用英语介绍新加坡人的风俗禁忌,我想用英文介绍新加坡的风俗禁忌,主要有以下方面:禁忌 举止禁忌:用食指指人,用紧握的拳头打在另一只张开的掌心上,或紧握拳头,把拇指插入食指和中指

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/09 05:33:23

用英语介绍新加坡人的风俗禁忌,我想用英文介绍新加坡的风俗禁忌,主要有以下方面:禁忌 举止禁忌:用食指指人,用紧握的拳头打在另一只张开的掌心上,或紧握拳头,把拇指插入食指和中指
我想用英文介绍新加坡的风俗禁忌,主要有以下方面:禁忌 举止禁忌:用食指指人,用紧握的拳头打在另一只张开的掌心上,或紧握拳头,把拇指插入食指和中指之间,均被认为是极端无礼的动作.双手不要随便叉腰,因为那是生气的表示.在新加坡,头部视为心灵之所在,摸别人的头会使人有遭受污辱之感.尤其不要摸小孩的头.在公共场合不要拥抱或亲吻任何人.用餐时不要把筷子放在碗或装菜的盘子上,不用时,也不要交叉摆放,应放在托架、酱油碟或放骨片的盘子上.如有海员、渔夫或其他爱好划船者同席,不要把盘子里吃了一半的鱼反转过来,因为那将预示翻船,要把鱼骨移开,从上面吃到下面.新年期间不扫地,不洗头,否则好运会被扫掉洗掉;不要打破屋里的东西,尤其是不要打破镜子,因为那将预示着家庭的分裂或发生其他不幸的事;不穿旧衣,不用针和剪刀,它们会带来坏运气.数字忌禁 新加坡人人为“4”、“6”、“7”、“13”、“37”、和“69”是消极的数字,它们最讨厌“7”,平时尽量避免这个数字.色彩忌禁:新加坡人视黑色为倒霉、厄运之色,紫色也不受欢迎.他们偏爱红色,使红色为庄严、热烈、刺激、兴奋、勇敢和宽宏之象征.他们也欢迎蓝色和绿色.图案忌禁:新加坡人禁止在商品包装上使用如来佛的图像,也不准使用宗教用语.忌讳猪、乌龟的图案.交谈忌讳:新加坡忌说“恭喜发财”,他们认为“发财”两字含有“横财”之意,而“横财”就是不义之财..馈赠送礼:新加坡人认为当着送礼人的面打开礼物的做法是不礼貌的,因此,当你告辞时看到礼物原封不动地放在一边,千万别见怪.馈赠礼品可以带当地的物品,一般可送季节性水果或其他食品.有时也可送卡式录音带、新书等.吸烟须知:在新加坡,人们是很不赞成吸烟.在电梯里、公共交通工具上、影院内,特别是政府办公大楼内,法律规定严禁吸烟,违者罚款.要吸烟最好征得对方同意.只要禁忌要求能够译成正确的英文即可.急用!希望尽快予以解答!

用英语介绍新加坡人的风俗禁忌,我想用英文介绍新加坡的风俗禁忌,主要有以下方面:禁忌 举止禁忌:用食指指人,用紧握的拳头打在另一只张开的掌心上,或紧握拳头,把拇指插入食指和中指
Taboo Behaviour taboo:\ \ With the index finger means,Hold the fist fight with another only in the open palm,or cinch fist,thumb inserted between the index and middle fingers were considered extremely impolite action.\ \ Do not Chaiyao hands,because it is angry that.\ \ In Singapore,as spiritual head of the host,the first touch others would have suffered a sense of insult.Do not touch the children especially in the first.Do not hug in public places or kissing anyone.\ \ Do not chopsticks when eating a bowl or on a plate with vegetables,when not,and do not cross display,should be placed on trays,soy sauce dish,or put the plate on the bone slices.\ \ For sailors,fisherman or other hobbies are boating with the seats,not to the half-eaten plate of fish reversed,as it would herald the ship capsizing,we should remove the fish bone from the top to eat below.\ \ New Year is not discredited,shampoo,it will be good luck Saodiao wash; things do not break the house,especially not to break the mirror because it would herald a family split or other unfortunate things; do not wear old clothing,no needles and scissors,they would bring bad luck.\ \ Digital bogey Ban \ \ Singaporeans are "4","6","7","13" and "37" and "69" is a negative figure,which most disgusting "7",usually try to avoid this figure.\ \ Ban bogey color:\ \ As for the wretched black Singaporeans,the fate of color,purple unwelcome.\ \ Their preference for red,the red for the solemn,warm,stimulating,exciting,a symbol of courage and tolerance.\ \ They also welcomed blue and green.\ \ Logo bogey Ban:\ \ Singaporeans on the packaging of goods prohibited in the use of some other types of Buddha images,are not permitted to use religious terminology.Taboo pig,turtle patterns.\ \ Talk taboo:\ \ Singapore bogey "Kung Hei Fat Choy" that "fortune" with the word "fortune",rather than the "windfall" is ill-gotten gains.\ \ .Gift gifts:\ \ Singaporeans believe that the presence of the gifts of open gifts is impolite and,therefore,when you saw告辞gifts intact on the side of millions of Biejianguai.\ \ Gifts with the local gift items can be general can be sent seasonal fruit or other food items.\ \ Sometimes can send cassette tapes,book,etc..\ \ Smoking Notes:\ \ In Singapore,people are not in favour of smoking.In the elevator,public transport,cinemas,especially in government office buildings,the law provides for no-smoking,and offenders fined.\ \ Best to smoking with the consent of the other.\ \