■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(4)■■■■1.汉译英这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)_________________________________2.改错Don't ring up me this evening,will you?(麻烦顺便讲下肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 08:53:44

■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(4)■■■■1.汉译英这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)_________________________________2.改错Don't ring up me this evening,will you?(麻烦顺便讲下肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑
这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)
Don't ring up me this evening,will you?(麻烦顺便讲下肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑问句的改法,)

■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(4)■■■■1.汉译英这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)_________________________________2.改错Don't ring up me this evening,will you?(麻烦顺便讲下肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑
这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)
This company is specially engaged in foreign trade. [be engaged in从事于,经营]
Don't ring up me this evening,will you?
[ring up me 改为:ring me up]ring up 是“动词+副词”结构,宾语若是代词,只能放在中间.
------至于肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑问句的改法,很简单,都用:will you?
e.g. Open the door, will you?
Don't open the door,will you?
People from all over the world have different opinions about good table manners.
[table manners 餐桌礼仪]

This company specializes in foreign trade.
up去掉ring sb就是打电话给某人的意思。
People in different places of the world have different ideas of good eating manner.

good answer

■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(4)■■■■1.汉译英这家公司专营外贸业务.(foreign trade)_________________________________2.改错Don't ring up me this evening,will you?(麻烦顺便讲下肯定和否定祈使句的反意疑 ■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(3)■■■■1.改错How long were you live in England?2.My cat was running ____ I came back home.A.whileB.forC.whenD.in3.句型转换When I was a boy,I coule swim very well.(同义句)____ ____ ____,I cou ■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(7)■■■■1.If a table is too loub,other c____ might even c____ to the m____.2.(这个重要)In western countries,one person pays if he or she is e____ c____.3.It is called going d____to eat toghther ■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道■■■■1.-What's the time?-It's_____.A.one thirtyB.one thirty-oneC.six o fiveD.six five o'clock2.I'm going to the shop____.A.for an hourB.after a minuteC.in a minuteD.less than a minute3.汉译英比起 ■■■■■简单的初二英语题3道(5)■■■■1.What's the Chinese forsix of one and half a dozen of the other?A.六分之一B.人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见面分一半2.What's 吹牛 in English?A.talk big cowB.talk big horseC.blow 初二英语简单的四道填空 初二4道简单英语选择题!{{{(>_ ■■■■■一道简单的初二地理题■■■■■与青藏高原的“高”和“寒”的自然环境特征没有紧密联系的是A、地热能极为丰富B、日照强烈,太阳能丰富请说明原因哦~~ 初二英语一道简单的填空题22题 求3人简单英语对话,我是初二的.着急!好的话我会加分的 初二的数学和英语哪个学的简单些, 初二英语第一题,一道简单的选择题说明理由谢谢 初二英语14题,一道简单的选择请说明理由谢谢 初二英语12题一道简单的选择题请说明理由谢谢 初二英语,第三课,书上的题目.很简单.福利. 初二的英语题 初二英语4道 初二下册英语选择题100个只要是关于初二下册英语知识的选择题都可以...我想要的是简单的100个题