Explain how sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective,take Ipad for example
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 18:58:08
Explain how sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective,take Ipad for example
Explain how sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective,take Ipad for example
Explain how sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective,take Ipad for example
how sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective?or how sales strategy of a product is revised in line with corporate objective itself?
that is,how sales strategy of ipad is revised in line with corporate objective itself?
要说2010年在中国市场最出尽风头的公司,莫过于苹果.iphone 4的一机难求,ipad的时尚新颖,均受到国内众多的“苹果粉”们热捧.今年开年,ipad 2面世,乔布斯亲临发布现场,再度掀起一股苹果热潮.
退还差价 苹果“收买人心”
苹果公司的ipd 2上市,让很多之前已经出手ipad的人大呼冤枉,花了更多的钱,却买了个相对落后的产品,尤其是那些在ipad 2上市前一两天买的,那简直是比窦娥还要冤.但是乔布斯一声令下,苹果公司“做出了一个艰难的决定”,给之前买ipad的客户退还差价,这一举措,再次引起欢呼声.这是“收买顾客”的重要性.
产品系列 苹果“连锁经营”
身为一名资深的“苹果迷”,ipod、iphone、ipad等一个都不能少,但是ipod,就得有nano、shuffle、touch好几种,iphone更是已经从1代发展到了今天的iphone 4,产品系列生产,让喜欢苹果产品的人欲罢不能,目不暇接.这是产品系列生产的益处.
苹果公司的iphone 4自上市以来,一直都是非常的紧俏,不仅各经销商一直处于缺货的状态,就连苹果自身的网店都因在线人数过多而险些瘫痪.有人指出,苹果这是采取的“饥饿销售法”策略.所谓饥饿销售法,是将生产规模严格控制在比市场容量小20%—30%的范围内,它是一种有意识的压缩产量以达到产品畅销为目的的销售策略.苹果如此做法,大大提升了iphone 4热度的持续性.因为苹果一向有那种“一览众山小”的地位.
so this is my answer:Apple's sales strategy is revised in line with corporate objective because of "refund the difference ","product chain"and"hunger sales".
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