
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 22:25:29


Not only the smoker endangered in smoking,but also jeopardize the health of those non-smokers around.People of smoking will say smoking one's own right,person that does not smoke that have,breathe fresh clean right of air too?An investigation indicates,the husband smokes but the wife does not smoke,it is about 10 times of the ordinary person's that the wife suffers from the danger of lung cancer.The smoker,for oneself and others' health,please give up smoking!


Smoking is not only hazardous to smoker himself, and to the people around the smoker. Smokers say that smoking is their right, then non-smokers who also have the right to have fresh air.A survey showe...


Smoking is not only hazardous to smoker himself, and to the people around the smoker. Smokers say that smoking is their right, then non-smokers who also have the right to have fresh air.A survey showed that the husband somke but the wife non-smoker, his wife suffering from lung cancer risk is 10 times that of ordinary people . Smokers,for others and your own health, please stop smoking!


Smoking not only harms the people who smokes,but harms the health of the others who stay around as well.For smoking people,smoking is their right.Yet are people who doesn't smoke have th...


Smoking not only harms the people who smokes,but harms the health of the others who stay around as well.For smoking people,smoking is their right.Yet are people who doesn't smoke have the right to get the fresh air?And a survey shows that a man smokes and his wife doesn't,the probability that his wife get lung cancer is as 10 times as ordinary people do.So,smoking guys,for others and yourselves'health please give up it!



英语翻译吸烟危害的不仅是吸烟者本人,而且危及周围那些不吸烟者的身体健康.吸烟的人会说,吸烟是自己的权利,那麼不吸烟的人是否也有呼吸新鲜乾净空气的权利呢?一项调查表明,丈夫吸烟 一个房间,吸烟与不吸烟者,为什么不吸烟的人容易得病?吸烟的人同时也在吸二手烟的呀?大家的呼吸频率都差不多呀,而且吸烟者离二手烟更近! 吸烟的危害 英语翻译 (每日和吸烟者在一起呆上15分钟以上,吸“二手烟”者的危害便等同于吸烟者.不太理解砖家的这句话,难道和吸烟者非吸烟时期呆在一起也会有害处?请问这种坏处怎么来? 有谁知道2010年我国总吸烟人数?有多少不吸烟者遭受二手烟危害? 请根据吸烟吸烟不少于60词的英语文章.(请根据吸烟者自认为的原因与吸烟的危害做答) no smoking作文禁止吸烟的场所吸烟不仅对自己身体有危害对周围的人危害更大给吸烟者的建议带翻译 吸烟者呼出的二手烟已经被环境中的空气稀释了,为什么二手烟的危害更大,是因为吸烟者吸烟时有香烟中的海绵过滤吗 香烟中含有()物质,而且香烟燃烧排出的()对不吸烟的人也会产生危害 据统计,吸烟引发肺癌的可能性大约是不吸烟者的( 500 ). 英语翻译大多数吸烟者都意识到吸烟的危害.因为受伤他不得不退出赛跑.她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的.当她的邻居需要帮助时,她从来都不会不理他们. 求一份关于怎样保护不吸烟者在吸烟者中免受危害的英文剧本,点子提议也可以 吸烟不仅有害健康而且花钱.一位吸烟者每天吸一包18元的香烟,那么他每年花在吸烟上的钱大约要几圆? 吸烟者知道吸二手烟的危害吗 急需关于吸烟有害健康的英语作文,100字左右,第一段:吸烟对吸烟者的健康有害第二段:吸烟危害别人的健康第三段:结论与措施 急需关于吸烟有害健康的作文,100字左右第一段:吸烟对吸烟者的健康有害第二段:吸烟危害别人的健康第三段:结论与措施 我听说吸二手烟的危害比吸烟人的危害还大,这样的话不吸烟的是不是也得吸烟呀?我是个男生,但是周围的男生几乎没有不吸烟的,而且是当着我的面吸烟,我简直就是直接受害者,要是这样的话, 吸烟的英语短文,吸烟者怎么看待吸烟 吸烟有什么好处坏处 你怎么看待吸烟