
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/13 04:45:46


2.The different between party in a city and a party in a village :
first ,the party in a city always cost a lot of money ,but a party in a village always very cheap .Than ,a party in a city always have foods,drinks and fun things to do ,but a party in a village not always have foods ,sometimes they only have music and peoples !
3.A bad trip in my life ,bad trip means sometimes you don't have enough money to play ,or to buy foods ,but mine is :don't have any time to play .a beautiful day ,I got there ,but look at the time ,already time to go ,but we just got there ,we didn't even walk around ,but still we don't have time ,I think it the worst trip I've ever had !
4.The worst news I've ever read is when it April 14th ,Qinghai got a bad news which is there is a 7.1 earthquake in Qinghai ,there is a lot of people that are dead ,so let hope that they can all be strong ,be good !
5.A funny story named "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ,the story is about a little boy who lived in a little village ,there is a lot of sheeps in this little village ,the boy take these sheep out and take care of them ,but one day ,he got an idea ,to cried wolfs and make fun of these adlut who keep the wolf away from the sheeps,he cried "Wolf!" ,the people come and help him ,but there is nothing happened ,the boy cried wolf again and again .Suddenly ,there is a real wolf ,but these time ,no one is going to help him !Because no one will believe a liar ,even he is telling the truth !
6.Scenice:Scenice is a amazing object ,because ,when you are doing scenice it might be dangrous ,but it a lot of fun doing scenice ,you can image everything that might happened ,but scenice is you must find out ,no guessing ,only find out ,you have to use your eyes ,nose ,hands ,mind ,fingers ,mouth ,youhave to use everything in you body ,that why scenice is a amazing object !

我只有中文的题目,需要用英语描述出来,是口语考题,只有两天准备时间了,实在是急得不行了英语又不好,希望英语好的朋友们帮帮忙~万分感激~只要能说2分钟或者2分钟以上就行了.我只有30分 我需要一篇题目是 【我爱英语】的中文短篇作文.大约是 我的PPT打不出中文,只有英语,有什么解决方法啊?输入法已经是中文了,就是在PPT里打不出来 用英语介绍人的作文怎么写?第一,描述自己.第二,描述我的老师,她是个女的,第三,描述我的朋友,记得写上中文. 英语作文:描述自己的老师.我的语文老师是男的,挺幽默的,对我们很好.讲课很幽默,虽然不高,看上去很精神.各位帮忙写一篇英语作文,词数80嘛,中文也要写出来. 我需要的的英语全部的元音和辅音..把音标和(中文的念法)写出来>.我需要的的英语的元音和辅音.我需要的是全部.把音标和(中文的念法)写出来>.如果准确的话.我会加30分如果写的特别 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下,这个是我论文的题目,需要用英语标题! The fat怎么念 用中文念出来.因为我认不到英语,我知道是胖子的意思. 我需要RTA所有唱过的歌,能不能有些英文歌把中文也翻译出来,本人英语不好. 急求英语辩论赛材料辩论题目是经济发展和环境保护哪个更重要,我需要的是经济发展更重要这方面的材料,最好是英语的,中文的观点也可以, How are you怎么读吖,用中文和拼音拼出来哈,我不懂英语的音标,是么? 用英语描述自己小时候,超长的,主要写调皮方面嗯,题目是也可以写可爱方面的,外貌方面我已经写了~ could we take photo together!请翻译下意思,并用中文发音写出来,我的意思是用中文文字,写出英语的发音, 麻吉弟弟 I NEED YOU英文帮哈我用中文搞出来哈`不是中文意思,是用中文把英语的音翻译出来哈``谢谢哈` 英语描写猫的外貌,要短些,但不要只有两三句,中文也要写出来 描述我和我的同桌的英语作文带中文 用英语描述我的家乡 用英语描述我的家乡:呼和浩特