
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:31:24

得知了你租的土地即将被收回,我很为你担忧.同时,我也十分的理解你的犹豫和矛盾.不过我要告诉你,你依然是幸运的.因为最混乱和艰难的时期已经过去了.在经过所有人的努力下,我们已经和FRIST NATIONS 和解了,虽然我们双方的关系并不能算得上友好,不过已经可以好好相处了.
所以,移民到RED RIVER COLONY对你来说无疑是个最好的选择.这里有肥沃的土地,而你是个有丰富经验的FARMER.我保证你一定会在这里得到巨大的收获.
sincerely yours

Dear Cousin Frequs,
I'm very happy to recieve your letter.We have never met again for 5 years ever since I left Scottland in 1815.I miss our country and the time we grew up together in.
I've heard the land you've rented will be taken back soon,and I'm very worried.Also,I understand your hesitations and contradictions.But I have to tell you,you're still lucky,because the most chaotic and difficult time has passed.We have reached peace successfully with the First Nations after all the hard-work everyone has done.Although we do not share friendship,we are able to get along now.
Therefore,migrating to Red River Colony is the best choice for you with no doubt.There's rich soil,and you're an experience farmer.I guarantee you'll have huge success living here.
I hope you'll move here soon,and start a new life with everyone together!

Dear Ferqus brother:

Dear Brother Ferqus,
Very happy to receive your letter.Since I left Scotland in 1815, we have not seen each other for 5 years. I miss you and the time we spend toghter when we are growing up.


Dear Brother Ferqus,
Very happy to receive your letter.Since I left Scotland in 1815, we have not seen each other for 5 years. I miss you and the time we spend toghter when we are growing up.
I am worried about you because I hear the news that your rented land will be took back. Meanwhile, I understand your hesitation and contradictious situation.But I want to tell you that you are lucky,for the most chaotic and difficult time has passed. Under the effort of all, we have compromised with FRIST NATIONS. Although the relationship between us still cannot be called friendly,at least we can get on well with each other.
So, immigrating to RED RIVER COLONY is the best choice for you. There is fertile soil here, and since you are an experienced farmer, I promise you that you will gain a lot.
Looking forward for you coming. I believe that we will have a new and happy life together!
Your Sincerely,


英语翻译亲爱的Ferqus表哥:很高兴收到你的来信,自从1815年我离开苏格兰以后,我们已经有整整5年没有见面了.我十分怀念我们的故乡和我们一起成长的那段时光.得知了你租的土地即将被收回, 亲爱的,高兴点用英语怎么说 我很高兴的英语翻译 英语翻译亲爱的张小姐:很高兴收到你的邮件,我的目前月薪5000元,期望月薪8000元简历在附件中. 亲爱的英语翻译是什么? 亲爱的 英语翻译是什么 英语翻译亲爱的朋友们. (亲爱的,高兴点儿)用英语怎么说 亲爱的,高兴点儿!翻译成英语祈使句 你看上去很高兴的英语翻译 英语翻译我很高兴 英语翻译亲爱的朋友,很高兴在和你写信.我们是一年前的“姐弟”,今天虽然分离,但我还是在脑子里回响你以前的情景.希望你能有你的双手创造出你的辉煌! 用英语翻译这句话: 亲爱的朋友在这三年里.我很高兴有你的陪伴.你的关心,让我体验到了一种温暖的感觉.谢谢你我的朋友 英语翻译亲爱的,其实我一直在等待着你的来信,收到你的回信我很高兴,我叫张景琨,今年26岁,家里有父母和我妹妹,我来自中国的西部,现在的工作是室内装修.亲爱的,中国有句俗话叫有缘千里 英语翻译亲爱的先生,很高兴认识你,我是Elaine的朋友.现在我在上海外国语大学学习,得知你十一月要来中国,我很高兴也很期待.我希望你届时能提前告之行程安排,我们会到上海机场接你,然后 表哥的英文是什么? 表哥表妹的英文单词 英语翻译亲爱的老公:3月25号那天我们走到了一起,你英俊帅气,风度翩翩,你说你会照顾我,让我幸福,你不知道我当时心里有多么高兴.事实正是如此,你确实给了我幸福,和你在一起我很高兴,我