
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 20:37:24


For the same unit have worked continuously for 10 years,ordinary workers (not including the original restructuring of the transitional period,and special personnel) who may be required to enter into non-fixed term labor contracts.Working hours of workers less than 10 years,and his proposed request for a non-fixed term labor contract,the employing unit may not accept.But the signing of non-fixed term labor contract must be in accordance with equality,voluntariness,the principle of consensus,both employers and workers to reach agreement,which is a statutory requirement.Only the existence of the employing unit or a party to renew the labor contract workers will not be signed without a fixed term labor contracts.
Those who think that as long as the working party will be able to sign without a fixed term labor contract,or the employer does not agree can be refused without a fixed term labor contract,both views are wrong.
Practice in the same unit of work for 10 consecutive years or more workers and employers have signed a fixed-term labor contract,they often require the employer to change the non-fixed term contracts.How to deal with this situation,there is much controversy.Some people think that the kinds of circumstances,if the employing unit and laborers have signed a fixed-term labor contract,it can be assumed that workers and employers have agreed to extend the labor contract,this time made with the employers to make workers without a fixed-term labor the contract,the employer and the worker should be signed without a fixed term labor contract.
Was also suggested that workers and employers want to sign non-fixed term labor contract must obtain the consent of the employer,irrespective of whether workers and employers have signed a fixed-term labor contracts.Some people think that,if the employing unit and laborers have signed a fixed-term labor contracts,they can not put forward to make a presumption of workers without a fixed term labor contract.
In practice there are many employers and workers personally believe that without a fixed term labor contract is "iron rice bowl","life tenure" and can not change.In fact,this view is not correct.Without a fixed term labor contract with the other types of labor contracts,as also applies to the "Labor Law" to change the principle of consultation.As long as the parties an equal voluntary negotiation,it can change the duration of contract negotiations,that is a fixed term labor contract can be changed to non-fixed term labor contract,conversely,non-fixed term labor contract can be changed to a fixed term labor contract.In addition to duration of contract beyond
Non-fixed term labor contract,the parties could also work content,labor remuneration,working conditions and violations of the labor contract such as liability for negotiation,to make changes.In the changed terms of the contract,it should be in accordance with the voluntary,equality and the principle of consultation can not take coercion,fraud,concealing the fact that such unlawful means.

英语翻译对于在同一单位连续工作满10年的一般劳动者(不含原来转制过渡时期和特殊人员)来说,可以要求订立无固定期限劳动合同.劳动者工作时间不足10年的,其提出要求订立无固定期限劳 劳动法年休假按工龄算还是按在同一单位工作年限算?职工累计工作已满1年不满10年的,年休假为5天;已满10年不满20年的,年休假为10天;已满20年的,年休假为15天.劳动法年休假天数按工龄算还 两个单位合计的工龄证明怎么写?我在A单位工作5年,去年至今在B单位工作1年,两家单位干的是相同的工作.现在要写一个从事该工作已满6年的工龄证明,怎么写?还用到A单位开证明和盖章吗? 英语翻译基督教对于现实生活的意义,不仅体现在家庭伦理道德方面,而且还体现在工作方面. 英语翻译在连续工作三天三夜后,她病倒了的翻译?She_______ _______after working three days and nights continuously. 英语翻译我现在国外工作,想换单位,得给大使馆出具商务签证,时间挺紧,而且自己的英语水平不高,中文证明如下:工作证明姚鸿旺从1982年至今在天津市三达仿估礼品厂工作.特此证明 如果杨宇的父亲和王丽的父亲在同一单位工作,当月所缴纳个人所得税25元,那么杨宇父亲这个月工资是多少 英语翻译1.能告诉我你花费200元吃的那顿饭到底吃些什么?2.这只狗有没有什么疾病?3.你和她在同一单位工作吗?4.你送我回家吧,现在已经没有公车了.5.听见三声枪响,我回过头,看见一个人刚打 英语翻译从2010年3月至今在...公司工作,目前担任业务经理职务.(单位简介:本单位是从事零售业务为主的综合超市),营业执照号:***,其年收入如下:月基本工资约为**元人民币,年终奖为** 想找检验食品的工作应该在哪些单位找?卫生局与质检局.质监局等部门有什么区别?检验食品,化验食品是否有毒,是否安全达标,想找这样的工作,应该是在哪些单位就业?这些单位哪个对于就业 1.车在中途受阻,耽误了6分钟,然后将时速由原来的每小时40千米提高到每小时50千米,若要将耽误的时间补上,则需要这样走多少千米?2.父子在同一单位工作,父亲从家到单位需30分钟,儿子走同一 1.车在中途受阻,耽误了6分钟,然后将时速由原来的每小时40千米提高到每小时50千米,若要将耽误的时间补上,则需要这样走多少千米?2.父子在同一单位工作,父亲从家到单位需30分钟,儿子走同一 体积单位的3在工作表上怎么打出 学化工的在什么单位工作好 工作不忙的情况下可以在单位做什么 对于同一建筑物,相同时刻在阳光下的影子在夏天和冬天那个长 怎样才能自立自强?特别对于我们这种没有工作单位,没有稳定收入的人该怎么做? 在同一年中连续4个月的总天数是123 这4个月是哪些