
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 20:00:05


Holding the pen in a wrong way may result in sitting in a wrong way and further result in various problems which may affect the health of juveniles. At the position where the fingers are supossed to hold, the design of this pen left bugholes which not only give a more confortable touch to the fingers, but also give a hint to the user of the right position where fingers are supposed to hold the pen correctly.

The wrong pencil adolescents wrong sitting posture cause giving rise to a variety of problems that affect the health. The pen in contact with the finger dent not only more comfortable contact can also prompt people to the correct location of the finger to the correct hold.

The wrong pen-holding posture will cause th e young wrong sitting to cause all sorts of pr oblems, affect health.This pen in the finger c ontact with the local dent, not only of the co ntact is more comfortable, also can prompt people to the correct position of the fingers f rom and have the correct posture.就是这个了~~

The wrong pen-holding posture will cause the young wrong sitting to cause all sorts of problems, affect health. This pen in the finger contact with the local dent, not only of the contact is more comf...


The wrong pen-holding posture will cause the young wrong sitting to cause all sorts of problems, affect health. This pen in the finger contact with the local dent, not only of the contact is more comfortable, also can prompt people to the correct position of the fingers so as to have the correct posture. 以后,你可以用百度翻译:http://fanyi.baidu.com/translate


Incorrect positions of holding pens while writing can cause the wrong sitting position and further inflict various problems, including healthy problems. on this type of pen is there a concavity wher...


Incorrect positions of holding pens while writing can cause the wrong sitting position and further inflict various problems, including healthy problems. on this type of pen is there a concavity where the fingers should hold, not only it is comfortable to hold, it also reminds the user where to hold and help them to develop the correct holding position.非机译,望采纳!


Wrong grip pen posture can lead to teenagers wrong posture and cause all sorts of problems, the influence is healthy. This type of pen in the area where the fingers with a dent, not only contact more ...


Wrong grip pen posture can lead to teenagers wrong posture and cause all sorts of problems, the influence is healthy. This type of pen in the area where the fingers with a dent, not only contact more comfortable, but also can suggest the fingers of the right place and the right grip pen posture.


英语翻译错误的握笔姿势会导致青少年错误的坐姿从而引发各种问题,影响健康.这款笔在与手指接触的地方有凹痕,不仅使接触时更舒服,还可以提示人们手指的正确位置从而有正确的握笔姿势 怎么纠正9岁大的孩子错误写字、握笔姿势! 愁死了! 换正确的握笔姿势需要多长时间?我从小学开始一直用错误的握笔姿势写字 已经8年了 一直想换握笔姿势 请问换一个正确的握笔姿势大约需要多长时间? 割裂运动静止关系会导致的错误 青少年睡觉的正确姿势 写字看书的姿势不正确会导致什么 因为英语语法,导致理解错误的例子 割裂感性认识和理性认识的辩证关系,为什么会导致唯理论和经验论的错误 英语翻译可不要有错误之类的!会尴尬的!呼呼! 夸大运动的绝对性,否认相对静止会导致什么错误? 英语翻译不要错误的翻译 由于人类的错误行为导致自然破坏的故事 我从小拿笔姿势就不对,手上都起了老茧所以我就想改正握笔姿势.买了握笔器后字写的非常慢,边写边感觉很别扭,字也写得歪歪扭扭的.反而我错误的拿笔姿势字写的还不错,该怎么办好? 导致左倾错误的原因是什么?(列条) 哪些错误的操作能导致试管炸裂 哪些错误的操作能导致试管炸裂? 英语翻译再求该句的语法或者单词错误导致的意思改变的一个翻译 青少年为什么要注意正确的坐立行的姿势