情态动词的专项练习1.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.needn"t to come B.don"t need come C.don"t need coming D.needn"t come2.He _________you more help,even though he was ve

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 06:40:28

情态动词的专项练习1.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.needn"t to come B.don"t need come C.don"t need coming D.needn"t come2.He _________you more help,even though he was ve
1.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.
A.needn"t to come B.don"t need come
C.don"t need coming D.needn"t come
2.He _________you more help,even though he was vevy busy.
A.might have given B.might give
C.may have given D.may give

情态动词的专项练习1.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.needn"t to come B.don"t need come C.don"t need coming D.needn"t come2.He _________you more help,even though he was ve
1.D (need 作为情态动词本身是助动词,后面直接接主要动词,不需要加to,否定式直接说needn't,不需要再借助另一个助动词do;need作为主要动词时,后面再接其他动词才要加to,否定式、疑问式要借助助动词do)
2.A (首先根据后句时态为过去时,所以C、D不能选;B和more 合用,意义不通.A为虚拟语气,意为本可以怎样,但实际上没有)


情态动词专项练习,被动语态专项练习每个要100题左右后有谢 情态动词的专项练习1.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A.neednt to come B.dont need come C.dont need coming D.neednt come2.He _________you more help,even though he was ve 动词时态专项练习?请问,动词时态专项练习在哪里可以查找啊?动词语态怎么样的呢? 英语七年级上专项练习-------用所给动词的适当形式填空1.he wangts (be)an actor 关于 can may 情态动词的用法 情态动词后面加原形any不是动词原形吗May I ask you _____ questions about your schoolA.any B.some像这题应该怎么解释? 情态动词的用法 情态动词的使用方法. need什么时候作行为动词,什么时候作情态动词?不要抄语法书的,要通俗易懂的,要自己总结出来的那种,最好顺便附上一些练习.最近期末在复习,需要总结到这一点,急用,前两天做到一道题YOU _____ 情态动词练习 1.I ____ my homework yesterday evening,so I could't go to the cinema.A.had to do B.must do C.must have done D.ought to do2.Xiao Li asked me if he _____ open the door.A.shall B.should C.will D.would3.Everthing you have _____ be take 关于情态动词的“You _____ be punished if you come late for school again ,said the teacher angrily.A.would B.shall C.might D.need 用适当的情态动词can、may或must完成下列句子.在21:40分前!1._____ I use your car for a few days?2.You _____ be very careful in your exams.3.-_____ you lend me some money?-Of course.How much?4.We _____ not forget to write home.5.The bo 宾语从句专项练习 宾语从句专项练习(一)一.翻译句子 完成下列宾语从句:1.Please tell me _______________________.(我们什么时候开会)2.Can you tell me _______________.(他在哪儿)3.Could you tell me _____ Do you need _____(ride)a bike to work?用正确形式填空这里的need是情态动词还是助动词? 情态动词的一道语法题It's wonderful that you _____ have achieved so much in three years.A.may B.can C.should D.would 帮我找情态动词must mustn't 和 have to 的相关练习! 羊吃草的启示课外阅读专项练习 You have never seen him,_____ _____.(反意疑问句)为什么填have you 不是do you?顺便简单地说一下have的用法 它是情态动词么 德语 情态动词德语的情态动词有哪些?