
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 12:20:33

however,international oil prices,the oil and gas on the economic pillar of the international balance of payments situation in Chad has relatively large negative impact.Chad expect the international community continue to increase the support and assistance of Chad,Chad's commitment to effective implementation of assistance to help Chad improve capacity for independent development

However,the international market in oil prices of oil and gas for economic pillar of Chad's international payments have bigger impact.Chad expect the international community to Chad continue to increase the support and help,earnestly implement the aid of Chad's commitment to help Chad ascension independent development capabilities

However, the international market of oil prices, oil and natural gas to the economic pillar of Chad's international balance of payments situation is relatively large. Chad expect the international com...


However, the international market of oil prices, oil and natural gas to the economic pillar of Chad's international balance of payments situation is relatively large. Chad expect the international community to continue its efforts to help and support of Chad, the practical implementation of aid commitments of Chad, to help improve the ability of independent development of Chad.


However, the price decline of International oil market, has caused an negetive impact on Chad's international balance of payment.Chad's economy pilliar is the revenue from oil and natural gas. Chad ho...


However, the price decline of International oil market, has caused an negetive impact on Chad's international balance of payment.Chad's economy pilliar is the revenue from oil and natural gas. Chad hopes the international community will expand their support and aid to it, and fullfil their promise, so as to improve Chad's self developing competence.


however, international oil prices has dropped ,It has brought side effect on the international balance of payments in Chad which relys on the oil and gas as its ecomical pillar, Chad expects the ...


however, international oil prices has dropped ,It has brought side effect on the international balance of payments in Chad which relys on the oil and gas as its ecomical pillar, Chad expects the international community continue to increase its support and assistance to Chad and fulfil its commitment to help Chad to improve capacity to develop independently.


英语翻译然而,国际市场石油价格下跌,对以石油和天然气为经济支柱的乍得的国际收支状况有比较大的负面影响.乍得期望国际社会继续加大对乍得的支持和帮助,切实履行援助乍得的承诺,以 材料 石油,被誉为现代经济的黑色血液,石油价格关系到经济发展,社会稳定和人民生活.2010年以来,国际市场石油价格大幅度上涨,国内石油供求矛盾比较突出,成品油价格的大幅上扬对城市公 国际市场 面对当前国际市场石油价格上升趋势,我国应采取的积极能源政策有 A、不断提高煤在我国能源消费构成中的比面对当前国际市场石油价格上升趋势,我国应采取的积极能源政策有 A、不断提高 假如国际市场石油价格暴涨,哪些国家将或地区将受到严重损失?假如国际市场石油价格暴涨,哪些国家将或地区将受到严重损失?哪些国家和地区将大受其利?举出三个国家并说明理由. 然而,英语翻译 英语翻译夫贤者以感……然而已乎! 英语翻译展望未来,我们将一如既往地秉承“以技术为核心、以质量为保证”的经营理念,立足国内,面向国际市场,昂首迈向新的征程! 英语翻译然而,这将对我不公平注:请勿机翻啊 假如国际市场石油价格暴跌,哪些国家或地区将受到严重损失?哪些国家或地区将大受其利?举出三个国家的名字并说明理由. 西亚为什么对全球石油价格有着重要的影响 石油价格的波动对西亚经济有什么影响? 英语翻译:我公司正准备投身到国际市场. 假如国际市场石油价格暴跌,哪些国家或地区将受到严重损失?哪些国家或地区将大受其利?说明理由.假如国际市场石油价格暴跌,哪些国家或地区将受到严重损失?哪些国家或地区将大受其利?举 英语翻译诸侯危社稷,则变置.牺牲即成,粢盛既洁,祭祀以时,然而旱干水溢,则变置社稷. 英语翻译“凡民有血气之性,则翘然而思有以上人”怎么翻? 近年来国际市场石油价格一直这上涨 请分析哪些国家或地区大获其利?哪些国家遭受损失?请各举出三个国家的名称并说明理由 英语翻译自然界和人类社会是一个色彩纷呈的世界,各种事物都以不同的色彩存在.借助于色彩,人们由表及里,由浅入深地观察着大千世界.这是人类认识世界的一条重要途径,然而,我们对色彩本