
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 01:45:37


短语,即词组,是由两个或两个以上的单词组成的结构固定、意义明确的语意单位,如:in the morning(在早晨).所谓习惯用语,也就是说这用语英美人习惯这用,习惯这么说.习惯用语中的词的反搭配是固定不变的.学习习惯用语时,注意不能从组成的几个单词的原有意思来推测其含义,而必须将其作为一个整体,通过查字典等了解它确切、实在的含义,并熟悉、掌握它的用法.如:look after这个用语是“照顾,照看”之意,如果不作为一个整体去理解、记忆,那就有可能望文生义,look的一般意思是“看”,而after是“在……之后”,这样就会出现错误理解.有的同一个常用词和不同的词搭配就构成了意义不同的短语和习惯用语.例如:have a rest(休息),have breakfast(吃早饭),have a good time(过得愉快);get on(上车),get to(到达),get up(起床)等等.在习惯用语中,还要特别注意一些日常的交际用语,人家如何说,你该如何回答,因为在日常生活中,在某种交际场合,应答是有固定模式的.比如初次见面人家向你问好:How do you do!你应该回答:How do you do!这句话绝不能从字面上、从语法上去分析,如果望文生义,就会得出错误的答案.
be able to do sth. 能够(有能力)做某事 at breakfast早餐时
be afraid of害意 at home 在家(里)
agree to do sty.同意 at last最后;终于
all over 到处;结束 at once立刻;马上
all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了 at school在学校;在上课
not…at all一点也不;根本不 at the same time同时
be angry with sb.生(某人)的气 at work在工作
arrive at(in)a place 到达某地 go (run)away走(跑)开
as…as像;如同 do one’s best 尽量大努力
not so…不像;不如 a bit (of)有一点儿
be born 出生于 go back回去
both…and两个都;既……又…… go on继续
be busy doing sth.忙着做某事
go shopping(for a walk ,to the cinema, home)买东西(散步、看电影、回家)
not only…but also不但…而且…
by bus(car,plane,train,ship,air) go to school上学
乘公共汽车(汽车、飞机、火车、轮 go to bed睡觉
船、飞机) be good at 善于……
catch(a)cold 着凉;伤风 grow up成年;长大成人
come back回来 half an hour半小时
come down下来 hand in 交上;交进
come from出生(于);来(自) have a good time玩得很高兴;过得愉快
come in 进入;进来 have a cold感冒
come on赶快;来吧
have a meeting(match,rest,swim,talk,walk…)开会(比赛、休息、游泳、谈话、散步…)
come out出来 of course 当然;自然
have breakfast (lunch,supper,some medicine…)吃早饭(吃午饭、吃晚饭、服药…)
do one’s homework做作业
do some cleaning (cooking,shopping) have lessons(classes)上课
扫除(做饭、买东西) have sports 进行体育活动
each other 互相 have to不得不:必须
either…or或者……或者……;不是 hear from收到…的来信
……就是…… hold a meeting举行会议
in the end 最后,终于 hold on等一等(别挂电话)
enjoy oneself 过得愉快 hurry up赶快;快点
enjoy oneself入睡 instead of代替
far away遥远的 be interested in对……感兴趣
a few一些,少数几个
find out查明;发现;了解 just now现在;刚才
at first起先;开始的时候 keep doing sth. 继续(做某事)
On foot 走路,步行
in front of在…前面 a kind of一种;一类
be full of 充满……的 all kinds of各种各样的
get back返回 knock at/on敲(门,窗)
get off 下车 be late for(school)迟到
get on 上车 laugh at 嘲笑
get on with 与某人相处 be like像
get up起床 listen to听……(讲话)
give back时还;送回 less than不到,少于
give up放弃 a little一点;少量
at least 至少;起码 ring up打电话给
no longer(not any longer)不再 take a seat 坐下;就座
look after照料;照顾 send up发射;把……送上去
look at 看;观看 go to seat入睡;睡着
look for 寻找 as soon as一……就
look up查寻 stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事
a lot of(lots of)许多;很多;大量 take a walk散步
make a mistake 出差错 take away拿走
in the middle of在……中间 take out取出
neither…nor 既不…也不 take down(off)取下(脱掉衣服)
from now on 从此以后;今后 take the train (a boat, a bus )坐火车
a number of 一些,许多 (船,公共气车)
a piece Of一块(张、片、支……) think about 考虑(是否去做)
and so on等等 all the time一直;始终
once upon a time很早以前;从前 on time准时;不早不晚
one by one 一个接一个地;一个一个地 too…to太……以致不能……
the other(s)另一个;其他的 try on试穿(衣服);试试看
out of 在……外;从……里头 turn off关掉(自来水、电灯、收音机
a pair in一对;一副 等)
take part in参加 turn on 开,旋开(电灯、无线电等)
party member共产党员 up and down 上上下下;来回地
pay for(sth.)付钱;支付;付出代价 wait for 等候;等待
post office 邮局 wake up醒来;叫醒
put on穿;戴上;上演 by the way顺便说
put sth.down 把……放下来 on the(one’s)way 在途中;在路上
put up 挂起;举起 write down 写信;记下
take a rest 休息 (总计139条)
a bottle of 一瓶…… at noon在中午
a cup of一(茶)杯…… at the beginning of 起初,开始
a glass of 一(玻璃)杯…… at the end of……的尽头,末尾
a green with同意某人(或某人的意见) at the foot of 在……脚下
all by oneself 独自地 at the moment此时
all day一天到晚,整天 at times时常
all one’s life一生;终身 be careful当心,小心
as soon as possible 尽可能早地,尽快 be made in……制造
as usual像平常一样 be made of……制的;用……制成的
at night在夜里 be sure of肯定……
be worried about对……忧虑 keep healthy 保持健康
break down 损坏;拆散 keep busy忙忙碌碌
by then到那时 keep warm保持温暖
catch a bus 赶(乘)公共汽车 knock at (the door)敲(门)
change one’s mind改变想法(主意) last night昨夜
Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夜 last year去年
climb up爬上去 later on 过后;以后
come along过来 League member团员
come to school来校 leave a message 留言
cover…with以……覆盖…… do the waching洗衣服
cut down砍倒 do well in在……方面做得很好
do(a lot of)work干(许多)活儿 dress up 穿上盛装;乔装打扮
do housework 做家务 every day 每天
do(maths)problems做(数学)题 fail in在……失败,(考试)不及格
be covered with被……所覆盖 fall asleep入睡
be different from 与……不同 fall behind落后;落在……后面
be filled with充满 fall off(a bike)从(自行车上)掉下来
be good(bad)for对……有益/有害 fall over(向前)摔倒
be in hospital生病(住院) feel afraid觉得害怕
be (become)interested in对(或变得对 feel like(doing…)愿意(做……)
……感兴趣 feel lonely觉得寂寞
fall down落下;掉下;跌落 feel well觉得身体很好
hundreds of数百 fill…with用……灌满……
hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去 for long长久
in a minute一会儿;立刻 for example例如
in bed(病)在床上 for the(last)time这(上)次
in the corner of 在……之角 from…to从……到……
in Chinese用汉语(表达) full name全名
in Enlist用英语(表达) get down下来;下落
in line排成一行;成直线 get dressed穿衣服
in surprise惊奇地 get home到家
in the evening在晚上 get to到达
in the morning在早上 get well痊愈
in the open air在户外;在野外;露天 give (sib)a call给……打电话
in them及时 go skating去滑冰
in trouble遇到麻烦;处于困难之中 go swimming去游泳
jump the queue不按次序排队,夹塞儿 go to hospital去医院
just a moment 等一会儿 good idea好主意
just then正在这时 good luck好运气
have a drink of喝一点儿…… have got a cough患咳嗽
have a look看一看 how many多少个
have a rest 休息 how much多少(钱)
have a swim游泳 how often多久;多常(用于询问频度)
have a test进行测试 look around环视
leave school离开学校(指结束学业) look like看上去像
leave home离家 plenty of足够多的
leave (sib.)by oneself让(某人)独处 point at 指向
lie down躺下 point to 指向
like school 喜欢上学 prefer…to更喜欢……而不
how old几岁;多大岁数 喜欢……
make faces 做鬼脸 put away把……收拾起来
make sure务请;务必要;确保 queue jumper不按次序排队者
make tea沏茶 reach home到家
make a telephone call打电话 right away立刻;马上
more or less或多或少 right now现在,刚刚
more ran多于;……多 sell our售完
move away搬开;搬走 send away撵走;开除;解雇
move to 搬(家)至(某地) send up发射
never mind不要紧;没关系 shout to对……喊叫
next time下一次 sit down坐下
next to 贴近;其次 sitting room起居室
next week下周 so far到目前为止
no hurry不要着急 take a look看一看
of course当然 take a photo照张相
on Christmas Eve在圣诞节前夜 take a photo照张相
on duty值日 take care of照顾;照料
on Saturday morning在星期六早上 take exercise运动
on show展览 take medicine吃药;服药
on the earth在地球上 take one’s temperature量某人的体温
on the left在左边 take one’s time不着急;慢慢干
on the radio通过收音机,以无线电 take time花费(时间)
的形式 take turns轮流;替换
on the right在右边 talk about谈轮
on the way to在(去)……的路上 talk to 与(某人)谈
on top of 在……上面(指顶部) only a little仅一点儿(接不可数名词)
on TV通过电视;以电视的形式 Teacher’ Day 教师节
on weekends在周末 tell a lie撒谎;说谎
only a few 仅几个(接可数名词) tanks to幸亏;多亏;由于
the day after tomorrow 后天 place of interest名胜
the day before yesterday 前天 play with 玩耍
try(not)to do 设法(不)…… the Great Wall长城
turn left/right 向左/右拐弯 the New Year新年
turn down(the radio)调小(收音机) think hard好好想一想
very much很(表达程度) this afternoon今天下午
wake up醒来;把……叫醒 this evening今天晚上
want a go想试一试 this time 这一次
want to do 要做…… thousands of成千上万的
wear out(worn out)穿坏;穿旧;用尽 tie…to…把……系在……
try out试验;尝试 try hard想方设法
teach oneself自学 with one’s help在某人帮助下
over there 在那边;在那儿 (总计199条)
pass on传递
1、不要在床上看书, 这对你的眼睛有害.
Don't read in bed. bad your eyes.
2、电影一开始, 孩子们就不说话了.
The children talking the film began.
3、妈妈回来的时候, 我的姐姐正忙着做晚饭.
My sister was supper when my mother came back.
4、上个月我太忙了, 没看电视.
I was busy watch TV last month.
5、直到雨停了, 他们才回家.
They go home the rain stopped.
6、我的手表坏了, 我必须再买一块了.
There is my wath, I had to buy a new me.
It Mr Hu half an hour have lunch every day.
useful them learn English well.
9、今天很暖和, 为什么不在户外吃晚饭呢?
It's warm today. have supper in the oper air.
I the girl under the tree just now.
11、昨天迈克又迟到了, 老师生气了.
Mike was late for school again. The teacher him.
12、那个小男孩病得很厉害, 他住院了.
The little boy is badly ill. He hospital.
We're the party.
14、到上学期末, 我们已经学了20首英文歌.
We learnt 20 English songs the end of last term.
His father in the park every morning.
16、我们的花园不如他们的大. Our garden isn't big theirs.
17、他不知道你们的名字, 请写在这张纸上.
He doesn't know your names. Please on the paper.
18、如果你努力一些, 你就会赶上你的同学们.
If you works harder. You'll with your classmates.
19、莉莉没有准时到家, 她妈妈正在为她担心.
Lily didn't get home . Her mother was her.
20、我们把詹姆斯简称作吉姆. We call James Jim