…相象 .take apart 拆开(机器等) ....
考博英语词汇(4) - English Trans......take advantage of 占(人)便宜;欺骗某人;乘…之便;利用 take after 像…;学…的样;仿效 take charge of 主管;负责;接管 ...
-Take Care After This:今宵多珍重;今宵多珍重 -今宵多珍重
Non-English Music [Archiv......偷偷爱你 - Furtively Loving You 今宵多珍重 - Take Care After This 我们说好的 - We Already Said That......
今宵多珍重 -
Songs Directory - Quê Hươ......那年夏天 - Summer That Year 今宵多珍重 - Take Care After This 上火车去拉萨 - Take The Train To Lhasa ...
-take off after:追逐
be simaliar to 好像没有这个词.

look the same 看起来很像. The twins look the same.
take after 像;与...相似
He takes after his father, a drunkard.
She took after her mother almost in everything.


look the same 看起来很像. The twins look the same.
take after 像;与...相似
He takes after his father, a drunkard.
She took after her mother almost in everything.
be similar to 与什么一样/形容词词组
His problem is similar to yours. 他的问题和你的相似。
My view is similar to yours. 我的看法与你相似。


take after(不用于被动语态)意思是(在长相或性格方面)像(其母亲或父亲)Your daughter does't take after you at all.你女儿一点也不像你。
be similar to 相似的 类似的 Gold is similar in color to brass.金鱼黄铜的颜色相近。
至于look the same由于我的知识有限没见过这个短语...


take after(不用于被动语态)意思是(在长相或性格方面)像(其母亲或父亲)Your daughter does't take after you at all.你女儿一点也不像你。
be similar to 相似的 类似的 Gold is similar in color to brass.金鱼黄铜的颜色相近。
至于look the same由于我的知识有限没见过这个短语
