
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:34:21


When the people living around us pass away,they also live in our hearts.Life just likes a circle without start and end.The ending of every life means the starting of newborn.We can smile when we getting to die and cherish the rest of life only if there is love and memory in our hearts.

People around us left, but they stay in our heart. Life is a cycling round, without beginning or end. Each end of one life means the begining of other life. Once there is love, memory in our heart, we can face life and death with laugh, and cherish life.


when someone has gone ,in fact they are living in our hearts .life is a circle without begin or the end .each life ended means a new one begins .just has miss love in heaets.we can happy to live or die spend our life in thankful
英语不是特别好 应该是这样啦

When people leave, they actually live in our hearts.Life itself is a circle without start and end.Every time, the end of an old life means the beginning of a new one. Where there is love, there is a attitude to cherish the life and smile to it.


when the people around you are beging to leave away,they're never far away from us for they're in our heart.Life is a circle regardness of the start or the end.The end of every life means a new beging...


when the people around you are beging to leave away,they're never far away from us for they're in our heart.Life is a circle regardness of the start or the end.The end of every life means a new beginging of vitality. As long as the love and longing live in our heart,we are able to face all the things whatever life or death and we shall cherish our life.


英语翻译当身边的人离去时,他们其实活在我们的心里.生命原本是一个无所谓开始更无所谓结束的圆圈.每一段生命的结束都意味着新生命的开始.只要心中还有爱、有思念,我们就可以笑对生 英语翻译当身边的人离去时,他们其实活在我们的心里;告诉我们,生命原本是一个无所谓开始更无所谓结束的圆圈;告诉我们,每一段生命的结束都意味着新生命的开始.只要心中还有爱,有思 英语翻译即使是世界末日我都不会离去,永远陪伴在你的身边,永远. 生与死是相互诠释的.当你落地时,你身边的人都笑着;当你离去时,他们哭着. 烧烤时往烧着的炉中撒盐是什么道理?从小到大跟身边的人烧烤,在炉子起火后都会往炉子里撒一些盐,我问他们是为什么,他们又说不出是什么道理,其实这是为什么? 以其实____就在我身边为题的作文 其实快乐就在我身边作文 英语翻译其实我一直都在你身边,直要你转身,我就在这里!其实我一直打听你的消息,直要你有难!我就会帮你!其实. 英语翻译无论付出什么代价,我也不会让你从我身边离去! 英语翻译读完这篇文章后,我觉得感恩是非常重要的.自我出生以来,我的父母就一直默默地为我作奉献.他们把最好的留给我.当我遇到挫折时,他们总会在我身边为我打气,让我在挫折中不要气馁 其实身边总有一些人在无私的奉献着 英语翻译我还喜欢你呢,希望你能和我在一起,永远.以前的风波希望都远远离去.我心爱的人,你回到我身边吧! 帮忙用英语翻译两句话其实我一直在你身边.有些事,没有如果. 当你还在我身边我就开始怀念,因为我知道你即将离去..求英文原句 或者告诉我那一章的也行.都说是昆德拉的生命不能承受之轻..搜了半天有没有人告诉我英文原句? 百度上回答的人怎么都这 人生是苦是甜.一个人的一生有太多的分分合合,当朋友亲人从自己身边离去的时候你心会有什么感受,当自己所爱的人因为...而离去的时候,你会怎样,当自己的工作处与低谷心情沮丧悲观的时 MJ的she is out of my life有一句歌词是“她在我身边2年.”然后什么又离去的是不是写Lisa弱弱的问一句是不是其实是MJ先喜欢Lisa先想娶她的啊?可是我看新闻,Lisa都对MJ没感觉了.— —||| 英语翻译操场上我有偷偷找你的身影.上课时我有在偷偷看你 当看到你往这边看的时候我会马上看别的地方..和你擦肩而过的时候我的心会发了疯的跳起来.放学我希望陪在你身边的是我.其实 关于其实榜样就在我身边的作文,要开头