
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 08:53:20


Hello,are you there?I've read your mail.You mean,we got the mailing address right but the name was wrong?It should be your partner's name instead of yours?

Hello! Are you online now? I have already had a look on the e-mail you sent to me. According to your words, the address by which we send products to you was right, but the receiver's name was wrong. It was supposed to be your partner, but it turned out to be you. Is it what you mean?

1. Hello, what do you think you are? I've seen you send me E-mail, according to what you say, you mean we send to your address is correct, but the name is wrong, should fill in your partner's name,...


1. Hello, what do you think you are? I've seen you send me E-mail, according to what you say, you mean we send to your address is correct, but the name is wrong, should fill in your partner's name, but the recipient to write you, right?
2. I find that we are in January 6 to your partner of goods, generally he is received, but near the Chinese New Year, China's export package to increase the customs, may delay some time. So you will generally later than usual 1 week received the goods, if you worry goods may be lost in transit, and you need the product, since you are our old customer, in order to show our sincerity, we can give you a new retransmission.
If we receive your hair before sending goods, you can tell us? Thank you very much for your cooperation and support.
Help translation, thank you


Hello, are you in? I've seen you sent to me by e-mail, according to what you say, you mean is that we made goods to your address is correct, but the name is wrong, that should fill in your partner's name, but the recipient writing is that you, right?

英语翻译请问你在吗?我已经看到了你发给我的邮件,根据你所讲,你的意思是我们发商品给您的地址是对的,但是名字是错误的,原本应该填写你的搭档的名字,但是收件人写的是你,2.我查到我们 英语翻译真的很奇怪,你发给我的邮件没有收到,我发给你的邮件你都看到了吗?没关系,至少我写的你都看到了~ 英语翻译请将三个破损盒子的全景发给我,在你的图片里我似乎只看到了一个盒子. 英语翻译你的选择我看到了, 请问在明朝历史上,内阁是不是已经威胁到了皇权呢?我看你对明史很了解的样子,希望你帮我, 我想,我对你的爱,已经到了极限 英语翻译 看到了你的回答,能不能把数学建模论文发给我一份? 英语翻译请问你会翻译满文吗?朋友发给我一篇满文, 英语翻译我看到了你在学校留言板上的留言这句话 英语翻译,你不是已经等到了吗? 英语翻译Lupita:上次的留言不知你是否看到了?我们的礼物5月底已经寄出了,如果收到,请给我留言好吗?祝你一切顺利! 请问这篇文章的作者是谁?你正在看我吗?我也在看你.你想说些什么?也许保持沉默是好的.你看到了什么?我看到你隐隐的笑容和神秘的表情.你真的还好吗?我也还好.你现在看起来舒服自然.因为 中文翻译英文啊!急s!你们城市的天气怎么样?这一周你的工作忙吗?你发来的相片我已经看到了,我还看到了唐人街.我知道你也看到了我的相片,你喜欢吗?昨天下午我带女儿去了我妹妹家里,她非 英语翻译有发给我传真吗?我担心没收到你给我的订单 我看到了你的回答,才向你求助,希望能得到你的帮助,我想要棋魂亮光的漫画,可以麻烦你发给我么?我很喜 英语翻译亲爱的,我收到你的邮件了,也看到了你在日本的地址.我希望你在那边一切都好.有机会我会过去看你~ 你发给我一些奥术题。 那你可不可以发给我?