
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 09:18:23


In Chinese,every character has its own pronunciation,and this pronunciation could be read by Chinese alphabets.That is what we call "pinyin".
It plays a role as the phonetic symbols do in English,and indicates how a word pronouce.
While in English,we sometimes use pinyin to express certain word to an English speaker.Sometimes it is because there is no a corresponding English word for the same meaning,or because it is a name,place name,eg."cheng",which is a name,or "yuanfen",which is a unique word in Chinese.
For another example,"Beijing" is a place name.You may know "kongfu",right?Is it just the pinyin.

In Chinese, each character has its own pronunciation, and the pronunciation of the letters can be spelled.
I have told you it is called "拼音" ( "pinyin").
This role in the Chinese very muc...


In Chinese, each character has its own pronunciation, and the pronunciation of the letters can be spelled.
I have told you it is called "拼音" ( "pinyin").
This role in the Chinese very much like the English phonetic transcription, you can know what the pronounciation of the word .
. And in English, sometimes we use pinyin to express the words for English speakers.
Usually ,because there is not a word in English can convey the same meaning, or names, place names, such as "cheng". This is a name, such as "yuanfen" .
You can't find a right English word.
Another example is "Beijing"
This is a place names.
Do you know "kongfu", right?
This is the alphabet.


In Chinese,every word has its own pronunciation,and Chinese traditional culture--Pinyin can help you spell it out.So you can see the function of Pinyin is very familiar with the phonetic symbols in En...


In Chinese,every word has its own pronunciation,and Chinese traditional culture--Pinyin can help you spell it out.So you can see the function of Pinyin is very familiar with the phonetic symbols in English,both of them can help you know the pronunciation of a word.And in English we Chinese often express some words by Pinyin for the foreigners,and that is because some words can't be found to use in English,especially as for Chinese name and some names of places.For example,"Cheng"is a Chinese name,and Chinese traditional romantic vacubularies such as"yuanfen"is very hard to be expressed in English.And you must know"Beijing"right?This is a place that is used Pinyin to show you.And you may also know"Kongfu"I guess,that's the using of Pinyin,too.


当时就是借鉴了英文的26个字母 外加以前的一种"汉字拼音"结合成的 所以有这样的特点 去查查过去的那种文字的那种拼音你就能了解的更多一点了 对了 当时好像是提倡和国际接轨什么的大前提 建国后 一个是简体字的出现 一个是拼音的出现都是一种很好的事情 ~...


当时就是借鉴了英文的26个字母 外加以前的一种"汉字拼音"结合成的 所以有这样的特点 去查查过去的那种文字的那种拼音你就能了解的更多一点了 对了 当时好像是提倡和国际接轨什么的大前提 建国后 一个是简体字的出现 一个是拼音的出现都是一种很好的事情 ~


In Chinese,every character has its own pronunciation,which can be spelt with letters.This is "pinyin" I have said.It's exactly the same as the phonetic symbol in English,letting you know how to pronou...


In Chinese,every character has its own pronunciation,which can be spelt with letters.This is "pinyin" I have said.It's exactly the same as the phonetic symbol in English,letting you know how to pronounce the word.In English,sometimes,we have to use pinyin to express a word to a foreigner,the reason is usually it's difficult to find an English word meaning the same thing.Others is because it is a name of a person or a place.For example,"cheng"is a name,"yuanfen" is much too difficult to find a word in English,"Beijing" is a place.Do you know "kungfu"?That's pinyin.


In Chinese, every word has its own pronunciation that can be read in spelling with alphabets. The spelling, in Chinese, is pinyin. The spelling is quite similar to phonetic symbols in English that ena...


In Chinese, every word has its own pronunciation that can be read in spelling with alphabets. The spelling, in Chinese, is pinyin. The spelling is quite similar to phonetic symbols in English that enable you to learn how to pronounce the words easily. In English, sometimes, we use pinyin to tell English speakers how to say the Chinese words, of course, generally in the case of no suitable English found to express the particular meaning of the Chinese. This is always found in telling persons' names such as Cheng or names of places, such as Yuanfen. It is obviously no alternative in English to tell them. Now, some of pinyin is famous all over the world, such as Beijing and Kongfu.


Every Chinese character has its own pronunciation which can also be read in the alphabetic way, that is the so-called "pinyin" I mentioned before. Pinyin in Chinese has somewhat similar functions to t...


Every Chinese character has its own pronunciation which can also be read in the alphabetic way, that is the so-called "pinyin" I mentioned before. Pinyin in Chinese has somewhat similar functions to those of phonetic symbols in English, which indicates the right pronunciation of a character. And when we talk to English speakers, we occasionally use Pinyin, instead of its English equivalent, to represent a Chinese character. This happens because we cannot find the exact English equivalent to convey the same meaning and also because we are dealing with special names,including names of people or places. "Cheng", for example, is a surname and "yuanfen”is something we can never find a suitable English word to represent it. More examples are “Beijing”, name of a place, and “kongfu" which I do believe you know well. That is Pinyin.


In Chinese every character has it own pronunciation,which can be spelled by a series of letters.That`s what we call “pinyin”.It is like phonetic symbol do in English,letting you know how to spell the...


In Chinese every character has it own pronunciation,which can be spelled by a series of letters.That`s what we call “pinyin”.It is like phonetic symbol do in English,letting you know how to spell the word.Sometimes we also use pinyin directly in English to express a word to a English speaker.it is because sometimes we can`t find a similar word in English to convey the same meaning,a name or a place.For example “cheng” is a name. “yuanfen”is a word you can`t find the similar word in English,“Beijing” is a place,”Kongfu” as you may know,it`s all “pinyin”.


In Chinese, each character has its own pronunciation, and this pronunciation of the letters can be used to spelling. I have said is the "alphabet" ( "pinyin"). This role in the Chinese very much like ...


In Chinese, each character has its own pronunciation, and this pronunciation of the letters can be used to spelling. I have said is the "alphabet" ( "pinyin"). This role in the Chinese very much like the English phonetic transcription, you can let you know what the sound of the word fat. Sometimes in English we would use pinyin to English speakers to express the words. Usually because in English can not find suitable words to convey the same meaning, or name, place names, such as "cheng" This is the name of, for example, "yuanfen" This is not the right English word. Another example "Beijing" This is the place names. Do you know "kongfu", right? This is the alphabet.


英语翻译需要向一位朋友解释中国拼音.在中文中,每个字都有自己的发音,而这个发音可以用字母来拼读.就是我说过的“拼音”(“pinyin”).这在中文中的作用很像英语中的音标,可以让你知 加拿大中学生David在互联网上登出启事,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国语言和文化,假如你是李华...加拿大中学生David在互联网上登出启事,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国语言和文 一位中国笔友 英语翻译 英语翻译我该如何用英文和朋友解释:instagram在中国被封了,无法使用. 一位中国朋友怎么翻译成英文 一位中国朋友的英文怎么写? 用英语给一位来中国学汉语的外国朋友介绍学习汉语的几种方法如看中国节日,听歌曲,看报刊,寄居在中国朋友家 英语短文感谢信(急)主要内容:你的一位美国朋友lily在昨天你过生日时寄给你一本英语词典作为礼物,为此你写信向他表示感谢,信中要说明这本词典对你的帮助,并盼望她暑假能来中国. 欧洲人来中国我一个西班牙朋友(在巴塞罗那).想要来中国旅游 请问需要办理什么手续?是否要向当地驻华大使馆申请?具体应该怎么办? “一位朋友向我讲述了在南美洲一片森林边缘发生的故事.”短文分析 英语翻译我朋友需要, 宪草,草宪是什么意思在中国最后一位大儒中 英语翻译接一位美国朋友翻译一下 和朋友在电话中聊天英语翻译 英语翻译A课文向我们讲述了一位出色的中国篮球运动员— 姚明,第一位在NBA选秀中第一个被选中的中国球员.在B课文我们将于乔丹见面.乔丹以他强有力的扣篮获得“飞人乔丹”的美誉.他六次 在拼音教学中还有哪些需要注意的方面 英语书面表达 你叫张琳 你的一位来自美国的朋友john写信向你询问参加他的中国朋友的 聚会的一些注意事项,你叫张琳 你的一位来自美国的朋友john写信向你询问参加他的中国朋友的聚会的一 朋友在英文中解释就是帮我解释朋友的英文怎么讲