英语翻译在一个酒店里,一个赌徒说他通过赌博赚了好多钱,所以他对赌博很有把握,于是他跟waiter打赌,说他可以咬自己的右眼 $50赌注 结果他把她自己的假右眼摘下来咬了一口 waiter输了$50 然

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 21:44:20

英语翻译在一个酒店里,一个赌徒说他通过赌博赚了好多钱,所以他对赌博很有把握,于是他跟waiter打赌,说他可以咬自己的右眼 $50赌注 结果他把她自己的假右眼摘下来咬了一口 waiter输了$50 然
在一个酒店里,一个赌徒说他通过赌博赚了好多钱,所以他对赌博很有把握,于是他跟waiter打赌,说他可以咬自己的右眼 $50赌注 结果他把她自己的假右眼摘下来咬了一口 waiter输了$50 然后他又说 他还可以咬自己的右眼 waiter看出他不是个盲人 就又赌了50 结果那个人把假牙摘下来咬了自己的左眼 waiter又输了 然后这个赌徒去跟别人喝酒赌博了 一会 他醉醺醺的出来和waiter说他可以从瓶口3英尺出吧番茄酱一点不掉的到近威士忌的瓶子里面这次赌500
WAITER觉得她一定是喝多了 而且这次赌500就可以赢回之前输的 就和他赌了 给了赌徒一瓶番茄酱 结果 赌徒拿起番茄酱 全部倒在了WAITER的衣服上 结果WAITER很开心的大笑说 你输了500 赌徒说 还好 我刚和屋里面的每个人打赌$1000说 我把番茄酱倒在你的身上而且还会使你非常开心

英语翻译在一个酒店里,一个赌徒说他通过赌博赚了好多钱,所以他对赌博很有把握,于是他跟waiter打赌,说他可以咬自己的右眼 $50赌注 结果他把她自己的假右眼摘下来咬了一口 waiter输了$50 然
in a hotel,a gambler said he has made tons of money from gambling,and hence,he is confident of gambling.he made a bet of 50 dollars with a waiter,saying that he could bite his own right eye.then,he took out his fake right eye and bit it once.the waiter lost 50 dollars to him.the gambler then said,he can also bit his left eye.the waiter could tell he is not blind,and hence bet another 50dollars that he couldn't.the gambler took out his dentures and used them to bite his left eye.because of this,the waiter lost again.the gamber then went on to bet with other people and drank with them.adter a while,he bet in a drunken stupor to the waiter,that he could pour ketchup from a bottle with a 3 inch wide opening into the whisky bottle without spilling a drop.he wants to bet 500 dollars.
the waiter thought he is too drunk to do that,and he would definitely lose,so he bet with the gambler.he gave the gambler a bottle of ketchup.the gambler poured everything onto the waiter's shirt.the waiter laughed and said,you lost 500 dollars to me.the gamber replied,it's ok.i just bet $1000 each with those guys in the room that i can pour ketchup on you and still make you very happy.

In a hotel, a gambler said he earned a lot of money through gambling, so he is very sure of gambling, so he bet with the waiter, said he could bite his right eye, $ 50 bet a result, he forged her own ...


In a hotel, a gambler said he earned a lot of money through gambling, so he is very sure of gambling, so he bet with the waiter, said he could bite his right eye, $ 50 bet a result, he forged her own right eye bite off a losing $ 50 a waiter and then he said he could bite his right eye to see that he was not a blind waiter again bet on the outcome of the 50 man to bite off his dentures waiter has lost his left eye Then, the gamblers, gambling, drinking other people join efforts for a while he was drunk and the waiter said that he could come out from the mouth of the bottle 3 feet out the bar a little tomato sauce can not afford to near whiskey bottle inside the gambling 500
WAITER feel that she must have drank too much and you can win back the bet 500 before losing a bet on him to a gambler gamblers pick up a bottle of tomato sauce tomato paste all the results fell on the results of the WAITER clothes WAITER very happy laugh that you lose a good thing I just said that 500 gamblers and housing inside bet $ 1000 for each person that I put tomato sauce down on your body but also make you very happy



In a hotel, a gambler who said that he passed gambling has earned a lot of money on gambling, assurancethat, sohe betchu with a waiter, said he could bite his right eye $ 50 bet results he picked her ...


In a hotel, a gambler who said that he passed gambling has earned a lot of money on gambling, assurancethat, sohe betchu with a waiter, said he could bite his right eye $ 50 bet results he picked her up your own fake right eye off a waiter lost $ 50 and then he added that he also bite his right eye waiter observeany is not a blind bet and a 50 again it turns out to his false teeth to bite off his left eye waiter lost and then the gamblers to drinking and gambling for a moment he drunk out and the waiter said he could come out of the bottle mouth 3 feet of tomato paste point up to near whisky bottle this roulette 500 WAITER think she must be drank too much and this roulette 500 can win back before you lose the bet with him to gamblers a bottle of ketchup results gamblers picked up ketchup all fell on the WAITER clothes results into the waiter is very happy to say that if you lose 500 gamblers say good thing I just talked to it for each person you bet $ 1000 that I put ketchup down upon you and make you happy
Hope that is not a translation of the thank you with translator .


英语翻译在一个酒店里,一个赌徒说他通过赌博赚了好多钱,所以他对赌博很有把握,于是他跟waiter打赌,说他可以咬自己的右眼 $50赌注 结果他把她自己的假右眼摘下来咬了一口 waiter输了$50 然 一个顾客在酒店里喝啤酒一个顾客在酒店喝啤酒.他喝完第二杯之后,转身问酒店老板:“你们这儿一星期能卖 掉多少桶啤酒?” “35桶.”老板得意洋洋地回答说.“那么,”顾客说,“我倒想出 如果让一个赌徒每次都赢,他还想会像以前那样爱赌吗,为什么? 一个赌徒的话能够相信吗?可以给他机会吗?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 一个赌徒的话能够相信吗?可以给他机会吗? 一个职业赌徒的最高境界是什么? 我是一个赌徒用英语怎么说 读下面的小幽默,一个顾客在酒店里喝啤酒,他喝完第二杯之后,转向问酒店的老板:“你们这一周能卖掉多少桶啤酒?”老板得意洋洋地说:“35桶.”顾客说:“我倒想出一个能使你每周卖掉70 一道关于赌徒的概率问题这是我自己想的一个问题,可能跟概率计算有关系,请大家帮我算算:有一个赌徒,他经验丰富,每次下注都有60%的胜算.假设他有一万元本钱,那么他每次下多少注,才能在 读下面小幽默,请简要回答问题.老板急于讨教卖酒的暴露了他什么心态?一个顾客在酒店里喝啤酒,他喝完第二杯之后,转向问酒店的老板:“你们这一周能卖掉多少桶啤酒?”老板得意洋洋地说 读下面的小幽默,简要回答问题个顾客在酒店里喝啤酒,他喝完第二杯之后,转向问酒店的老板:“你们这一周能卖掉多少桶啤酒?”老板得意洋洋地说:“35桶.”顾客说:“我倒想出一个能使你 一个女人一生中的二十四小时 描写赌徒手的部分只要描写赌徒手的部分 求《一个顾客在酒吧里喝酒》的阅读答案一个顾客在酒吧里喝酒,他喝完第一杯之后转身问酒店老板:“你们这里一个星期能卖掉多少桶啤酒?”老板得意洋洋的回答说:“35桶.”顾客说:“ 求《一个顾客在酒吧里喝酒》的阅读答案一个顾客在酒吧里喝酒,他喝完第一杯之后转身问酒店老板:“你们这里一个星期能卖掉多少桶啤酒?”老板得意洋洋的回答说:“35桶.”顾客说:“ 通过这幅画.我看到一个家长用他的手指着老师在说些什么.而孩子的母亲也是质问的脸色在一旁.英语翻译 一个顾客在酒店喝啤酒.他喝完第二杯之后,转身问酒店老板:“你们这儿一星期能卖 一个顾客在酒店喝酒一个顾客在酒店喝啤酒.他喝完第二杯之后,转身问酒店老板:“你们这儿一星期能卖 掉多少桶啤酒?” “35桶.”老板得意洋洋地回答说.“那么,”顾客说,“我倒想出一个 美国华盛顿城市的英文信息1,坐落在在哪2,人口3,什么时候成立的4,在城市里说一个比较出名的酒店5,这个酒店的招牌菜举个例子