
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 08:32:07


A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

A ccepts you as who you are 接受那个真实的你
B elieves in 'you' 相信你的能力、为人等等
C alls you just to say 'Hi' 只是为了打个招呼,就会打电话给你
Doesn`t give up on you 对你不离不弃
E nvisions the whole of you 从全面的角度来看待你


A ccepts you as who you are 接受那个真实的你
B elieves in 'you' 相信你的能力、为人等等
C alls you just to say 'Hi' 只是为了打个招呼,就会打电话给你
Doesn`t give up on you 对你不离不弃
E nvisions the whole of you 从全面的角度来看待你
F orgives your mistakes 原谅你犯的错
G ives unconditionally 无条件地向你提供援手
H elps you 遇到难处时帮助你
I nvites you over 邀请你去他家
J ust 'be' with you 愿意和你呆在一起
K eeps you close at heart 与你心心相映
L oves you for who you are 喜欢你的种种个性
M akes a difference in your life 给你的生活带来很大的不同
N ever judges 从不对你品头论足
O ffers support 困境时向你提供支持
P icks you up 帮你恢复士气
Q uiets your fears 减轻你的恐惧
R aises your spirits 鼓舞你的斗志
S ays nice things about you 向别人介绍你好的那一面
T ells you the truth when you need to hear it 当你需要听到事实时,讲给你听
U nderstands理解万岁
V alues you 重视你
W alks beside you 走路时,陪在你身边
X plain things you don't understand 为你解疑释惑
Y ells when you won't listen 在你听不进好的建议时,会对你大吼
Z aps you back to reality 唤醒你,把你拉回现实


A true friend is a friend in need

A friend is a person who you can trust and share happiness each other.