
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 12:24:02


1,Multinational corporation
A firm which has the power to coordinate and control operations in more than one country,even if it doesn’t own them
Multinational corporation (MNC) or transnational corporation (TNC) is a corporation or enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.
2Free trade
Free trade is a system in which the trade of goods and services between or within countries flows unhindered by government-imposed restrictions.Such government interventions generally increase costs of goods and services to both consumers and producers.Interventions include taxes and tariffs,non-tariff barriers,such as regulatory legislation and quotas,and even inter-government managed trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) (contrary to their formal titles.) The most extreme version of Free Trade opposes all such interventions.Trade liberalization entails reductions to these trade barriers in an effort for relatively unimpeded transactions.
3Trade Protection/Protectionism
Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations,through methods such as tariffs on imported goods,restrictive quotas,and a variety of other restrictive government regulations designed to discourage imports,and prevent foreign take-over of local markets and companies.This policy is closely aligned with anti-globalization,and contrasts with free trade,where government barriers to trade are kept to a minimum.The term is mostly used in the context of economics,where protectionism refers to policies or doctrines which "protect" businesses and "living wages" within a country by restricting or regulating trade between foreign nations.
4WTO(World Trade Organization)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization designed to supervise and liberalize international trade.The WTO came into being on 1 January 1995,and is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),which was created in 1947,and continued to operate for almost five decades as a de facto international organization.
5International Division of Labor
The allocation of various parts of the production process to different places in the world.In theory,different regions specialize in different activities,and everyone benefits,but some studies indicate that,in practice,low-skilled,poorly paid,and ecologically damaging work is switched to newly industrializing and developing countries,where the work is often done by non-unionized,female labour,working in poor conditions.

1. international enterprise
2. free trade
3 protected trade
4 World Trade Organization
5 Global division of labor

英语翻译1.跨国公司2.自由贸易3.保护贸易4.WTO(全称)5.国际分工用英文翻译后请再附上对于此词语简单的英文解释, 什么是自由贸易取消关税保护? 英语翻译1.为了实现她心目中渴望的目的,她向多家跨国公司申请工作,但都失败了.2.大多数受过教育的人都把他们的幸福跟大自然联系在一起,并且为了保护自我而努力保护大自然.3.似乎她从 为什么小国实行自由贸易政策而大国进行贸易保护? 英语翻译: 宽松的自由贸易价格和合理的税制 英语翻译1.关爱野生动物,保护美好家园.2.保护野生动物,实现人与自然和谐共处.3.保护鸟类保护野生动物,维护生态平衡.4.保护野生动物,维护生态安全.5.同在地球上,共享大自然.6.关注候鸟,保 英语翻译美国反倾销法一直被美国称为是一种维护所谓“公平贸易”的法律制度,目的就是为了保护在美国市场的自由贸易状态.但是这种公平贸易制度下的法律体系,却一直没有摆脱各种利益 英语翻译这段话的前文如下:是讲在签订自由贸易协定的时候,是应该保护本国的弱势企业,还是将其放逐于自由贸易中的激烈竞争中自生自灭.(请结合前文翻译...) 英语翻译跨国公司调整在华投资策略1.动因近几年来,世界经济停滞不前,而中国经济一支独秀.以提高国际竞争力为核心,努力实现跨国投资战略的全球化、系统化的跨国公司自然不可能忽视中 英语翻译“跨国公司的本土化经营策略及其实施”英文翻译是什么, 各国制定对外贸易政策的目的是什么?既然自由贸易有贸易保护所不具有的诸多好处,为什么到目前为止没有任何一个国家实行完全的自由贸易?你估计到什么时候“自由贸易时代”会到来? 英语翻译1.消失的胡同2.被保护的胡同3.被拆除的胡同 1.节约用电,保护森林2.保护环境,从我做起的英语翻译 推动经济全球化的主要因素是什么?1.科技进步和跨国公司、全球化战略 2.产品生产的分工协作越来越显著3.发展中国家经济的发展4一个国家努力发展自身经济A123 B234 C12 D34为什么? 英语翻译1.分析美国对中国的歧视性贸易保护原因和具体手段 2.美对华实行贸易保护的主要3.美国对实施中国歧视性贸易保护的原因 英语翻译在复杂环境中开展跨国理财活动的跨国公司,由于受到诸多不确定性因素的影响,所面临的可能收益或潜在损失,就是跨国公司理财风险.跨国公司因跨国经营活动尤其是财务活动带来的 英语翻译“跨国公司的进入是带动更多跨国投资的风向标” 英语翻译凡是跨国公司大的失败,几乎都是因为忽视了文化差异所招致的结果.