
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/18 08:46:36

之所以痛苦 在于追求错误的东西。
所以。想不开就不想 得不到就不要。

I spent the whole of my summer holiday at home,with nothing much to do everyday,and only a meal a day.
the whole holiday made me understand lots of questions,and knew lots of answers to my questions
every one of us is wondering if we are really happy,but when happiness goes,all is so painful.
why does everyone want so much?even a little bit of trust can not be given
we need to understand lots of things,don't let so much thing tangle your mind,let happiness stay.
this holiday,i want to learn to be quiet,but,with my friends,i am still the old optimist me who loved to talk.
its only that i didn't take lots of things as serious as i used to,and gave myself a smile from the heart realising that there isnt only one kind of smile.
i now realised that the braveness for so long is only forced,those quiet letters can make my heart pain.
this holiday i discovered so much,why don't we make things easy?
dont hide yourself in a world that doesnt belong to us,then we'll feel too tired...
the reason of it being painful,is that you've been going after the wrong thing after all.
so,if you cant understand,then dont try to.if you cant get it,then dont try.
being sad,being happy.why care for unnessecery emotions?

I wrote the mood

A summer stay at home, have nothing to do all day. Only one meal a day every day.
One summer, let me understand a lot of problems, also learn a lot of problems.
We all seemed in doubt our happ...


A summer stay at home, have nothing to do all day. Only one meal a day every day.
One summer, let me understand a lot of problems, also learn a lot of problems.
We all seemed in doubt our happiness, but happiness is not a burden, and so painful
Why everybody is going to require so much. Poor trust can give.
We should understand a lot of things, let oneself do not care so much, get a little happiness
A summer holidays, I want to learn to be quiet. But in the face of friends, I am optimistic, love that I speak.
Just put a lot of things look a lot. Give yourself a laugh from the heart. In fact, there are many kinds of laughter.
I know so long strong always far-fetched. The quiet words can make me feel the heart pain.
One summer, let me understand too much. Why make things complicated.
Don't hide yourself in a world of my own. So we will be very tired, very tired.
Reason for suffering is the pursuit of the wrong things.
So. Heart do not want to not not.
My heart. You happy. Look at their own trouble. Why care about unnecessary emotions.
My heart. You happy. Look at their own trouble. Why care about unnecessary emotions.



英语翻译一个暑假呆在了家里,整天无所事事。每天都只是一天一顿饭。我们好像都在质疑我们的幸福,可是担负幸福没有了,又是那么的痛苦。为什么每个人都要去要求那么多呢。可怜的 英语翻译一个暑假呆在了家里,整天无所事事。每天都只是一天一顿饭。我们好像都在质疑我们的幸福,可是担负幸福没有了,又是那么的痛苦。为什么每个人都要去要求那么多呢。可怜的 用英语翻译:他失业了,所以现在整天无所事事 整天呆在家里快闷死了 整天无所事事 暑假每天都要写日记,62篇.我已经写了30多篇,整天呆在家里,实在不知道该写什么了,找一些暑假日记 最好是素材.300字左右. 整天无所事事怎么办啊? 整天无所事事咋办? 整天无所事事,心好累 为什么整天感觉无所事事 一个玩世不恭的男人你会去爱他吗?整天无所事事 本人今年20岁了整天无所事事!游手好闲 找不到工作 英文翻译 鲍勃整天无所事事 不要整天呆在家里 用英语怎么说 翻译:你后天干什么?我将以整天呆在家里 英语翻译一道英语翻译题!把下面中文翻译成英文!国庆七天瞬间就过去了,回想起自己这七天的日子,可以说是无聊之极了!整天都呆在家里了,也没出去,感觉非常不好! 整天无所事事,找工作也不知道该干什么?真的不想再这样游手好闲了 陈锦国无所事事,整天在量马路请问如何理解这句话的修辞格?