
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 05:28:44


"The flood dragon", is China's first Taiwan to design, with independent intellectual property rights of the deep manned submersibles, its development assembled to pry into heavy industry group company 702, Chinese academy of sciences shenyang and automation, acoustic over units. In June 2002, "flood dragon" th project was set up. In last year's trial, "descend flood dragon" number expectations, created the 3759 m Chinese record descend. "The flood dragon" that will, at the beginning, our country become the United States, France, Russia, Japan and their fifth after 3500 meters, with great depth below the country. Manned technology .
In the 47 days for a test mission, below flood dragon ", "will carry out four times to descend. 21, execution is first to descend. The second descend, will impact 5000 meters deep sea. Why is 5000 m? "If the sea try, success means our manned deep level reached the advanced world level." China ocean association secretary-general, manned the leading group JinJianCai try deputy chief said, although the United States, France, Russia, Japan four countries are now available to descend 6000 meters and even 6500 m manned submersible ware, but at present the diving depth in often within 5000 metres. Because to get 5000 m depth, can get around the earth's oceans in accounting for 75% of the area of the bottom.
July 1, our country the first morning his own design, integrated platform independent of the dragon ", "manned submersibles set sail from the jiangyin, jiangsu. The future 47 days, it will sail to the northeast of 5000 meters, is the sea level try.
For "flood dragon" number, 5000 m just a semicolon, it really want is 7000 meters of the depths of the sea. "2012," dragon ", will challenge 7000 m world depth." "The flood dragon" chief designer, xu south in the works when accepting a reporter to interview the depth of 7000 meters, said accounted for 99.8% of the area of the earth's oceans, this means that our country submersibles can be in accounting for 99.8% of the world's vast sea freedom of action. "The sea bed is substantial resources to be developed, sea creatures, the ocean chemical, Marine earthquake and the further development of discipline, need such powerful tools."
In this year's deep test, "flood dragon", 5000 meters deep impact success, it will be the biggest manned submersibles descend a depth of 7000 meters lay the foundation. And it will carry out the photography, video, bottom topography measurement, Marine environment parameters measurement of homework test and application.
"Side, the side improve experiment, the side to improve." Xu said, deep south works, is currently the biggest test or from the pressure. He made a comparison: the 7000 metres of water pressure energy equivalent to 700 kg weight will be in a little thumb a size of the cover. Face the pressure, 7000 meters to the computer chip, this kind of can't withstand the pressure components, need to have pressure pipe to protect. To some, like battery box such structure, this is through an oil filled compensation methods, to pressure inside and outside pressure balance, and to minimize box wall thickness, to reduce the weight of the body, still can increase oil medium insulation protection ability.
"A scuba diving is sure enough, and further developed in, we also continue to improve reliability, d sex, GuoChanLv, and to reduce the operating cost." 7000 meters deep and not by our ultimate goal, design, manufacture of deep manned submersibles, will be in human resources development and utilization of the ocean of recognitions.
The Wall Street journal published on July 20, entitled "China is pounced on deep sea treasure" article said that China is in the Pacific Ocean in plans or to develop the world's oceans in the underlying mineral resources in the United States and China, beyond speculation "dragon's deep sea exploration" another figure ", or existence has military significance.

英语翻译“蛟龙”号是我国第一台自行设计、拥有自主知识产权的深海载人潜水器,其研制集结了中船重工集团公司702所、中科院沈阳自动化所和声学所等百余家单位.2002年6月,“蛟龙”号项 由我国自行设计,拥有自主知识产权的第一台深海载人潜水器蛟龙号的研制历经6年由我国自行设计,拥有自主知识产权的第一台深海载人潜水器蛟龙号的研制历经6年,在中船重工集团公司702 如图所示是我国第一台自行设计的“蛟龙号”载人潜水器,2012年6月24日,“蛟龙”号载人潜水器在马里亚纳海域进行的7000米级海试第四次下潜试验中成功突破7000米深度,再创中国载人深潜新纪 “蛟龙号”是我国第一台自行设计,自主继承研制的深海潜水器,它的表面积为125㎡ 设计最大下潜深度是7000m求最大下潜深度时 承受海水的压强和压力各是多少 (过程) 如图是我国第一台自行设计、自主集成一研制的“蛟龙号”载人潜水器.2010年8月26日,“蛟龙号”已完成下潜深度3759m的深海潜试,这标志着中国已成为世界上第五个掌握3500m以上大深度载人深 我国第一座自行设计、自行建造的核电站是哪一个? 我国自行设计建造的第一座核电站是 我国自行设计制造的第一辆汽车是() 我国自行设计制造的第一辆汽车是? 我国第一座自行设计、自行建造的核电站是哪一个? 蛟龙号载入潜水器是我国第一台自主研制的载人深潜器试验成功的最大下潜深度为多少米 我国自行设计的第一座核电站是什么 位于浙江省的泰山核电站是我国自行设计建造的第一座核电站? 我国自行设计和制造的第一座核电站是哪一年建成发电的 我国自行设计和制造的第一座核电站在什么地方? 中国第一颗自行设计,制造的人造卫星是?“( )年( )月,我国第一颗自行设计,制造的人造地球卫星( )发射成功.这标志着我国成为继前苏联,美国,法国和日本,世界上第( )个能独立发射( )的国家. 答案是BC.为什么D不对?1970年4月24日,我国自行设计、制造的第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”发射成功,1970年4月24日,我国自行设计、制造的第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”发射成功, 如图所示是我国首台自主设计研发的深海载人深潜器“蛟龙号”.“蛟龙号”进行了7000m级海试,最大下潜深度达7062m,此处海水产生的压强约为7×107 Pa,以此数据计算:海水对“蛟龙号”每0.5m2