英语翻译今天我们如何阅读 by :xxx 是不是只有读一本书才算是阅读?“阅读”到底是什麼意思?我们不得不面对科技是一个很残酷的东西它可以改变很多事情它可以让一个人最初始的丰富情感

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 11:36:56

英语翻译今天我们如何阅读 by :xxx 是不是只有读一本书才算是阅读?“阅读”到底是什麼意思?我们不得不面对科技是一个很残酷的东西它可以改变很多事情它可以让一个人最初始的丰富情感
by :xxx
科技是个毒药 慢慢的侵蚀每个人的心

英语翻译今天我们如何阅读 by :xxx 是不是只有读一本书才算是阅读?“阅读”到底是什麼意思?我们不得不面对科技是一个很残酷的东西它可以改变很多事情它可以让一个人最初始的丰富情感
lovelove9876 12:05:55
我给两百五十分 以下
How do we do the reading today? By -- -- . Is it called “ reading”if we read only one book? What does reading mean at all? We have to face the fact that science and technology is sth very cruel because it totally changes many things: it can diminish to none a person’s original rich emotions. It CAN change everyone’s viewpoints or opinions. It can rule out the little world of science and technology in everyone’s heart. It is a poison that gradually but stably erodes one’s heart.
From a movie we see that a girl is trying to choose the way of reading that she needs. While she is choosing books, she notices that most young people in the library are using digital products like ipod to do their reading accompanied by the music they are listening to on their digital machines.
Some people are using their internetted computers to search for the information they need .
We see that some old people read the paper book in their hand In the meantime, THEY PLAY with their cell phone for fun. All of them look happy with the way they do their reading. Then and there, the girl has decided on her way of reading. She takes off her earphone set and gets herself a book to read it in the traditional way . From the above we can see that with the development of science and technology, people are changing the way they read and the types of tools that help them to do their reading .In the past it was only the paper newspaper and magazine that they read. Now they read with the help of the Internet, cellphones and digital readers. What was written on paper can now be read on the Internet as well as be downloaded to read in the cellphone while driving or taking an underground. Very often we see that people read from their mobile phone, some reading the news and others reading a book or looking at pictures / photos.
ARE digital products a real convenience? I don’t think so. .as IS DESCRIBED IN this article by - - - - .
In the past when people had none of the digital products, they sent their messages to their friends in the traditional way. Or they simply went and chatted with their friends.
Then and only then could we see their rich feelings and the expressions on their faces
With the coming of digital emails and the chat on the Internet, gone is the traditional face to face chat and the person’s handwriting , which enabled people to see the facial expressions and the handwriting of the other side. Now no more of them, lamentably.
Nor do we know what the other side is thinking
j k rowling said that she had to work from her memory to finish her novel as she had no paper or pen.
With only paper or pen, she used her rich imagination and achieved her success.
Without those digital products, we can use our brains to have more and better ideas.
The writer of this article describes -- - - . He is quite right in his opinion.
For example,when we need to learn a new subject or a new field of knowledge, we must first of all get a few books on that learning , and read carefully from beginning to end and try to form a clear and complete outline of the knowledge. Such an outline is called the basic structure of knowledge .After you are familiar with this complete outline, you can go on to find details of lots of information about it and put it properly in the structure and form meaningful understanding and memory.
Without a thorough understading of that field of knowledge, any of themany materials you get on the internet are of little use or help and a waste of time and perhaps harmful substances, which will make us lost in the ocean of information. One teacher said that students assignments appear very rich in varieties when it comes to their contents, but they are not to the points. And their conclusion has swum so far that you don’t know what questions they try to answer in their work. They have simply collected this something and that something and put them together. Though they have spent quite a lot of time working on the I nternet, they have actually achieved nothing desired, and they know little or nothing about the sobject or the field of knowledge.
It provides us with the greatest advantage to search the Internet when we know for sure what we want from it .In a very short time we can find the dusty old books and magazines that we in the past would have spent weeks struggling for in the library. Once again , seated comfortably in the elibrary, we can find the answers we need with ease. Yet we need to know first of all what we need, which is the precondition
As we all know, it is difficult for us to raise meaningful questions unless we know thoroughly what a subject or a field of knowledge is about .

英语翻译今天我们如何阅读 by :xxx 是不是只有读一本书才算是阅读?“阅读”到底是什麼意思?我们不得不面对科技是一个很残酷的东西它可以改变很多事情它可以让一个人最初始的丰富情感 今天我们怎样阅读 英语翻译类容:我叫XXX,英语课开始了,今天由我来主持,今天的参赛者是XXX,请用热烈的掌声欢赢我们的明星XXX! 英语翻译翻译:XXX,今天中午,我们财务部查了,我们还没有收到你的付款.是回复这个句子,参考:Please confirm you received the payment confirmation. 我们应该如何阅读 急用!要英语翻译下列:我叫xxx.我来自四年级三班,今天我要给大家讲的故事是xxx.【注:这是我们英语小故事的简单自我介绍.明天就要用,】 英语翻译我们先前给你发送了xxx.we send the xxx to you _____ 英语翻译“我是不是需要和XXX一起过去?”“XXX需不需要和我们一起过去?” 什么是Hacked by xxx 今天我们如何看待桃花源记 今天我们该如何爱国 今天我们如何爱国作文 作文今天我们如何爱国 今天我们如何爱国作文 英语翻译goes by 如何理解 英语翻译今天阳光明媚一类的,我和我的家人们去了铁山坪踏青.这里有XXX,XXX和XXX一类的,不用联系生活,有依据就行.我们在这里野餐啊,放风筝,骑马,玩真人版CS,这一天过得很充实,我很快乐,也 英语翻译the increment of heat generated by XXX is greater than the increment of heat eliminated by XXX.是就是XXX产生热量的增量比XXX释放热量的增量多的意思, 阅读题《今天,我们怎样阅读》原文及答案