请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下以下段落写作的错误Both sites contain separate sections introducing environmental protection,and there is a rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’,‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 12:08:32

请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下以下段落写作的错误Both sites contain separate sections introducing environmental protection,and there is a rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’,‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability
Both sites contain separate sections introducing environmental protection,and there is a rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’,‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability Scorecard’,etc.and mass of the article which topic is around environment,indicating that the two companies take issues of environmental protection very seriously.

请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下以下段落写作的错误Both sites contain separate sections introducing environmental protection,and there is a rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’,‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability
Each (不同的用each; 相同的用both) of the two sites contains separate sections introducing environmental protection,(后面的是两个点“加起来”有的还是各自有的?签于这种模棱两可的情况,我觉得这样写比较妥当),which includes several categories,such as "Sustainable Profitability," "Environment," and "Sustainability Scorecard," etc.and a wealth of articles (article 是可数名词,用mass不对) with the topic centering around environment/articles focusing on the topic of environment.All of these are strong indication/strongly indicate that the two companies takes issues of environmental protection very seriously.

Both sites contain separated sections which introducing environmental protection。There is rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability Scorecard’, etc. and m...


Both sites contain separated sections which introducing environmental protection。There is rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability Scorecard’, etc. and mass of the article which topic is around environment, indicated that two companies take issues of environmental protection very seriously.语感太差了。很中国化的英语段落。


请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下以下段落写作的错误Both sites contain separate sections introducing environmental protection,and there is a rich categories such as ‘Sustainable Profitability’,‘Environment’ and ‘Sustainability 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:本文的写作目的是为了预测并分析可穿戴是智能设备所将面临的挑战. 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:详细的表达了个人观点 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:立法者也开始盯上谷歌眼镜. 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:而这些可以从数据库中反应出来. 请英文好的朋友帮助检查一下以下英语写作有没有错误,谢谢These three studies make significant contributions to an important fact of leaders in large companies which is group-wide company or Multinational Corporation. They all ma 请英文好的朋友帮我修正一下作文.today,I have a little bit think cooking myself is a little not请英文好的朋友帮我修正一下作文.today,I have a little bit think cooking myself is a little not necessary for now.Even food here 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:电力问题也许是在移动技术领域最重要的限制因素. 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:对于类似于“日历”,“电子邮件”等应用程序.请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:对于类似于“日历”,“电子邮件”等应用程序,佩戴者总是要求这些程序所提供 请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下句子,用于感谢使用送生日祝福.Thanks my great housemate.I can't remember how many times people sing birthday song for me.But this is my first time three wonderful people sing birthday song using the h 请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下句子,用于感谢使用送生日祝福.Thanks my great housemate. I can't remember how many times people sing birthday song for me. But this is my first time three wonderful people sing birthday song using the 请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下英语作文,主题关于“城市化”Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,experts predict that,50% of people live in cities 70% by 2050.Though there are many slum which even can't provide a good health environmen 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下“某某打算与团购公司合作大力推广优惠券” 请英语好的朋友帮助检查一下我的英文写作. 目前IT的技术在新经济中发挥越来越重要的作用,公司请英语好的朋友帮助检查一下我的英文写作. 目前IT的技术在新经济中发挥越来越重要的作用 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文写作的错误,关于IT外包的安全性问题中文仅供参考,不需要完全一样.在安全性方面,公司应该慎重的对待数据的安全性.如果公司的商业秘密被泄露出去,或用 以下写作用于presentation,感觉不够口语化.请英文好的朋友帮助修改得更口语化一点:To improve profitability:One of the benefits of database is the ability to target marketing efforts and allocate resources in a way that imp 以下写作用于presentation,感觉不够口语化.请英文好的朋友帮助修改得更口语化一点: In the apple store, you can find an application named 'Event Cinemas'. Actually, this application can be seen as an entrance to a database 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下case study的写作.把明显的错误修改一下.Lask states that as part of a broad promotional mix,price occupies a big part in drive sales,while he concedes that Flanagan as service companies should put the