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外研版英语七年级下Module 8 My past life
Unit 1单元教案
教学内容:Unit One I was born in a small village.
教学目标 :
2.能用be动词的过去式来 表述个人过去的生活,并能询问别人的过去的经历.
1. 让学生掌握be动词的过去式.
2. 记牢本单元的新词汇.
3. 练习含有be动词过去式的句型.21世纪教育网
1.本单元要求掌握的词汇: past, was, were, be born, founder, scientist, professor, strict, nice, friendly, naughty, primary school, well-behaved, hey, province.
2. 本单元要求掌握的句型:
1)Where were you born? I was born in a small village.
2)What was he like? He was naughty.
3)What was the name of…….?
4)Were you born in Shanghai? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
教学准备:a tape recorder
Step one:
1.Greeting each other.
2.Tell the students: Today we’ll talk about our hometown first.
T: My hometown i s Guanqiao. Tell me what was the name of your hometown.
S: My hometown is ……. ( 学生模仿老师的句子).
The students practise between each other like this:
A: What was the name of your hometown?
B: It was ……..
After the students can speak this dialogue well, then tell them:
My hometown is Guanqiao, that means :
I was born in Guanqiao. ( Let the students g uess the meaning of this sentence )
Tell them the meaning “ was born” and why we use “ was” here.
be ------- was, were
3.Let the students learn to say : I was born in …….
4.After the students are familiar with “ I was born in …..”,
T: Were you born in Guanqiao?
S: Yes, I was. I was born in Guanqiao.
No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t born in Guanqiao. I was born in ……
( If the students don’t know the answer, we can help them answer ).
Now the students can practise the question and the negative:
Were you born in……? Yes, I was. I was born in ……
No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t born in…..
5.T: Were you born in Guanqiao ?21世纪教育网
S: No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t born in Guanqiao.21世纪教育网
T: Where were you born?
S: I was born in ……..
Then the students can make dialogues like this:
A: Where were you born ?
B: I was born in ……..
(教学反思: 每个人都有自己的家乡,也都爱自己的家乡, 所以本部分从学生们熟悉的家乡入手, 容易引起学生的兴趣. 通过本部分的学习和操练,让学生掌握以下内容:
1)What was the name of your hometown?
2)Were you born in ……..?
Yes, I was . I was born in ……….
No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t born in ……..
3)Where were you born?
I was born ……..
Step two:
Now we are in a middle scho ol. We are not in a primary school.
(explain the meaning of “a primary school” )
So this is not your first school.
T: What was the name of your first school?
S: It was ……..
T: Who was your first Chinese teacher?
S: My first Chinese teacher was Miss / Mr ……
T: Who was your firs t friend?
S: My first friend was ……..
T: Do you like your first teacher? / first friend?
S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: What is his character?
( Tell them the meaning of “ character” and show them some words to describe one’s character like this: friendly, naughty, nice, strict, well-behaved )
T: Now tell me what your character is.
What are you like?
S: I am ………
T: What is he / she like?
S: He / She is ………
The students ask each other about their character.
T: Now you are friendly . Were you friendly at the primary school?
S: Yes, I was. I was friendly.
No, I wasn’t. I was very naughty.
Now the students ask about their character when they were at the primary school.
Dialogue One: A: Were you …………?[来源:21世纪教育网]
B: Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t.
Dialogue Two: A: What were you like at the primary school ?
B: I was …………
A: Who was your first Chinese teacher?
B: What was he like?
A: He was ………
Step Three:
Now open the books. Let the students look at the pictures of Activity One : Ask them the following questions:
1. T: Who is this?
S: He is Bill Gates.
T: What does he do ?
S: He is the founder of Microsoft.
T: Where was he born?
S: He was born in the USA.
T: What is he like?21世纪教育网
S: He is ……..
2.T: Who is this ?
S: This is Yuan Longping.
T: What does he do ?
S: He is a Chinese scientist.
T: Where was he born?
S: He was born in China.
T: What is he like?
S: He is ………
3.T: Who is this?
S: He is Stephen Hawking.
T: What does he do?
S: He is a professor of Cambridge University.
T: Where was he born?
S: He was born in England.
T: What is he like?
S: He is ……
Now match the photos with the sentences.
(第三部分讨论的人物都是世界上著名的人物,对学生来说 也是比较熟悉.在复习前两部分的句型基础 上,再学习部分新的单词.)
Step Four:
Now look at Activity Two: Listen to the tape and match the questions and the answers.
Activity Three: Answer the questions in Activity 2.
( 书本上的 Activity 2 and Activity 3 的 问题都是前面所学的内容,所以这两部分可以说是一边复习, 一边巩固所学的知识.)
Step Five:
Look at A ctivity Four :
1.First just listen to the tape without looking at their books, and answer the following questions:
1)Who are the people in the dialogue?
2)Where was Lingling born?
3)Where was Tony born?
2.Now look at their books and listen to the tape again:
After that , do exercise in Activity Five. Choose the correct answer to each question.
3.Students read the dialogue, and remember some phrases:
1)in a small village in Shanx i Province.
2)be strict with sb.
3)be friendly to sb
4)be well-behaved / naughty
Step Six:
Activity Six and Activity Seven.