
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 09:03:28


In recent years,the Chinese real estate has been developing rapidly,and house prices have continued to rise.In order to keep the fast growth of the house prices in some cities under control,the government has adopted the relevant policy to coordinate.Since then,the real estate market appears to have a positive effect,house prices and increase rate are falling up continuously,compared to the past.时间仓促,翻译了一部分.能给20分吗?

In recent years, the real estate of China developing rapidly, house prices continue to rise. In order to curb some of the city's house prices too fast growth, the government implement the relevant con...


In recent years, the real estate of China developing rapidly, house prices continue to rise. In order to curb some of the city's house prices too fast growth, the government implement the relevant control policy, since then, the real estate market appears a positive effect, house prices up or last fall back, back in the low post after November increase fluctuations, speculative investment the pent-up demand have been suppressed, housing land supply increased significantly, the supply of commodity house has increased, and supportability project progress live well. On March 5, 2012, 11 th National People's Congress held the fifth meeting, the government work report says, want to continue to do well the real estate market regulation and supportability live project construction. Strict execution and gradually improve the investment demand suppress speculation policies and measures to further consolidate control achievements, promote house prices reasonable regression.


英语翻译近几年来,中国房地产发展迅猛,房价持续上涨.为遏制一些城市的房价过快增长,政府实施了相关调控政策,此后,房地产市场出现了积极效果,房价同比涨幅持续回落,环比涨幅回落后在 英语翻译似乎没有人知道人工智能一直在迅猛发展 关于中国房地产发展历史的书籍 英语翻译RT 翻译的准确点就好了 答案取准确度最高的另外追加分数 电子商务的盈利模式分析摘 要:电子商务作为一种新兴行业,近几年来得到了迅猛的发展,为全球经济带来新的增长契机.电 英语翻译近几年来,需要迫切关注 英语翻译中国房地产融资的私募基金实现形式研究 中国经济正在迅猛发展用英语怎么说 填写成语:城市发展迅猛,高楼大厦()? 北伐为什么能取得迅猛发展 祖国近几年来的发展400字以上 英语翻译随着改革开放的不断深入和经济建设的迅猛发展,国际交流与合作不断扩大!用英语如何翻译? 壬午经济迅猛发展 猜一航空用语 北京市高新技术产业发展迅猛的最主要原因是 近几年来我国经济发展取得巨大成就的原因有哪些 英语翻译摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,尤其是电影、娱乐、互联网、传媒产业以及各种新媒体的全球化发展,植入式广告发展迅猛,植入式营销成为企业吸引消费者注意力的一种有效的营销传 英语翻译中小企业的迅猛发展已成为我国经济发展的强劲动力之一,随着我国加入WTO及市场竞争的进一步加剧,中小企业的发展面临着前所未有的困难.如何正确认识中小企业发展中存在的问题, 英语翻译《中国房地产泡沫问题研究》要严格按照论文题目的要求来翻译, 英语翻译我国的资本市场从无到有,资本结构从简单到复杂,发展迅猛.上市公司资本结构和偿债能力的分析优化关系到国民经济的发展,同时也关系到企业自身价值和股东财富的创造.本文首先