
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 16:37:37


Many people think that the financial crisis is very far away from us,this is not the case,the financial crisis of our lives in many tangible impact:
One or more enterprises will wind up.In particular,some foreign trade enterprises by foreign financial crisis,the export losses,the time when companies are insolvent,it will collapse,and enterprises have closed down and people will naturally be affected.
Second,corporate layoffs.Enterprise business and will think of ways to reduce costs,reduce production,will be seen it fit to lay off its staff,and a family if a member is laid off,this will affect family life.
Third,more and more difficult to find work.Enterprises are closed down,in the lay-offs,where new employees will think ah?Therefore,college graduates will find jobs more difficult,if not to the rural areas to farm on it!
Fourth,wages should not even think about a further increase.In the global financial crisis,the pay rise will gradually become a very difficult thing,your wages may be reduced,less and less money or even a think.So if you pay by the consumer groups would be necessary to pay attention to the reduction in expenditure.
Fifth,business is slack in all the money is Po.Including investment,consumption,trade will be cold.People will become more and more attention to cash.Cash will become increasingly valuable,money will become more and more think it is money.
Sixth,commodity prices will fall.With the reduced demand for all kinds of commodity prices to fall,Do not want to buy a house,it was estimated that the domestic price of a house in the next one to three years time will be lost around 50%.
Seven other purse"burn bag." Even if you are rich,even if you are wealthy,but also do not "burn bag",and not to "fight the rich",and do not "cool",or the good old days of bitterness as a better life!
Eight,"living within our means" for the trick.A "United States Granny" and a "Granny China" almost everyone knows the story.And guide the media played up,so many Chinese people,especially the younger generation,are now envious of the Americans "cool wave" of consumption patterns,consumption loans,advance the concept of consumption is almost the people,"card slave","Slave Housing," "Cart slave," a large number.It is these "slaves" have the time to reflect on!
9,the stock market should not even think about easy release.The stock market has shrunk a lot,think of the stock market had hopes of gold,and even institutions,what we these retail?Only when it is put into these stock market's money to support the national construction of it!
10,the poor the most difficult days.There are a lot of poor people in China,in this financial crisis comes,the day would have stretched even more difficult,the good news we have had past experiences of bitterness,good government is concerned about vulnerable groups,so quite a Ting will be passed.