书《The road to chlifa》有中文版么?我的英语作业是要读一本全英文的书名叫:The road to chlifa.这本书有中文版的么?大致剧情是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:11:34

书《The road to chlifa》有中文版么?我的英语作业是要读一本全英文的书名叫:The road to chlifa.这本书有中文版的么?大致剧情是什么?
书《The road to chlifa》有中文版么?
我的英语作业是要读一本全英文的书名叫:The road to chlifa.这本书有中文版的么?大致剧情是什么?

书《The road to chlifa》有中文版么?我的英语作业是要读一本全英文的书名叫:The road to chlifa.这本书有中文版的么?大致剧情是什么?
http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/13485184.html 这个是简介 = = .顺便问一下lz是读eslD的么. 补充: 这是一本关於战争背景下的生於死的书简单讲下书里面说了些什麼 倒叙 手法开头的一个 黎巴嫩 男孩Karim刚刚到达montreal 他异於他人的沉默和他 沙漠王子 的气质引起了很多人的注意他生活在众人的 注目 中,但是他不喜欢这样的生活“that's all I wanted--isolation, indefference and invisibility--on my first day in this hellhole called a high school" "i hate this school, i hate this city. i hate this life." 他在想为什麼来到这里”what am i doing in this country?" 他的好朋友让他想想有什麼好的事情并让他make a list of 21 things he likes 但是他觉得完全没有"I'm sure I'd never find twenty-one things to like in this god-awful country." 有一天他为了帮一个女孩子被一群男孩子用 瑞士军刀 刺伤了他看到他们调戏她於是他冲了上去伤势严重(Three-quarters of an inch farther and it would have been all over, my boy) 在病床上他反复做著同样的梦(the one on the mountain, after the cry, when I'm running, not knowing what to expect.) 他开始回想在战乱中的黎巴嫩的那段日子他爱上了一个女孩,所以不愿意和家人一起离开一天炸弹击中了女孩的家女孩和家人死了只剩下一个12岁的小妹妹Maha和一个 婴儿 Jad.(Mechanically, Karim follows her into the shelter. All of a sudden, he feels so tired. Dizzy almost. Empty of all emotion.) Maha是个很有性格的女孩,不被邻居喜欢,邻居计划送jad去别的地方,於是Maha决定带著Jad去Chlifa Maha告诉Karim这个地方是她父 母本 打算带她们去投靠的地方,现在她一个人带著jad也一定要去到.於是Karim答应陪伴他一起去一路上她们经过了很多很多很多很多很多很多的困难战乱中要从一个Muslim的地方穿越中间Christian的地方去到另一个Muslim的地方困难可想而知他们都克服了甚至还抓了头 黑山羊 一路他们讨论很多关於 宗教 ,关於各自,关於Nada,关於嫉妒,关於 自卑 ,关於梦想,关於谎言於真实虽然充斥著危险但也看上去颇为开心在就要到达chlifa的时候只有一天的路程的时候发生了一件事情 Karim早上醒来发现自己睡在Maha的身上,双手在她的胸上 羞耻 的感觉於是Karim道歉并说这事情永不会再发生但是Maha却敏感地说“why did you pull away from me with such horror? Are my breasts that awful? If they'd been Nada's breasts, would you have looked so disgusted?" Karim突然无法忍受Maha的嫉妒了,竟然脱口而出一句伤人的话"What breasts? You don't even have breasts." Maha於是说了"Do you want to know what Nada wrote about the kiss you gave her? 'Not bad, but not as exciting as Rachad's. To tell the truth, Karim is perfect but a bit boring. Too bad, he does have nice eyes.'" 这是一段彼此伤害的说话於是扎营的时候Karim说 我要一个 人走走我会很快回来在山顶的时候他想了很多他知道自己错了他想好了一定要道歉.(Suddenly, Karim can't wait to be back with Maha. He's impatient to talk to her, clear up any misunderstanding. He needs her smile, her forgiveness, her true, open friendship.) 但是他听到了一声惨叫.当他冲回去的时候看到半裸的Maha 脖子 上不停的流著血身体还 温热 著.他带著婴儿和Maha的 尸体 到达了Chlifa这个Maha拼著命也想要来的地方这就是故事开头他在病床上发梦的那个场景,Maha的被 奸杀 的,这也是为什麼他看到女孩被调戏的时候会冲上去其实看到这里的时候我已经觉得很惨的了.我受不了这种离胜利一步之遥的悲剧.埋葬了Maha在一棵很漂亮的树下战争中无数的人根本死无葬身之地的. Maha说的那个她要投靠的人其实很早就已经死了的 Karim想Maha又说了一个谎言但是他突然明白了真实和谎言之间的距离.他决定带著Jad去Montreal 他离开了葬著maha的地方 he will have to leave the juniper tree, tear himself away from this plot of earth where Maha will remain forever. 在montreal的时候他其实并没有释怀他觉得他要负责是他的导致了Maha的死一直到在病床上 苏醒 他自己经历了生死一直他和他所救的那个女孩聊天以后他了解了别人的苦难他才知道了他不是唯一的痛苦的人,他不是唯一的经历了苦难见过生死的人,他开始思考每日吞咽著痛苦的意义是什麼,他开始反省自己对他人的冷漠.接下来一段关於生死的更是打动人.生於死是自己的选择,真实於谎言不是绝对.看不透 生命的意义 ,但他决定要好好生活.生是为了记住那些已死的.将她们的生命告诉小Jad. (whether you live or die, it's your choice. To be or not to be, as Mr. Shakespeare said, I have no idea what he had in mind when he wrote those words, buth they seem to fit what I'm discovering. When I woke up in that hospital, I was almost sorry I wasn't dead. Now I look back on that almost as a form of cowardice. I don't like that word. Who decides what is or isn't cowardice? Or what courage is? Or what to admire? You were right, Maha. Sometimes now, I, too, feel like I could say the opposite of what I'm saying, and it would be just as true. It tends to complicate things a bit but doesn't make them any less interesting. Actually, it even tends to make them more interesting. Where was I? Living or dying. In fact, for six months I was almost more like the living dead. I couldn't make up my mind. I tried to live cut off from others, memories, nightmares and remorse, cut off from life. It couldn't last.) (I still don't know why we're alive. Maybe I'll never know. But it seems to me we don't have the right to let ourselves die. If only out of respect for all those who die but wanted to live. For now, that's reason enough for me. I choose to live because Maha and Nada are dead. And their parents, their Aunt Leila and all the others I don't know. I choose to live so their deaths haven't been in vain, so they won't just taken his first steps, and there's nothing more incredible than a baby's first steps. Oh, Maha, Maha, you didn't even see Jad take his first step!) 出院以后他开始了他的“生活”Life goes on. Almost like before. But that"almost" makes a world of difference. 他列出了他所喜欢的21样事情.很开心故事这样结局了.很高兴Karim终於找到了生活的意义.为了那些死去的要好好生活 补充: 姐姐是Nada,妹妹是Maha(我老搞错...)男主喜欢姐姐,妹 妹喜 欢男主(三角恋),后来先死的是姐姐(在战争中),妹妹和男主和妹妹的弟弟逃到Chlifa...在逃跑的过程中,男主发现自己貌似喜欢上了妹妹,后来由于争吵,男主赌气出去,结果回来后发现妹妹下 半身 流血赤裸着死掉了(虽然没说是 奸杀 ,但是白痴都知道的说 = = ...) 这个是过程,就是他做梦的.(其实还没看这本书的时候有esl学哥学 姐告 诉我们其中有 18禁 镜头 ,当然这是夸 张说 法.但是这本书还是激起了咱班 童鞋 们阅读的兴趣啊~~~~~~) 上面这段话是自己打的.有啥剧情错了别来找我啊哈哈~~~~o(∩_∩)o ~~~ By:Su