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Purpose:To enable Ss to know some daily newspapers in Britain and the United States.
Ask some questions to arouse Ss’interest to know foreign newspapers..
Q1.How many foreign newspapers do you know? What are they?
Q2.Have you ever read them before? If so,what is your feeling about that?
Q3.Do you have some foreign newspapers or magazines?
2.Pair work
Ask Ss to read the passage and try to complete the following chart:
Types of the press Characteristics Examples .
3.Individual work
Ask Ss to read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).
(1)The quality press is more serious.( )
(2)You can know about famous pop stars in a popular newspaper.( )
(3)You can find large headlines and a lot of big photographs in The Times.( )
(4)The Sun is the most successful quality newspaper in Britain.( )
(5)ne New York Times is produced in New York.( )
4.Group work
Let Ss say which kind of newspaper they like best and say why.Show some expressions to help them if necessary.
For your reference:
(1)I think/believe.../In my opinion,…
(2)I like/love/enjoy...
(3)It’S funny,useful,interesting…
(4)It has got good articles/photographs.
(5)It is full of information about my favourite pop star/sports/computer games.
Step 3.Function and Everyday English
Function and Everyday English部分列举了表示“相信与不相信”及一些日常用语的句子,使学生在一定的语境下理解、学习和掌握语言,并鼓励学生大胆表达自己的喜好.
(Purpose:To enable Ss to know how to express the belief and disbelief.)
1.Individual work
Ask Ss to read the conversation on P48 and underline the sentences showing belief and disbelief.

Expressing belief Expressing disbelief
(1)There’S some interesting evidence.
(2)Yes,it’S quite possible.
(3)You never know.Stranger things have happened.
(1)You don’t believe in…,do you?
(2)I can’t believe you said that!
(3)I don’t believe a word of it! It’s a crazy idea!
(4)You must be joking!
(5)It simply isn’t possible.
(6)You can’t be serious!
2.Pair work :Do activity2 on page48:
Complete the conversation with expressions of belief or disbelief just learnt.
3.Group work
Ask Ss to think of a topic by themselves,and use the expressions of belief or disbelief to make a dialogue with their partners.
For your reference:
(1)A:A famous actor stole money from a beggar? You can’t be serious!
B:Well,I read it from the newspaper.
(2)A:It is said that some UFOs were flying over Shaoguan area last night.
B:Oh.come on.I can’t believe what you said.
A:But it’s possible.
Step 4.Homework
1.Ask Ss to review the words they have learnt in this period.
2.Preview Vocabulary and Reading in this module.

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