
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 07:27:43


To timely and accurate environmental noise measurement analysis to the environmental protection department formulate measures of environmental protection,it is to measure the level of protection area indexes.This paper airplane noise around the airport to measure analysis software,can be collected aircraft noise is analyzed,the noise of the detailed list,helps people to study the essence of the noise,provides the theory basis for noise control airport.The use of vc + + 6.0,divided the MFC to develop simple algorithm and precision algorithm two modes,can be calculated LEPN noise effectively plan and feel right LWECPN equivalent continuous noise levels feeling.

Environmental noise measurement and analysis of timely and accurate environmental protection departments will help develop a reasonable environmental protection measures, is a measure of the level of ...


Environmental noise measurement and analysis of timely and accurate environmental protection departments will help develop a reasonable environmental protection measures, is a measure of the level of regional environmental protection one of the important indicators. This article describes measurements of aircraft noise around airports analysis software, can be collected to analyze aircraft noise, the noise out more information, help people to study the nature of aircraft noise, airport noise to provide for the control theory. The use of the MFC VC + +6.0 is used to develop simple algorithms and sophisticated algorithms are divided into two modes, you can calculate the effective perceived noise level LEPN and weighted equivalent continuous noise level feeling LWECPN.


英语翻译对环境噪声及时而准确的测量分析有助于环保部门制定合理的环境保护措施,是衡量地区环保水平的重要指标之一.本文介绍的机场周围飞机噪声测量分析软件,可以对采集到的飞机噪 看到隔离器有消弱环境噪声对测试电路的影响,想请教环境噪声对测试电路有什么影响?怎么影响? 英语翻译哈尔滨祥泰名苑环境噪声监测与评价摘要:噪声是影响人们生活环境的重要因素.通过对哈尔滨祥泰小区环境噪声的实地监测,以了解小区环境噪声的污染情况,并且监测祥泰小区的环 城市环境噪声的来源有哪些? 环境噪声监测的测量工况指的是什么 电压、电流的测量及精度分析 英语翻译摘要在对于万州主城区环境噪声监测中,优化选取2个能代表整个万州主城区域环境噪声平均水平的测点,进行环境噪声监测,每天分两个时间段对每个测点进行监测,通过对数据的处理, 环境噪声的特点 简述环境噪声的分类和产生的影响.请准确点告知下哈, 记金华的双龙洞阅读理解及答案一路迎着溪流.随着山势,溪流时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急,溪声也时时变换调子.”山势、溪流、溪声三者之间有什么联系? 关于红楼梦中塑造的人物的浅要介绍及分析的英语翻译,最准确的翻译 冒号有哪些用法下列的属于什么用法呢曲子时而高昂,时而低沉:时而紧凑,时而舒缓;时而婉转,时而悠扬:时而欢快,时而悲伤.标题呢?冒号有哪些用法? 区域环境噪声和功能区环境噪声的区别是什么 做环境噪声监测仪的 及时而教是什么意思? 为什么测量噪声时传声器对准声源方向?测环境噪声时要背向最近的反射体? 求:关于空气压缩机(空压机)的噪声国家标准(有含测试最好)?《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》、《声环境质量标准》没有,难道关于空气压缩机噪声安全方面没有国家要求吗,那测量 测量的准确吗?