
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 06:53:07


Combined with the actual,continuous tube outer diameter 50.8 mm,for example,calculation and analysis for carbon dioxide in continuous tube and wellbore temperature,pressure,density and phase behavior with the change of depth.It is found that continuous tube temperature increases with well depth and rapidly rising carbon dioxide,well depth increased to 300 m,the tube temperature of carbon dioxide and formation temperature is close to,then increases with well depth synchronization with formation temperature,in open hole section and formation temperature difference between the minimum; Ring carbon dioxide in the air temperature distribution in the changing law is similar to the continuous tube,temperature slightly higher than the same depth of continuous tube temperature.Continuous tube is greatest carbon dioxide density in the well's mouth,then with the increase of well depth,co2 density decreases sharply first,after reaching a certain depth,reduce the amplitude is stable,to enter.

( Results ) : with reality, to 50.8mm outside diameter coiled tubing , for example, calculation and analysis of the carbon dioxide in the coiled tubing and wellbore temperature , pressure, density and...


( Results ) : with reality, to 50.8mm outside diameter coiled tubing , for example, calculation and analysis of the carbon dioxide in the coiled tubing and wellbore temperature , pressure, density and phase changes with depth situation. The results showed that : a continuous tube of carbon dioxide and temperature increases with depth increased rapidly after the depth to 300m, that is close to the temperature of the inner tube of carbon dioxide with the formation temperature , and subsequently synchronize together with the formation temperature increases with depth , in the openhole formation temperature difference with the minimum ; ring carbon dioxide in the air with a continuous variation of the temperature distribution inside the tube is similar to the same depth value is slightly higher than the temperature of the continuous tube temperature. Continuous pipe at the wellhead at the highest density of carbon dioxide and subsequently as depth increases, the density of carbon dioxide decreases sharply at first , after reaching a certain depth , reducing the amplitude stabilized, after entering the naked eye segment , reducing the amplitude increases slightly ; Central air carbon dioxide density variation and continuous tube is similar, but the same deep wells, Central air carbon dioxide density value is less than the density of carbon dioxide a continuous tube . Continuous pressure with depth of the tube increases, but the increase is gradually reduced ; along the annulus when the carbon back , constantly reducing the pressure change rate than in the continuous pipe pressure change , the same depth , the air pressure of carbon dioxide in the ring will have less than a continuous tube ; wellhead back pressure drop and drills were 6.27MPa and 0.94MPa. Liquid carbon dioxide into the wellbore , a supercritical state at the depth of 450m and to maintain the supercritical state to the bottom ; in the back section of the annulus , carbon dioxide, temperature, and pressure began to decrease depth of 450m at its supercritical state by a phase shift of liquid , with the depth decreases, a gradual transition to carbon dioxide gas-liquid two-phase , until the return of the wellhead . Louisiana State University and the study conducted a comparative analysis . Under the same conditions, the model established in this paper show that when the carbon dioxide into a supercritical state 572m , it reports the results show the critical depth of 670m; mainly the differences between the two is established in the article transfer model considers the downhole Effect of changes in temperature and pressure of the heat transfer efficiency of the carbon dioxide , which is much closer to the real conditions. Google翻译结果,自己慢慢完善,我一直这么做的,哈哈哈


Combined with the actual, continuous tube outer diameter 50.8 mm, for example, calculation and analysis for carbon dioxide in continuous tube and wellbore temperature, pressure, density and phase beha...


Combined with the actual, continuous tube outer diameter 50.8 mm, for example, calculation and analysis for carbon dioxide in continuous tube and wellbore temperature, pressure, density and phase behavior with the change of depth. It is found that continuous tube temperature increases with well depth and rapidly rising carbon dioxide, well depth increased to 300 m, the tube temperature of carbon dioxide and formation temperature is close to, then increases with well depth synchronization with formation temperature, in open hole section and formation temperature difference between the minimum; Ring carbon dioxide in the air temperature distribution in the changing law is similar to the continuous tube, temperature slightly higher than the same depth of continuous tube temperature. Continuous tube is greatest carbon dioxide density in the well's mouth, then with the increase of well depth, co2 density decreases sharply first, after reaching a certain depth, reduce the amplitude is stable, to enter.


英语翻译(结果):结合实际,以外径50.8mm连续管为例,计算分析了二氧化碳在连续管和井筒内温度、压力、密度和相态随井深的变化情况.结果发现:连续管内二氧化碳温度随井深增大而迅速 10个外径为1m的钢管以如图方式堆放,为了防雨,需要……?10个外径为1m的钢管以如图方式堆放,为了防雨,需要搭建防雨棚,这个防雨棚的高度最低应为多少米?(结果保留小数点后一位)答案:h=2r 英语翻译如题这句话用于书信开头,请结合实际翻译 外径千分尺哪里有修理(上海) 结合实际,举例说明一系列生态灾难(50字) 请结合实际意识能动反作用的种种形式?(举例) 求孝心征文(结合实际),明天就交了! 要结合实际 以知 长度800(MM)外径110(MM)的尼龙棒重量是7.8KG 那么1000(MM)是多重 结合实际谈谈对德育过程中 晓之以理,动之以情,持之以恒,导之以行 的理解 社会学概论论述题 结合实际谈谈如何处理集体行为(以群体性行为事件为例) 有内径、外径、壁厚的圆柱体体积内径25MM,外径34MM,长1000MM,壁厚4.5MM,请给出具体结果和公式, 结合实际,就教育或就业问题谈谈我国如何加快推进以改善以改善民生为重点的社会建设? 试论述儒家“为政以德”的德治论.并结合实际谈谈对当前“以德治国”方略的认识 给XXX的一封信在你的家庭中,父母对你的教育是重鼓励还是重批评,或者严爱相济?请你结合实际给自己的父母写一封信,要说真心话!(以信的格式写) 无缝钢管的理算公式0.02466*壁厚*(外径-壁厚)计算出来的结果与用体积密度公式不一样,体积密度公式计算式:πh(R^2-r^2)x7.85,计算时单位换算一样, 一个空心钢球的质量是142,外径是5CM,求它的内径(钢球的密度是7.9G/CM,结果精确到0.1CM) 10个外径为1m的钢管一如图方式堆放,为了防雨,需要搭建防雨棚,这个防雨棚的高度最低应为多少米(结果保留小数点后一位)注:山字形堆放