
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 00:22:06


Today,in society where "people-oriented" is advocated,facing more and more cases that fetus's rights and interests was infringed,protecting the fetus's rights and interests is a problem that is exigent to be solved.

Now, we are promoting "people-oriented". In the face of more and more cases of fetal right and interest violations in our country, it has become an urgent legal problem to be settled for protect the right and interest of the fetus.

In the"people-oriented" days,facing more and more cases of violating fetal's rights, it has been an urgent legal issue to protect fetal rights and interests.

In view of the growing rampant cases of infringement on the rights and interests of foetus in nowadays society that advocates "people oriented", the legal protection of foetus'civil rights and interests has become a pressing problem that needs to be solved by the legislators.

In promoting "people-oriented" today, when we are still facing more and more cases of fetal rights violated.The protection of the rights of the fetus has to be legal problems to be solved.

英语翻译英文高手进:在提倡“以人为本”的今天,面对我国越来越多的胎儿权益受到侵犯的案件,胎儿的权益的保护已以成为法律上亟待解决的问题. 英语翻译客户至上,以人为本的英文是什么?标准的阿! 你认为现在提倡以人为本的思想有什么意义? 以人为本的英文怎么翻译好? 英语翻译达能集团提倡文化的多样性,并切实贯彻、体现其核心价值观:以人为本、开放心态、亲和信赖、热忱向上.达能文化的基石源于坚信业务的成功与人密不可分,坚持业务成功和社会责 英语翻译它其实是在提倡一种要人们注意健康的理念 提倡如何翻 pmt 什么是以人为本?以人为本的概念? “( ),( )”是最早由儒家提倡的待人接物的处世之道,最提倡以人为本的今天仍有它的意义 孟子提倡的民本思想和我们现代社会提出的以人为本的思想有什么区别和联系 ”以人为本”英文怎么说 提倡勤俭节约的优良传统,翻译成英文. “浅析企业以人为本的质量管理”这句话怎么用英语翻译? 英语翻译``````英文高手来```` 以人为本,精益求精,持续发展 英文怎么说? 英语翻译请高手翻译下“每天都在思念你”的英文. 孟子提倡的民本思想和我们现代社会提出的以人为本的思想有什么区别和联系把区别和联系分开说说清楚点 佛罗伦萨大教堂的穹顶体现了文艺复兴时期所提倡的一种什么精神A神权之上B民主平等C以人为本D皇权之上 英语翻译以人为本,共同经营 英文翻译