此段话中红色的逗号与红色的英语单词or在此段话中是否存在逗号和or使用错误?Confirmed UrethritisClinicians should document that urethritis is present.Urethritiscan be documented on the basis of any of the followingsigns or
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:40:49
此段话中红色的逗号与红色的英语单词or在此段话中是否存在逗号和or使用错误?Confirmed UrethritisClinicians should document that urethritis is present.Urethritiscan be documented on the basis of any of the followingsigns or
Confirmed Urethritis
Clinicians should document that urethritis is present.Urethritis
can be documented on the basis of any of the following
signs or laboratory tests:
·Mucopurulent or purulent discharge.
·Gram stain of urethral secretions demonstrating >5 WBC
per oil immersion field.The Gram stain is the preferred
rapid diagnostic test for evaluating urethritis.It is highly
sensitive and specific for documenting both urethritis and
the presence or absence of gonococcal infection.Gonococcal
infection is established by documenting the presence
of WBC containing GNID,or
·Positive leukocyte esterase test on first-void urine or microscopic
examination of first-void urine sediment demonstrating
>10 WBC per high power field.
2006年的美国CDC的性病预防治疗指南。确诊尿道炎 临床医生应明确患者是否存在尿道炎,尿道炎的诊断可以基于以下任何一项体征或实验室检查结果; 1.·黏液脓性或脓性分泌物 ·每个油镜视野下尿道分泌物革兰染色显示大于等于五个白细胞。革兰染色是一种理想的用于评估尿道炎快速诊断方法。其高敏感性和高特异性可以诊断淋球菌性尿道炎和非淋菌性尿道炎。淋球菌的感染诊断基于尿道分泌物白细胞内包含革兰阴性双球菌;或 ·首段尿白细胞酯酶阳性,或首段尿尿沉渣显微镜下每高倍镜视野显示大于等于10个白细胞。如果患者未出现以上体征或实验室检查结果中的任何一项,那么针对尿道炎的治疗将不急于展开,此时需要对患者进行淋球菌及沙眼衣原体的检测,如果检查结果阴性,需要对患者严密的观察和随访。如果检查结果显示患者感染了淋球菌或沙眼衣原体其中的任何一种,这时应当给予患者适当的治疗并要求患者通知其性伴而进行评估与治疗。淋球菌的感染诊断基于尿道分泌物白细胞内包含革兰阴性双球菌;或首段....“;或”在这里起什么作用呢?
此段话中红色的逗号与红色的英语单词or在此段话中是否存在逗号和or使用错误?Confirmed UrethritisClinicians should document that urethritis is present.Urethritiscan be documented on the basis of any of the followingsigns or