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根据楼主的意愿,随便找了三部 超人归来: 《超人归来》故事内容据说是承接第2集之后.超人神秘的失踪了几年之后又再次出现,但是他发现,人们早已经习惯没有超人的生活.一时间,过去曾受万人拥戴、热爱的超人觉得失去了自己的位置,对自己存在的意义产生了质疑.更不幸的是,他旧日的爱人原来竟已成为他人之妻,甚至连儿子都有了.更更不幸的是,他的死对头莱克斯卢瑟也在酝酿他的新阴谋,企图让超人永远失去超能力.就这样,刚回来的超人除了马上就要面对一大堆烦人的问题之外,仍然要为拯救人类而上太空、下深海,阻止洪水毁冲过来,再次为大家忙开了. "Superman Returns" is said to carry the story after the first two sets. Superman, after the mysterious disappearance of a few years back, but he found that people already used to life without Superman. For a time, over the past million people who have been embraced, loved Superman feel lost their position, produced for the meaning of their own existence into question. Even more unfortunately, his old lover had torn into another person's wife, even the son of a. Even more unfortunate is that his old nemesis Lex Luther is also brewing his new plot, attempting to make Superman never lose super ability. In this way, Superman has just returned immediately to face apart from a host of annoying problems, still have to save humanity into space, under the sea to prevent flooding destroyed dashed over, once again, everyone is busy opened. 蜘蛛侠3: 彼得的好友哈里·奥斯伯恩(詹姆斯·弗朗哥)在同样经历了一系列变故之后,终于察觉到蜘蛛侠的身份原来是自己多年的好友.百感交集的哈里始终抵不过失去父亲巨大痛苦的纠缠,发誓有一天要报杀父之仇.而偶然间,在父亲密室里发现“绿怪”的战斗装备,新一代“加强版绿怪”就此诞生…… 坏家伙弗林特·马克(托马斯·海登·邱奇)侥幸从监狱中逃脱,并在偶然的事故之后,变成了威力巨大的“沙人怪”.而当彼得得知此人与杀死叔父本·帕克(克里夫·罗伯岑)的凶手有着莫大的联系时,更燃起了他复仇的怒火——发誓要尽快抓捕“沙人”归案.而强悍的“沙人”自然也不会轻易束手就擒…… 一个神秘外星生物降临地球,偏巧附着在大侠战衣上.原本红蓝相间的帅气“蜘蛛”,瞬间化作邪恶上身的黑色蜘蛛.“黑暗”瞬息间开始对彼得的思想进行着无情的攻击与考验…… Peter's Friends Haario Osborne (James Franco) in the same experienced a series of tragedies, finally aware of the identity of the original Spider-Man is his longtime friend. Harry has always been an emotional loss of his father arrived in great pain, but the entanglement, vowed that one day should be reported to Shafu revenge. The accident, the father found behind closed doors "Green Devil" fighting equipment, a new generation of "enhanced version of the Green Devil" was born ... ... Bad guys弗林特马克(Thomas Haden Church) lucky enough to escape from prison, and the occasional accident, became a powerful "sand people blame." When Peter learned of this man and kill the uncle of the Parker (Kelifuluo Boczen) the perpetrators had great contacts, but also ignited the fury of his revenge - has vowed to be arrested as soon as possible "sand people" to justice. The powerful "sand people" naturally not easily lying down ... ... A mysterious alien on Earth, by chance attached to the heroes on their combat gear on. The original red and blue and white smart "spider", and instantly turned into the evil black spider upper body. "Dark" twinkling of an eye began to Peter's thinking of the relentless attacks and tests ... . X战警3: 世界闻名的沃森顿公司终于研制出了治疗“变种基因”的药物,变种人终于第一次有了自主选择命运的权利:或是放弃超能力,成为真正的人类;或是拒绝接受“治疗”,保持独特的变种能力,继续隔绝成为异类.然而,选择与否已经不再自由,在军方科学家的离间之下,人类对变种人的害怕与憎恨超乎想象,“和平至上”的X教授和身怀绝技的X特警们也在丧失能力的威胁下无法抉择. 而一心企图令变种人称霸世界的万磁王,则觉得这退无可退的境地是最好的机会,摆脱囚禁后变得格外强大、狡猾的他,吸收了庞大的新鲜力量,召集成威力无比的变种军队,准备毁灭沃森顿公司,进而让人类称臣.史无前例的人种之战一触即发! X战警们不可避免地陷入了这场矛盾对抗,然而,他们将面对的却不仅仅是害怕和憎恨他们的人类、自己内心的挣扎和万磁王的诱惑,还有死而复生的琴格雷--他们具有心电感应、隔空取物和瞬间移动等非攻击型能力的X战警同伴.死里逃生之后性格开始狂乱分裂的“黑凤凰”,彻底成为了黑暗皇后,被万磁王招自麾下的她,将会毁灭所有阻挡她去路的事物.面对人类、变种人甚至是世界的毁灭,X战警们无路可退…… The world-renowned firm Watson Burton has finally developed a cure "variant genes" drugs, variants have finally for the first time the fate of the right to choose: either to give up the super-powers to become a real man; or refuse to accept the "treatment" maintain a unique variant of capacity to continue to isolate a heterogeneous. However, the choice is no longer whether or not free, drive a wedge between the military scientists, under the human variant of fear and hatred beyond human imagination, "peace first" X-professors and equipped with special skills who are also X-SWAT incapacity can not be under the threat of a choice. The heart to give the mutant Magneto to dominate the world, you think this is no retreat back position is the best opportunity to get rid of prisoners, has become an extraordinarily powerful, cunning, he absorbed a large amount of fresh strength, to convene into a super-powerful a variant of the army, ready to destroy the Watson Burton Company, thereby allowing the human to concede defeat. Unprecedented race war hair-trigger! X-Men are caught in this conflict is inevitable confrontation, however, they will face are not only fear and hatred of their humanity, their inner struggles and temptations Magneto, as well as resurrection of the Qin Gray - They have telepathy,隔空extract and transient mobile and other non-attacking ability of X-Men companion. After a narrow escape began frenzy split personality "Black Phoenix" completely into the darkness at Queen's, was Magneto move from the arm of her, she will destroy all blocked this avenue things. The face of humans, variant even the destruction of the world, X-Men are no turning back ... ...