some people wait their turn,but not me翻译成中文是什么意思呢
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 07:51:50
some people wait their turn,but not me翻译成中文是什么意思呢
some people wait their turn,but not me翻译成中文是什么意思呢
some people wait their turn,but not me翻译成中文是什么意思呢
some people wait their turn, but not me翻译成中文是什么意思呢
some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习
some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机
some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗
some people give their lives/有的人献出生命
they wanna hold you back,tell'em pee off/他们想让你临阵脱逃,让他们闭上臭嘴
whenever they say you can't,take the T off/要是有人说你做不到,你得把当中的“不字”去掉
I remember when they told me I couldn't be famous/我还记得他们曾说过我根本成不了名
now my dream and reality is simultaneous/而现在我的梦想已然成为了现实
and work your own way to the top/要是想要达到成功之巅的话得自己去努力
if they put you on a pedestal they can take you off/如果是人民把你推上王位那他们一样可以把你给拽下来
and there's a higher level than the top/而且一山更有一山高
you gotta make more,don't do with what you got/你必须继续努力,不要沾沾自喜
yeah,so go and get it in sunny/耶,保持阳光心态追逐你的梦想
not everybody gets a second chance at getting money/并不是每一个人都能拥有第二次赚钱机会
or even getting lucky so you gotta feel/甚至有的人一生也就幸运那么一次,所以你必须
the hunger in your tummy/必须感触你内心的那份饥渴
I'm always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限
making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先
you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力
some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习
some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机
some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我
I was born a champion/因为我生来就是个冠军
some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗
some people give their lives/有的人献出生命
some people don't believe/有的人就是不相信
but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 X3
uh,this gon be the realest shit I ever wrote/啊...这段写过的歌里TM最为真实的一段
off the record,no camera's,forget a quote/不宜公开报道,也别拍照,更别引用我要说的话
some of my family doing good,most doing dope/我的亲戚中有的过得不错,但大多都靠贩毒发家
I from Verginia where they used to hangin nigga by rope/我来自弗吉尼亚,曾经无数黑鬼在这儿被奴隶主绞死
I used to see my momma getting beat down/我曾亲眼看着我妈妈遭人毒打
is that the real definition of me now/难道现在的我真的已经变成了当年的打手
I fell off,back on my feet now/我摔了一大跤,但现在我又重新站了起来
headed to the sky,can't even see down/我正飞向蓝天,甚至不能再往下看
award shows,I poured my heart out/在颁奖典礼上,我用全身心来表演
and people still steady trynna point my flaws out/但人们却还是乐衷于不断挑我的小毛病
and I'd be lying if I said it ain't get to me/要是说这些我都无所谓,那我就是在撒谎
but I'm a champion,legend,hi-hi-history/但关键是,我是个冠军,我将成为传奇,缔造新的历史
I'm always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限
making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先
you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力
some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习
some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机
some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我
I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军
some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗
some people give their lives/有的人献出生命
some people don't believe/有的人就是不相信
but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军
but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 wants to help/好.没有人愿意伸出援手
I guess you are on your own/所以我想你全都得靠自己
build a foundation with the bricks they throw/用他们向你扔来的板砖铸造坚实的地基
in a black and white world,ture colors show/在这个黑白的世界,用心的色彩装点
change if you want,everybody grows/你可以做点改变,因为人人都会长大
life's like an ill,but try and get a hold/生活像一场病,但你得努力治好他
opinions ain't fact,take em and let em go/人们的想法并不代表事实,听后就不用再在意
you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力
some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习
some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机
some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我
I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军
some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗
some people give their lives/有的人献出生命
some people don't believe/有的人就是不相信
but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军